It's funny because it's TRUE

Giving the most corrupt more money and power will not create morality, only their fortunes. The cheese is free in a mouse trap for a reason! Capitalism provides more choice/freedom!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The most "socialist" nation in Northern Europe literally gets by through selling their oil reserves and still requires extreme taxation

>Capitalism provides more choice/freedom!

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>National Socialist shows up with zero understanding of capitalism
You can set your watch to this shit.
Government intervention in the economy is part of the problem.

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>Capitalism provides more choice/freedom!

Except that the freedom is at the cost of destabilizing and killing others and the choice is an illusion since monopolistic companies control every single product, there isn't a country on this planet that practices true capitalism and works in a truly free market

I'm not saying socialism is better because you're correct that it does use the resources of times where the country was more successful, but to say that capitalism is grand and good is a brainlet idea

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So if national socialism is actually capitalism why not implement it? Don't you guys love capitalism?

Yes, goyim. Never discuss anything practical about how to audit the government or keep it responsible for its evil shit. (Tips kippah)

It's almost like Americans don't actually understand what Capitalism or Socialism is.
>Full capitalism leads to corporatism.
>Full socialism leads to communism.

Yea so my understanding is that the government enables the businesses who are only succeeding in business because they cater to the people well. What is not to love about this success driven/incentivized model? Why do we need billionaires? Wouldn’t it be better to not have billionaires but maybe a shit ton more millionaires? Shiieett

With regard to national socialism*

It is funny, because your picture speaks against your point and you don't even realize that.

>Full capitalism leads to corporatism.
Corporatism requires a government to pick winners and losers.
>Bong being retarded
Oh boy, at this rate I'll completely fill my economics thread bingo card!

> Free Fair Market the consumer votes with their $$
> Free Fair Market anyone can start a company and create something others will buy
> If you cheat and hurt people, THE FUCKING MEDIA has to report it so the consumer can AVOID injury and VOTE with their $$
> in this model, the natural GOOD companies will grow on the vine, and the BAND companies will DIE on the the vine.
> Fair, simple and few regulations to ensure an EVEN playing field are all that is required
> Over regulated markets block on-boarding of new companies with new ideas, breed monopoly and collusion with pay-for-play politicians who write terrible trade deals while becoming rich
> Gov subsidies student loans, companies will simply charge more, growing over time to what we have today
> Obama put pressure on the pay-for-college market until Phenix, the largest company in that space went broke so Obama's pal could by it, then Obama changed to rules back and his friend is rich
> What makes you think ANY ANY ANY politician is truthful or doing it FOR YOU?
> The 1% own the media, you don't get to vote with your $$ when you have no clue what is real or hurting you
> Break up monopoly, regulate FAKE NEWS
> Where does the money come from to pay for all this shit?
> The rich will leave and hide their money, then polls will come for the middle-class like they ALWAYS DO!
> Class warefare is when the polls pit the poor against the middle-class and rich.
> If you have two homes you are rich and should be taxed more!
> Two cars? fuck you I don't have a car so you must be rich! tax him!!
> Socialism breeds contempt, jealousy and misery. Every time!

The cheese is free in a mouse trap to lure in the mouse, the cheese is free in socialism because that's all you get once the trap is sprung.

>Where doest the money come from?
>How do you have open borders and $110B a year free money to trespassers??

How do you pay for it all?? The rich will leave and hide their money, then they come for Middle-class

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Nothing will create freedom until human nature has greed and love of power, nothing

>lolbert excuses
Your utopia is literally a corporate dystopia.
>leaf calling anyone retarded

Except you're a literal wage slave to the State not allowed to strike, much less join any sort of independent union, and your guns are actually seized the moment you speak out of against the all-powerful Leader who functions as the master of the slave plantation.

>European Socialism
It "works". And by "works" I mean we're only still floating because we've had almost 50 years of nationalized oil, we use so little money on maintaining infrastructure that the estimated cost of repairing our roads grows every year. The same for what little railroad we still have left, which of course runs on really fucking old shit, much of it built by prisoners of war after WW2.
It takes the taxes of two ethnic Norwegians to pay for the benefits of one average non-western immigrant after 5 years of trying to teach them to function in a modern society including getting a fucking job.

Food prices are insanely high and selection is mildly put completely fucking shit, alcohol is taxed out the ass. Tobacco of any sort easily costs 3 times as much as in neighbouring countries. National health care is such that if you need a specialist, you're looking at up to 3 months for a consultation, then 3 months for an examination, then 3 months for surgery. Emergency get handled differently, but that's that gist of it. End result of this wonderful system is that we've gotten a parallel private health care system only rich people and people with health insurance through their work can afford.

So yeah, European "socialism" works. Problem is it's complete and utter fucking shit and you should look elsewhere for that green, green grass.

What the fuck is up with all these boomers who cant stop gargling on corporate cock? You fucking bootlicking cucks are pathetic.

Hitler literally had his people disarmed, as EVERY socialist regime does.
If you want to argue that Hitler wasn't real national socialism, at least don't use his flag.

Freedom is not important, its an illustion. You both have it in any situation at all times and don't regardless of circumstances.

Whats important is human DIGNITY. The failure of capitalism is that it does not recognize human being as anything other than source of profit/consumer, not a human. You are not "free" if you are threated as a tool or slave, or percieved as empty space.

the point of european "socialism" is not to reestablish economicwelth distribution, but to provide the dignified living conditions to ALL its citizens. In libertarian capitalism - there is no "humans", just corporations.

only dishonest capitalists call welfare states socialist, no socialist has ever made that claim

>be euroepan socialist
>get stabbed by mohammad
>go to hospital
>have to wait six months because all the doctors are busy curing niggers (with YOUR taxes)

I bet you think your former communist shit hole is only that because you are a victim and has nothing to do with said communism. Slav's really are niggers you fucking dindu.

Stupid mutts are happy to be slave of banks and assurance companies

He should have added "American Army"

Yeah, emergencies are dealt with different from your sore tendon, Luigi. It may be bad, but it's not that fucking bad.

It's almost as if 99% of countries were mixed economies. Wow
>muh gabidalism and sosciulizm
>muh freedom

You've pretty much described Canada, minus the oil being nationalized.

Daily reminder that "capitalism" a meme to push materialism
Either neo liberalism as an alternative to communism or communism as alternative to the problems of neo liberalism

Thus proving that this fucking system is not the Nirvana cunt politicians are trying to sell it as.

If you sell some fruit or vegetables you grew at a profit, that's capitalism.
You're not going to actually describe selling food as "materialism", are you?

>deriving your dignity and self-worth from the economic model you happen to live under
yikes and autismpilled

Ok so everything in history has been capitalism


Communists used the wealth of the monarchy to fund all of their projects and collapsed when it ran out

stop projecting

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>mixed economies
another capitalist lie. There is no such thing as a mixed economy, to have socialism 100% of the means of production must be collectively owned. If only 99% are its just a capitalist scam.

Under capitalism some capitalists manage to get into a situation where their private profits are literally integrated into the state, 'public' utilities and services within a capitalist society are in fact still capitalism, they have just reached the highest point of monopoly.

Back when they were moving towards implementing Obamacare, they kept saying "We'll be like Canada!" and I kept having to explain that Obamacare is nothing like the "Canadian" health care system (It's actually provincial jurisdiction, but I'm being pedantic at that point), and that the system(s) we have up here aren't even enviable.
Do I have to spoon feed you history on top of economics?

That's not true. Men of the Reich were allowed and encouraged to own firearms. It was almost a requirement because of the program they ran which required men to partake in a marksmanship test annually. Granted most firearms were either single shot converted WW1 rifles or 22lr rifles.

No, if you pay someone else to grow and pick that fruit for you, then sell it at a profit, this is capitalism.

Its not capitalism if you are growing and selling things yourself.

My God the autism in this post. You have to wear a special helmet, don't you?

What if the tree is already growing and you just pick the fruit?

t. dumfuck communist that has to inject his shit into everything unrelated
>mixed economy
>an economic system combining private and state enterprise.

Because in that sort of system someone will always have some more money than someone else and with that accumulation of wealth will always shut down any competition that arises

America is a country founded on the basis of
>The person with the most wealth controls the rest

Simply put there's no way to stop monopolization or oligopolization short of killing anyone who gets to a certain level of wealth

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>No, if you pay someone else to grow and pick that fruit for you, then sell it at a profit, this is capitalism.
>Its not capitalism if you are growing and selling things yourself.
Look up the definition of capitalism, user.
The equipment you use to till the fields, the seeds/bulbs/saplings you plant, the time spent prepping, planting, caring, harvesting and then transporting the produce... Everything is a cost. Capitalism is the act of charging more than the exact cost of producing something so that you can reinvest to increase production and/or diversify and/or improve quality of life.
Let's see your geoflag, user.

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It depends. Is this thousands of years ago? Then its just the way things are. If its modern times with technology and the concept of laws and such and nobody tries to stop you or claims you are stealing anything then thats communism, you are either some kind of hippy living on communal land or socialists have succeeded in creating stateless global self sufficiency and the entire world is like this.

Don't forget that they don't take inmigrants and used like sweden the nazi socialist model.

>the definition of capitalism
When means of production (land, resources, factories, etc) are privately owned.

Socialism is when those things are collectively owned.

Thats it, those are the complete definitions, anything else are capitalists trying to confuse people and twist meanings.

The things you describe were concepts practiced in feudalism as well, but feudalism is not capitalism, because that lord could not buy more land, it was granted to him by the king, he could make it more effective, but not snowball into infinite profits and buy the state to make himself king.

It's almost as if when were talking about Democratic Socialism, we're not taking about full-on socialism. Why do right-wingers like to pretend that AOC wants exactly what they have in Venezuela instead of nordic countries?

>Inb4 but they're white!!!!!
They're pretty blacked at this point

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Mixed economy is exactly what we've had going since fucking forever. A mix of state owned corporations as well as private.

This isn't a good criticism of socialism. The most corrupt people are the big business interests funding open borders and feminism to stimulate economic growth. As for socialists believing in free stuff, those who refused to work in the Soviet Union were put into labour camps.
The best criticism of socialism, is that it requires a strong state to implement, a large military presence to defend, and an efficient bureaucracy to manage. This leads to an elite class of politicians, bureaucrats and military officials that live privileged lives in the socialist system, while everyone else is reduced to industrial serfs. True communism has never been tried, because a stateless society would be destroyed within a few years of being implemented. Another good criticism is the one George Lincoln Rockwell makes regarding hierarchy and race being natural and good. See:

>Democratic Socialism
Is just another word for capitalist.

Also venezuela is majority privately owned industry and thus not socialist at all.

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As long as capitalists are alive the state is privately owned by them and democracy is just theater to placate the masses.

>its the system thats broken
>the people are angels
Fuck outta here you literal kike dog.

Sounds like America to me.

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Congratulations: You're a lost cause.
The great irony being that every single time a nation (supposedly) tries to adopt the policies you espouse it (conveniently for the ruling class) becomes feudalism with a red paint job.
Enjoy being a serf, dumbass.

>It wasn't really Xism
Whenever someone says this, i know they're retarded. This doesn't only apply to socialist. Libertarians and anarch capitalists are the same way

His definition of socialism and capitalism are absolutely correct.

Every time it is a huge success untill the global bankers assassinate the leadership or, if this is not possible, use the CIA to slowly infiltrate so they can ruin it after a few decades.

The fact that some little nation somewhere can not toppled by the entire globalist banking cartell focused and dedicated assault against it is not evidence its economic system is bad. And in fact north korea survived this kind of attack, so thus we see how socialism is stronger than capitalism, as the entire world expected them to starve out and collapse and they didn't.

These definitions have not changed since before marx even started writing things. The only people who use different terms are the western economists who have to obfuscate and lie to convince people capitalism is a good idea. They will call everything that fails socialism even when its capitalism so gullible people will think socialism is bad.

>huge success
If by success you mean people dying of starvation because the people who get positions that require technical expertise get said positions by holding keys to power rather than said technical expertise.

>strong welfare policies
>in countries that are overwhelmingly white, protectionist, outsource their national defense, and dont have a large welfare state

Call me about those policies when we can kick all the niggers and spics out

People are starving before socialism, its one of the leading causes of revolution. Post revolutionary socialism always sees rapid improvements in quality of life, literacy, education, etc.

As always semantic simplifications are our enemies. We won't agree on definitions and have different perceptions of the systems. I don't think the two should be opposed. We should strive to achieve a balanced ground between a more virtuous meritocracy-oriented private economy and more nationalist-oriented redistribution of wealth that stimulates human growth rather than parasitism, in their current corrupt forms both are cancers leading the white western world to ruin because of the parasites at the top and at the bottom. Speculators, usurers, consolidated monopolies, gibs leeches, destroyers of blood and soil, intertwined relationships between msm banking and politics, lobbies, meddling in foreign affairs. We can all agree about where the real issues are. There's a reason why Henry Ford wrote about the JQ, and I think it is very interesting that he was the symbol of successful American capitalism with the car industry, and now Detroit is the symbol of American failure. I don't know how you can not find it obscene when you see how much money bezos is making while the Amazon workers get treated like dirt for example, meanwhile his woman will get half of the fortune without lifting a finger. Meanwhile it's also very clear to me that European socialism has gone full retard, by betraying racial homogeneity which is the necessary basis for human solidarity.

The two systems can not work together any more than you can fly a remote controlled plane on a model train sets tracks. They use entirely different fundamental systems.

As long as government is controlled by capitalists any nationalized program is just going to be a way to filter money to cronies and protect large corporations.

>As long as government is controlled by capitalists
when has this been the last time?

is EuSoc superior over EngSoc?

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