Sex-less relationship

Hey anons,

So there is this girl (22 yrs old) , I really like, I really think she is the one. Anyway, we have been together for a month. She is physically very shy. We had like one make out session last week but that is as far as we have been physically.
I am a virgin, I told her. She had 1 bf before me, and he cheated on her. I think she had sex before, but she didn't comment about her sex life when I shared mine.

Today, I was in her dorm, she was showing some of her cloths, I asked her to wear a cute one, she was reluctant then did it, but wore a blazer on top. I tried to take it off, but I was able to tell she was not into it so i stopped and just kissed her. We kissed couple more times and that was it.

Her loyalty is out of the question. She likes me, and even invited me to have Christmas dinner with her family, so I know she is taking this seriously.

The problem is, this will be a LDR in a month, so I want to move things further between us. I won't make her do anything she doesn't want to. But, how do I make her open up more?
I'm thinking I should plan something very romantic, and maybe she will feel that the mood is right? What are your takes anons?

Attached: when-youre-having-make-up-sex-and-start-thinking-about-what-10032791.png (500x735, 124K)

By together, I mean like, we're official.

Also, I have posted here couple of times, you may recognize some info!

Be with her for a little more while. Maybe a couple of years. Then propose. Then wedding. Then fuck her. Then impregnate her. Then raise kids. Then fuck her as many times in a week as you can. Then be a good dad.

Or you can just fuck her and dump her.

What's her name?

dude if you only been together a month LDR wont work.

but enjoy it while you can. defo go for the pump and dump. pump dat hoe with your seed.

How old are you?
Oh sure let me tell you her name, it's Sam.

Very shy girl, age 22, and named Sam. It might just be my paranoia, but I feel like I know who you're talking about....

Her name isn't Sam retard, I won't say her name on Jow Forums.

>been together for a month
>come have christmas with my family

what the fuck. this is your dick making decisions.

dont come crying back to me when im fucking righy and youre still a virgin. learn to respect your elders.

pump and dump, pump and dump, pump and dump. i guarantee you dude in a couple months she'll be about the same worth to you as a used condom.

> I really like her, I really think she is the one
> Haven't had sex with her

How am I thinking with my dick, SHE invited me!

and YOU said ok.
look sweetheart, i know this might be your first relationship since being out on your own, but meeting the parents, one month into it, without having explored the physical connection yet, is retarded.

i know you think youre exploring a deeper meaningful connection somehow that "others havent" or "wont", but youre not. youre rushing for any connection, so fuck it, meet the parents. you'll learn one way or another.

You really think there is such a thing as "The one"? It's all bullshit man. It's a silly games humans play to give more meaning to their lives. You'll be better of just using her for your sexual gratification, but beyond that is unnecessary. Do what you want. You'll learn eventually.

>but meeting the parents, one month into it, without having explored the physical connection yet, is retarded.

Why? Genuinely don't get :/

I have been in a relationship before, but it was with a christian girl that also wasn't down for sex. I can tell this is different.

> You'll be better off just using her for your sexual gratification
Unironically eat a bullet, degenerate.

It's not going to work out if it will become a LDR. Some girls just need more time to get comfortable enough around you, you can try the romantic thing but don't expect anything to come of it.

Thank you for being the only one who answered my question baka

don't mind me just bumping!

My take is that if you're going to be LDR in a month it's not worth the effort trying to pump her before she goes off. If your attempts at forcing her into sex when she wants to go slow goes bad she will get resentful as you're apart and she gets a lot of time to think about it alone. Just keep it to light petting/fondling/kissing and hope she decides she is ready during one of your visits later.
On the other hand you're a young dude so ofc you want to fuck here asap.

if it's going to turn into ldr i don't know how well this is going to be going for you, but you shouldn't be having sex with each other unless both of you are ready and want to be doing it, it sounds like you're trying to push it, not that you are but you're nearing it, be careful, talk it out, lay everything out without judgement then compare

Damn you two are actually right. I will do whatever she finds more comfortable it will be healthier on the long run!