For the first(?) time, the yellow vests hold rallies all over France on sunday too. Will there be riots or are cops tired? Let's find out.
Livestream Multiplex:
Yellow Vest Sunday
Other urls found in this thread:
Riots start probably between 2PM and 3PM, as every day.
footage from yesterday
Good speed to you frogs
Are the protest today just going to be boomer memes or is something exciting going to happen, I particularly liked what happened last day with the gassing of the park
What park was gassed yesterday? Do you have a link?
Some user said yesterday that today would get more interesting but I don't know if it's true.
here you go, it was almost like fog in some areas
Good, good! I was hoping for that to happen.
Nothing happening today? Or its still early.
>Assad TEAR GASSES his own people
french cops gassing little children yesterday
footage of car hitting three GJ yesterday. Was it a cop or secret agent?
Some frog redpill me on Finkielkraut please, why is it antisemitic to criticize him?
weak squat
cops arresting cop yesterday in Paris
Finkielkraut insulted by evil antisemitic yellow vests
march in Paris has begun
What did he do?
we have broken this timeline
>only work 1 day a week
French cops are lazier than American cops
thanks, check Twitter, french city normies are outraged.
I want that on a poster
I've started streaming it as well, if you enjoy all the streams being played at once
nice, put Gilets Jaunes in the title so frenchfags can find it.
memes are beginning to break into reality faster
Sure thing
>cops arresting cop yesterday in Paris
Wait? What?
Did he refuse orders? Was he too brutal with protestors?
Whats the story behind this? I know that French Cops are under immense pressure at the moment and suicide rates are through the roof
How's morale going? Still getting good turnouts?
(((official))) numbers yesterday were 45000 across France, my personal estimate is double that from the livestreams I saw.
French interior minister said 3000 in Paris and 12000 across France, lmao.
Watching now, thank you.
jesus christ that snatch looks well-used
It isn't racist to criticize him.
However I found pretty racist people shouting "free palestine you dick" or "you fucking jew" over and over again at his face.
He has some shitty opinions and all, but I don't think you should criticize him for his religion, instead criticize him for all the bullshit he says.
Keep it up frogs!
i think its the infamous bbc exclusive ex teacher
controlled opposition perhaps, trying to make the gillets jaunes look bad?
>"free palestine you dick" or "you fucking jew"
And I bet those retards were shitskins and/or Antifas, right? Time for a purge in the GJ.
Hope you like cummio's face
looks like the green establishment is trying to subvert the GJ.
Are we going to see some proper revolutionary action, or will these protests eventually wane?
Hehehe, I hope they keep it up.
The minister tries to lower the number, because if some yellow vests really beleive the movement is getting low, they might say "fuck it, I won't do it alone" and stop. It happened in several riots all over the world. (But I'm unable to give a proof to that since I'm too lazy to do a google search)
They need to start adopting Euromaiden tactics with home-made riot gear and organized formations.
If this is a repetition of history, then it might take some more time. Let the French government fuck more shit up.
The GJ are quite redpilled on a lot of stuff including (((bankers))). But they dont need to show their power levels just yet. Its usually antifaggots that are currently violent and doing shit.
For now.
Are these guys right wing nationalist or left wing commie? I need to know who to root for
The real question is he getting 300 years in prison for this
I hope its mainly nationalist frogs, but you shouldn't forget that this is Paris.
Eщe oднa cлaвнaя пoбeдa кoммyниcтoв нaд кaпитaлиcтaми :)
They're tiring the police.
Girl that lost the eye:
And the ones that lost hands, why is Macron crippling his population?
Which faction is best equipped to win the resulting civil war?
Fiki was one of the first person in the 80's to support anti-racists associations aka legal hatred against white low class people...
He's also the one who said "La France, ce pays, mérite notre haine pour ce qu'l a fait durant la guerre".
Are you like 12 or what ?
Oк Ивaн. Гo бaк тo фyкинг Acиaнc.
>"tiring the police streams".
What do you mean?
Muslims. If its true that they are stockpiling weapons. But hey, maybe the frogs have chance if someone were to.. lend them a helping hand.
When it comes to hard power and physical fighting, the right always wins. When it's subversion, the left usually wins.
But of course all true nationalists and white nationalists are neither right or left, but rather the third position.
soon there will be a point when the GJ have to decide if they want to work with communist traitors or not.
Making them work extra time with heavy riot gear. They're already tired of the Saturday demos.
>And the ones that lost hands, why is Macron crippling his population?
Macron will do anything for the BBC
Lol No. Muslims actually suck at fighting unless they out number you 5-1.
What's this all about? The name reminds me of black shirts in italy so i already don't like it.
Hopefully they can keep it up.
>o-oy vey goys, dont call me for what i am, a subversive jew
its not about his religion, no matter how cancerous and barbaric it is, it is about his race and its anti-goyim ideology.
There is a reason why Napoleon went back on the Sanhredin, because kikes are traitors and openly infect nations and abuse the goyim for their own benefit while using the typical semitic tactic of pretending to be victims of literally nothing.
you must be the fucking frog faggot that always promote the holocaust is real lie. kys, nigger.
How long have French Police been recruiting Indians?
One has to wonder, who outnumbers who in Paris.
Someone mentioned that they "control" the suburbs after 2005 riot or some shit like that? Its a multi-culti dream come true.
To kill those who oppose the god-state is not a crime goy.
pretty comfy with the reggae music in background
guys I'm confused about what all this is can someone fill me in
Bump for action.
>be french
>goberment wants more taxes
Same shit, different century.
But basically, the government fucked up hard trying to introduce new taxes so it can "protect nature". That's why they started, but that was just a reason to go out. Most of them are protesting for all kinds of shit.
From immigration to free gibs.
French Yellow Vest Protestors aka Gilet Jaunes dont trust their (((government))) anymore and so want referendums on policies and politicians. Pic related.
moment of escalation in Paris yesterday
good rundown with local partisans in france
>It’s extremely common to have strategic discussions at the roundabouts. You can hear people mulling over questions like, “What should we block? What would be effective? What would have the most impact, cause the most damage?” It’s worth noting that in the countryside, and particularly among workers, there is an instinctive intelligence around what sorts of companies and sites are important to the functioning of this world. In Rouen, in December, Yellow Jackets would go block different sites almost every night. It wasn’t massive, but two to three hundred people would show up, and it was very consistent. The unions could never manage something with this much economic impact over such a length of time. It was really a ton of money that was lost. Of course, it is difficult to maintain a rhythm like this, and after weeks of these actions, an understandable exhaustion kicked in, and the blockades have diminished somewhat.
>The other team is the night team, which consists of people who are much more desperately poor, quite a bit crazier, and more reckless. They would completely block the roundabouts without letting anything through, and occasionally light huge fires. This draws more police repression than the daytime shift, and it’s true that the day shift has some resentment of the night shift, almost seeing them like “rioters” or hooligans. But, some of the most incredible actions have taken place at night. A huge electronics store near the Rond-point des vaches was looted by a mere few dozen people, with everyone avoiding arrest. I never expected to see anything like this in Rouen.
Action only starts when the police in civilian clothes and red armbands show up.
From last night:
It's all over the place. I guess the main demand is direct democracy, the rest will have to be decided by the people later.
The people are not happy and doing something to change it
People vs banks (((them)))
aka EU stasi
undercover cops are pretty merciless
Which is how democracies should work. Representative democracy was good when peoples could not all express their opinions, now that internet exists, the need for representatives is void.
>Macron, the literal Rothschild lackey, introduces new absurdely high tax on gas that diproportionately effects working class French who commute to cities everyday.
>Some of the proceeds will go to refugees.
>Says he wants Europe and Africa to merge.
>This is the straw that brakes the camel's back.
>Mass protests begin with people from working and middle class backgrounds.
>They are mostly nationalists with some socialists and college students mixed in.
>Call for Macron to resign, amongst other things such as an end the the migrant invasion.
It's a large anti-Globalist Tax scam protest the French Proletariat have undertaken to try and free themselves from the Rothschild Crime Family and Ass Inc.'s criminal financial oppression.
Every Prole around the world is just waiting to see how this goes for the French Serfs before they commit 99%. They are good at this I believe.
They took down a EU flag, replaced it with the French flag, then burned down the EU flag.
this, it's funy how angry bluepilled NPCs get, when you tell them that parliaments are illegitimate and ultimately useless.
So this is how you burn a flag.
Antifa, take notes.
Just so you know. The blue helmet is for Gendarmerie (Gendarmerie Mobile here), they are military doing police work. The guy is black suit was police (probably BRI or CSI).
I don't promote shit and I hate jews.
I just think it's dumb to insult him for that, I sometimes listen to his bullshit because it gives me a good laugh to see how dumb he is. But on the videos I saw they litteraly just said things like "you fucking jew". And that is fucking dumb to say because most people will stop listening to you or give you credit for anything if you say something like that. As always, lower your hatred so people can relate more, and as you get more and more power expose everything you want. As of now yellow vests do not have, I think, enough power and people behind them to tell that kind of thing and get other people to beleive it. We need brainwashing but I'm always shaking my head over how people are too dumb to riot correctly.
Would the military step in when the Gestapo kill too many people? I.e. coup d'etat?
when will germans take back alasce-lorraine