How do I explain to gf that giving oral sex to a guy is not degrading? And how do I make it better for her?

How do I explain to gf that giving oral sex to a guy is not degrading? And how do I make it better for her?

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You give oral to her as well.

The second part is trial and error since every man likes it slightly different so you have to teach her.

Kek, the fun part is that it IS degrading. I love to rub my cock on her face after it is dripping wet with her own saliva and other fluids, to let her know how much of a cockhungry whore she is.

I give it to her a lot. Man licking woman's genitals is natural because the pheromones are there, so it's easy to explain, but there's no natural reason why woman would do the same to a man.

Pleasing your partner is reason enough.

You have pheomones too, dude
Obviously I get more pleasure from fucking my boyfriend than giving head, but when I'm alone and horny and sex isn't an option, the thing that I can't get out of my fucking mind is the smells during oral. Scent is the most powerful memory trigger, more than touch or sight, and my mind would MUCH rather hang out in the olfactory memories of when his dick is an inch away from my nose than the tactile memories of him giving me 5 orgasms in a row.

Obviously I can't help you much though, my bf half-heartedly gestured to his junk the first time we had sex and I've basically been down there ever since, I can't get into the mindset of someone who's not into it.

Your bf is a lucky man, truly jealous user.

Just tell her that you won't ever objectify her, and then when she does it, immediately go "oh yeah, suck my dick you dirty whore".
Women love that shit.

Cringe. Stop replying underage kids.

It's not if it doesn't feel good to her.

How does he make it better for you? Does he lick you a lot too? He probably takes good care of hygiene and shaves, but what else? Does he say or do something encouraging?

Bump for serious answers

Is your gf religious?

I never found sucking dick of the man I like degrading, I love giving him pleasure, it's such a sexy and intimate thing.

No. You can answer same questions as in post


You shouldn't try to convince your partner to do sexual stuff they don't want to do. For instance, I have a huge pegging fetish but my bf refuses. He also thinks it's degrading (I don't get why he's intentionally deny himself pleasure but OK). Point being I respect his view and don't try to pressure him into it or argue with him about what he should be comfortable with. You ended up with a gf that doesn't like bfs, gotta either deal or break up. Every other option is just dysfunction waiting to happen

Doesn't like bjs I mean, kek. Also made me think of dudes that refuse to eat pussy as well because it's "degrading" and that's why I have that as a dealbreaker for me. I've found it's best to just respect peoples' boundaries, there are plenty more fish in the sea that will suck your cock

The last guy I was with, he didn't shave but he had good hygiene, as is expected. He went down on me yeah. And idk the first time I sucked him off he just took his dick out and I did it, he didn't really have to say anything. During the act he usually moaned a lot and rubbed my arm or moved my hair out of my face to look at me better, that stuff is nice and encouraging. I dunno, I'm open to basic stuff like this so I don't need much encouragement to blow a guy I'm dating and like.

Even the first time I gave a handjob and blowjob, it was by my own accord and all the guy had to do at the beginning was show me how to jack him off and be patient with me.

Does she want to but is reluctant or is she strictly against it?

oops meant to reply to this not myself

>He also thinks it's degrading (I don't get why he's intentionally deny himself pleasure but OK).
I'm sorry, I just gotta stick up for a bro that doesn't want to catch the gay.

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She's willing to try if I manage to explain how it's normal/natural and what she gets out from it.

Whether or not something is degrading depends on the context. In many contexts, giving oral sex to a guy is degrading, but in some contexts it isn’t. And, of course, whether it is or isn’t degrading is also a matter of personal opinion.

The real question is why she finds it degrading in this context, especially when the majority of our society encourages it.

>Man licking woman's genitals is natural because the pheromones are there, so it's easy to explain
That’s psuedoscientific. The only real explanation for you giving her head is because you want to.

I had this association for years and could never enjoy giving head. Then, with my current boyfriend, I wasn't on my knees, I was on top of him, pinning him in place. I realized how powerless he is during the act, and over time, I got comfortable giving him head. Also, him expecting nothing and respecting my limits and naturally making me feel safe with his presence helped.

It is, especially if she already thinks that, but she's probably whored herself out already, so it's not like she has dignity going into it.

The fuck? If she won't try even a bit to give you some pleasure while not receiving it at the same time then she sounds selfish and boring, sorry. Giving head is as natural as her getting eaten out, funny how she is open to the latter though

Of course no one should be made to do a sexual act they don't enjoy but I don't get why she's so against doing it with her boyfriend

>not pro-blowjob
you have elevated yourself from puny nerd to arch nemesis

Human sex pheromones aren't even real.

It's all in your mind, if you really like someone and want to fuck their brains out and eat their asshole bent over the kitchen table that's your own mind telling you that it's not them radiating a magical smell from their pussy lips or ballsack or whatever

and OP not every girl is into giving oral, like others said the best thing to do is lead by example and go down on her but if she really doesn't want to then she doesn't want to.

>having sex with his gf
Ok bro whatever you say
Irrelevant anyways because I've never tried to push him into it, I just secretly think he's denying himself a chance for great orgasms for no reason. I bet you'd love a plastic cock up the b-hole too if you weren't so prudish. Sorry for derailing but lol


not an argument, really. Licking piss and eating shit is also natural

Everyone has their own fetishes and their own limits and whatever else. For some girls the idea of putting a dick in their mouth and sucking on it is understandably not something that fills them with joie de vivre. Some dudes are also repulsed by the idea of going down on girls.

There's also something to be said about HPV and oral cancer and whatever else that can be caught from it.

This is coming from someone who loves eating pussy and getting their knob slobbered. Everyone's different and you gotta respect that.

>I don't understand why guys are against pegging.
>now watch as I use the implication that a guy likes pegging as an insult.

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Fight me, degenerate.
It's not hygienic, and if I recall correctly it's been linked to increased incidence of throat cancer.

sitting at your computer and arguing like a fucking nerd all day long also has a ton of negative health effect, difference is that those "degenerates" are having fun and busting nuts all over while you're just an angry tripfag on Jow Forums

I would be angry and unhealthy regardless of my posting here, your point is invalid.

These tripfags need to be gunned down. There are too many shitting up Jow Forums, and someone might even take them seriously.

you're just making your life worse, that point is not invalid at all.

If she really doesn't like it, then there's nothing you can do. Insisting will just make her resent you in the long run, so you have to decide if no blowjobs are a dealbreaker for you or you can live without them. If you have good hygiene, don't push her head down like a retard and just generally let her take the reins of the bj, you might make it a better experience for someone who's not that into giving them. If she still doesn't like it, then there's not much hope to change her mind.

It's neither of your faults really, it's just that you're not that sexually compatible. Don't push her, but you have the right to be dissatisfied with the situation and find someone else. Personally I'd not be ok with a guy who refuses to go down on me, but still wants to receive oral.

>I have to be an incel so that my body remains pure.
Kissing is unhygenic too. Also, monogamy greatly reduces the risk of contracting oral HPV.

Actually he's not wrong, you could be doing literally anything else and it would be better but you're not because that's swallowing the 'I'm my own problem' pill and fucking NOBODY on Jow Forums will EVER swallow that one.

Sex in general is degrading.
>I'm just saying that because I'm jealous

No, I'm not. I already had my beliefs before coming here to argue with people, and I was already miserable because of the state of the world. I've always been an introvert, too, so it's not like I'm missing anything, either.
Better for whom? The answer to the question of "how can tripfag Hitler be happy" is most readily solved by me adopting different beliefs, but that's a counterfactual. Happiness without regard to the inputs, structure, or effects thereof is a degenerate goal.

>Kissing is unhygenic too.
I doubt to the same degree, but yeah, it is. But then you also have to distinguish between a simple closed-mouth peck and a manual throat inspection.
There's also the social layer to consider--while I would err on the side of caution and restraint (in other words, bonobos and bonobo shills can shove it), there are functions performed by it in terms of attachment and reinforcing relationships. Handshakes would be another example of this.
In general, the more 'unhygienic' something is, the more restricted its scope should be (i.e. kissing only with an exclusive partner).

> contracting oral HPV.
STD's are a near non-issue. Save for cases of rape, those who get them, deserve them. As you said, actual monogamy eliminates the risk altogether.

Not within marriage, assuming it's not forced.

Do you ever want to be happy, Hitler? Don't you get tired of constantly posting on an anonymous image board, being perpetually unhappy, forever cucked by your own worldview and too proud to admit that you're the only reason you can't find self-fulfillment in relationships? Doesn't it get old? Are you really going to be doing this in five years?

why do you come into every single thread to instantly derail it and make it all about yourself

I don’t see why monogamous people without HPV shouldn’t perform oral sex. Besidrs, the rate of oral and throat cancer in the general population is 1.6% including tobacco users.

Technically, we make it about him by insulting him, but that’s not to say his posts aren’t ploys for attention.

>Technically, we make it about him by insulting him

we're merely returning the favor when his first post in literally any given thread is always "UHM ACKCHUALLY IS BECUSE UR DEGNERATE" that's the extend of his advice

and then a few posts later he's (You)ing 7 different people in one post

>The real question is why she finds it degrading in this context, especially when the majority of our society encourages it.
Are you saying society encourages women to give oral sex? What society do you live in? I've never seen that. Porn videos aren't society.

>Do you ever want to be happy, Hitler?
No, not if it's by a shortcut of compromising on my beliefs.
>Don't you get tired of constantly posting on an anonymous image board, being perpetually unhappy, forever cucked by your own worldview
No, since I don't see my worldview as a variable responsible for this. It is related, yes, but changing it wouldn't change the problem, only how I see it.
>Doesn't it get old? Are you really going to be doing this in five years?
Sometimes, and yes, unless hiroshimoot makes Jow Forums Gold accounts mandatory.

I didn't.

>I don’t see why monogamous people without HPV shouldn’t perform oral sex.
You misunderstand--within the bounds of marriage, and with consent given, it isn't something that is morally repulsive. It is merely gross, and refusal of it would be fully justified for either party--like in the case of OP's gf. I'll call out people who act on, say, a scat fetish for being disgusting, but as far as moral offenses go it's innocuous to mildly distasteful (no pun intended) at worst.

Not an argument. I can always give sources if asked, and I seem to be one of the few people interested in anything but the regurgitation of nonsensical or contradictory platitudes.

My girlfriend can't give me oral because it causes her jaw pain. Which I believe because it has the circumference of a water bottle.

My advice is to just respect her if she doesn't like giving you head.

I personally still give my girlfriend head every day. I do it because I like doing it. I don't expect her to give me any in return.

>and I seem to be one of the few people interested in anything but the regurgitation of nonsensical or contradictory platitudes.

yeah most people here are interested in viginv legitimate advice, not starting self-centered arguments like you. You're right, it is not an argument no one but you is trying to get into an argument. You'd be better off on r9k.

Society isn’t just what media is broadcast to you. It includes what real people actually think, say, and do.

Also, media does encourage oral sex more often than it discourages it, or at least to my demographic.

what about a handjob/blowjob where she just sucks the tip? that feels better anyway.

I made a post as a chick with the same problem as OP's chick, if you're interested in getting a legitimate answer .

Yeah that's what she does. But as for spending the entire time with it her mouth I don't want her to do that. Because I know after a while her jaw will really hurt. And I am not about getting physical pleasure at the expense of my queen. If you feel me.

I have a long dick, so yes, I understand. I watch a lot of deepthroat porn. Speaking of context, some of the deepthroat porn seems positive, whereas the rest seems...less than positive.

I once dated a girl who deepthroated, and it didn’t even feel as good as the hand/mouth technique. I think the thrill was supposed to be from “using her face as a ******”, but that’s really not my style.

>Society isn’t just what media is broadcast to you. It includes what real people actually think, say, and do.
Do you realize how crazy this sounds? Nobody can read minds. People say ironic and stupid stuff they don't want to be real all the time. People saying pedophile stuff and jokes would not make a pedophile society.

>Also, media does encourage oral sex more often than it discourages it, or at least to my demographic.
Where? Don't say porn videos. What is your demographic and how you know something is meant for your demographic and not for someone else?

Society encourages oral sex, and that’s the main reason so many people even know what it is.

Also, you keep pretending that porn doesn’t count as encouragement, but it absolutely does encourage people. Are you aware what percentage of the population watches porn?

I don’t know if you live under a rock or in some small puritanical Christian community, but it’s a world of blowjobs right now. Many women are under the impression that they won’t be able to compete if they don’t provide oral sex.

I don't watch porn much. Can you explain the differences between positive and not positive oral sex if we ignore the abusive stuff?

Lets see you suck a dick first, faggot.

>reason so many people even know what it is.
Yes, people know things, but it doesn't mean they encourage it. Like I said, people aren't encouraging pedophiles by everyone talking about them.

>Also, you keep pretending that porn doesn’t count as encouragement
So you actually think porn videos are accurate depiction of society. That's pathetic. If that was true porn would be banned because people would act out incest, rape and bestiality when they see it. But as we know, porn isn't banned, because it's not supposed to encourage anyone. It's not part of society.

You also dodged the demographic question because you know nothing is actually meant to encourage you, you're just forcing your personal opinion on others.

Some people’s sex lives are especially degrading and painful because they have mental problems as a reault of trauma they endured in the past. It’s a voluntary thing, but not necessarily a good thing.

I’m gonna go on with my life and be thankful I don’t see the world through such an underdeveloped and biased lense as you.

>post on-topic opinion with sources to back up my reasoning
>degenerates get assblasted, (You)s galore
How is that my fault? Whether you (in general, not 'you' specifically) believe your advice is legitimate or not isn't my concern, when often the stuff posted to this board is just complete hogwash, constantly parroted but barely understood, along the lines of "you're just insecure, the past is the past".

If that shit-tier "advice" is valid, then so is mine, and any claim otherwise is simply said out of a disliking of me as a person or a refusal to acknowledge that I may be right.