A thread just 404d with a pic of Elliot Rodgers and the OP threatening to do something very evil and asking for advice...

A thread just 404d with a pic of Elliot Rodgers and the OP threatening to do something very evil and asking for advice on how to do it. Is it too late to report it to the right agencies? Do the mods do it immediately after deleting the threads? I’m genuinely concerned right now. This is the link to the thread

Attached: DAE4709B-A224-4CF4-BD5E-4567A6EBBB3F.jpg (1236x644, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Crap. You should've taken some screen shots.

It’s on the archives

Link us to the archives then

I don't know how this is more evil than the average user telling an unsure suicidal person to kill themselves but I see it as possible

I'm sure they will get to it, I just saw it.


why would you want to stop a future supreme gentleman?
supreme gentlemen are the most beautiful things in the world.


As much as the moral side of me agrees, my bystander side wants to see the repercussions of ANOTHER incel incident. Imagine what the media would say. The person could literally leave a note saying "I couldn't get girls" and the maintstream media would still find a way to make it more about guns or some shit. Fuck, imagine the people around actually started talking about socially awkward people and how dangerous they might be. Let society undergo this change. I wanna see whatbwill happen.

There safe ways to make changes in society without taking innocent lives.

"Let them fight."
-Ken Watanabe

that would mean more innocent ugly socially awkward males getting fucked over in life.

Nobody cares about those people anyways.

i bet hes a pussi and he won't do it

You know where the archives are

don't be a faggot, let them shoot up a school. We need normies to fear us.


Because nobody believes incel lies except incels themselves. Incels go on rampages because they are entitled angry cunts who want everything given to them for free. Education is what prevents more incels.

Education about what?

Girls and what they want out of a male. It will be taught by men who have slept with a vast array of women.

This. It’s devastating that incels look to other incels for advice. It’s like asking a homeless man to teach you how to get rich, it just doesn’t make sense.

And the cycle continues

History is a clock,, we're just reaching midnight.