My new girlfriend enjoys tearing the legs off insects one by one. I'm pretty disturbed by this...

My new girlfriend enjoys tearing the legs off insects one by one. I'm pretty disturbed by this, but she says I'm overreacting because they're just insects. Am I right to be creeped out?

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Are you dating a 12 year old?

I'm 21 and she's 20.

user, you're dating a 12 year old in the body of a 20 year old.
Not only isn't it normal but it's an indicator that she has a fucked up thought process. I don't know about you but I wouldn't stick around to find out what other sadistic stuff she finds to be normal.

you're not wrong to be creeped out. She's literally going out of her way and enjoying torturing living things - insect or not. That kind of sick enjoyment can only escalate. Next it's going to be puppies. Run

Dump her; this bitch is either legit crazy or acting like that for attention and trying to be le "I'm not like the other girls, I'm edgy" stereotype. Don't waste your time on crazy people. She doesn't deserve your dick, user.

dude who cares its just a bug they cant feel pain anyway. if you say you didnt do this as a kid you're full of shit. why would you worry about it unless she moves onto hurting dogs or people

Sounds like she might has some issues upstairs. I wouldn't stay too long if I were you. Sooner or later her darker side will start coming out, and by then it might be too late. Do what you have to do with her and then leave, or not. Maybe I'm just overreacting too. I mean they're fucking bugs, but even then it just doesn't seem right.

OP, Give her the dick and get out of there. This is not someone you want to invest a relationship with.

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She is insane, run.

dump the bitch she's insane.

whats her number?
i want to hook up with this psycho

This. Used to tear the legs off those long legged spiders when I was a wee lad with my brother

It's not that fucked

Does she do it constantly in front of you or what?

>if you say you didnt do this as a kid you're full of shit

as if I needed more confirmation most "people" on 4CHANNEL are psychos

thats fucked

She's done it in front of me twice, though I know it's been a lifelong hobby of hers that she hides from most people. One was with a spider, the other a cricket. After ripping the cricket's legs off, she ripped its body in half because she said that crickets have so few legs that the fun would end too quickly otherwise.

Are you retarded?

Insects have a central nervous system and they feel pain, you people and OP's retard girlfriend are future serial killers with bottled up emotional problems.

OP's girlfriend is 20, so if she was to become a serial killer, she would have already done so, no? It's fairly rare to become a serial killer in one's 20s after the personality has been formed.

>inb4 she asks to cut your leg some to watch it bleed when she’s horny

I'm not even one of those weirdos that spends their days reading books about serial killers and shit but just the famous serial killers that I know of like Gacy and Bundy started killing (people) in their late 20s and early 30s.

I was also obviously sort of joking. Not everyone who tortures insects is 100% guaranteed to be a serial killer - but they are fucked in the head that's for sure especially if they're doing it as adults and not dumb kids who don't know any better.

She's fine.

Your girlfriend found your post OP, run

yeah it's not normal. If someone does it they don't have any empathy and are as bad as nazis

Fucking lol

I need a girlfriend like that. She'd be super fun to tease.
I'd call her Bug Hitler and ask if she wanted my Wehrmacht to decimate her stinky Frenchman. I'd sleep on the couch at least once for leaving a little paper Auschwitz on the table for her.

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Until the last sentence i thought it was alright but it made me lol.

Is she crazy in the sack as well?

Funny you should mention that. I told her when she was ripping the legs off the spider that what she was doing was sick, and she said "Oh? So would you rather me rip the legs off Clover?" (Clover being the name of my puppy) I backed off, and she said "That's what I thought, mothafucka" in this cute, playful, girly girl way. She's kind of the perky goth type, so she has a really nice sense of humor and is more charming than she realizes.

We've actually only had sex one time, last week. She started crying and clung to me, saying "Thank you for loving me" over and over again and that she's never been loved before. Her father was an angry drunkard who beat her sometimes, and her mother pimped her out when she was around 12 or 13 for some easy money since neither parent wanted to work.

she threatened to rip the legs off your puppy and you’re still asking if she’s psycho?



holy fuck there are so many red flags here i can’t imagine how you think its a good idea to stay with this crazy bitch. this isnt even cute crazy, its yandere “she’ll kill your dog and send you its head and probably try to kill you too if you ever try to break up” kind of crazy. fucking RUN.

Hitler loved animals, faggots. It was under the "ebil Nazis" that Germany became the first country in the world to ban vivisection.

>"Oh? So would you rather me rip the legs off Clover?" (Clover being the name of my puppy)
>goth type
>Her father was an angry drunkard who beat her sometimes,
>mom pimped her out when she was around 12 or 13
She is a walking DEFCON 1 red flag. What the fuck are you doing with her, you utter retard?

Jesus Christ. Why's everyone a fucking lifetime channel story these days?

She's fine, or at least, you're immune to the obvious problems.

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I wish I had a psycho gf, lucky

>tfw no psycho gf to ride me while cutting me open

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Humans are "animals" by definition.
He decisively did not love the animals he gassed, shot, starved, tortured, and buried namelessly.

But hey, the fucking cows liked him!

True, maybe I’m just this pathetically desperate for love but, I’d let some psycho girl cut me up some

dude, thats my fucking fetish.
i legit wouldn't mind dying while having sex with some hot ass crazy psycho

Well, the puppy thing was just some black humor, so I'll tolerate it (though it did make me angry). She does have a lot of redeeming qualities, like being a hard worker. She's going for a PhD so that she can rake in plenty of money if we ever have kids together, and a few semesters ago she worked so hard between school and her job that she fell sick and had to be hospitalized for a few days.

Holy shit the amount of normalfaggotry in this thread is astounding. Love your sweet girl op. Tell her she's a sick fuck but also tell her that you love her for it.

Oh, cry me a river, you know what I mean--animals are in general 'innocent', in a way humans are not.
He's hated so much because he lost.
Some US states still have gassing as a valid method of execution.
Hardly unique in history.
To be expected when you're under a blockade and full-scale strategic bombardment of cities, industry, and infrastructure. Look up "Rheinwiesenlager"--the Allies put the interned Wehrmacht soldiers in actual starvation conditions, even when they had the available supplies. Let's not even get started on the Soviets.
You mean like what the allies did when they wanted information? Or what the US still does in its black sites?

Whine all you want, and we can engage in tu quoque whataboutism all day, but the point stands that Hitler liked animals, and to argue otherwise is pure semantics.

>the cows liked him
A cow is better than a subversive. The cow is harmless, it eats grass and provides milk and meat, whereas the subversive is an active threat to society and the nation.

Like the others are saying this doesn't sound good but to be honest I think I'd fucking go for it. The greatest joy is to live dangerously.

>animals are in general 'innocent', in a way humans are not.
Only for a lack of invention. I've had more than a few animals eat their young on a whim and then decorate their nests with the faces.

Your Gaia cultism is even more alarming in the context of your Nazi apologia. But yeah, the child molestation victim with black humor and a disdain for insects is what's really troubling in this thread.

You're a clown.

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She sounds like a great bad idea. Go for it, and cherish every scar you pick up for your trouble.

> She started crying and clung to me, saying "Thank you for loving me" over and over again and that she's never been loved before.
Aww, that's adorable

I literally thought to myself yesterday about trapping a spricket and taking each leg off one by one. Then I shook my head and was like, holy shit what a dark disgusting thought what the fuck is wrong with me? I would never do that.

This thing about insects is a question in sociopathy tests. I would say you’re fucked.

Huh? Really? But most people don't really care about stepping on insects or killing bugs that come inside the house.

theres a big difference between killing a bug and torturing it