I'm thinking about starting to meditate. Little help...

I'm thinking about starting to meditate. Little help? I searched up how to and got instructions where you just sit and focus on you're breathing, one where you focus on a mantra, one where you imagine an object and focus on it, and one where you focus on one point somewhere near you. Are these all just different types of meditation that I should try, or are there difficulty levels or something with different medications being more difficult than others? Please gib redpill. Also, how should I sit? Do I need to sit cross-legged, or can I sit with my legs tucked beneath me? Also I heard it increases IQ, true? After meditation do you feel like you mind works faster? Pic unrelated. Or maybe related idk

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I don't do meditation but I do know that it is very good for your brain, yes. It increases serotonin, and all the neurotransmitters that go along with it, like BDNF, GABA, etc.

Get some music or look on youtube for guided meditation, I don't know.

Do you reckon classic music would do? Also, why music? Doesn't it distract?

If you're asking only me for meditation help, you're getting the short end of the stick.

Anyway, some people are able to do meditation without music / guided videos, but not me. By my logic, talking to myself in my head is what got me in this mess, I don't think silent time with myself is going to help. Besides, I have an overactive mind, I can't focus on my breathing and bullshit like that in pure silence, I'll start thinking about other things. In the guided meditations they always tell you to let thoughts pass without judging yourself, "Let the thoughts pass like clouds," or some bullshit.

Music keeps me focused, and at peace.

Go to youtube and look up TheHonestGuys. They're pretty popular and have a lot of guided meditations.

Also, because this might be the only thread I get to post this:


What does meditation mean to you? I think there’s different ways of going about it. It could just be simply reflecting on something in your life.

Buddhism provides many informations on Meditation. try it

There are as many forms of meditation as there are of exercise.
Are you hoping to accomplish something particular, or just curious about the activity?

I have moments where I just can't think and my thoughts are grounded in reality. For example, I'm doing some schoolwork and out of nowhere there is like this buzzing. The work is boring but I know I have to do it but I literally can't. I'm thinking about random things that don't matter to me in the moment, future plans I might want to accomplish, needlessly complicated explanations to myself on how I should do it, things I've done, why, things other people have done to me, why, what the solution to a math problem might be, etc. And I would also like to increase my will power, to actually get the things I want done. In regards to the "buzzing" I feel like it's some sort of mental weariness. In my group of friends I'm usually regarded as the funny guy but one of the things I noticed is that the longer I spend time with my friends the dumber I become. My jokes just become the same shit about race, sex, and violence. And the buzzing slowly comes in.

These days I feel like my mind is moving through slog. Starting to visit r9k more and more, more /b/, more masturbating. I would like to focus, relax, and do the shit I want to do instead of stagnating. And I would like to clean my mind and oil it like a Jow Forums user would his fragile little baby.

>my mind is moving through slog
> I would like to focus, relax, [...] clean
Suggesting you start with mindfulness meditations. Limited words and imagery and metaphysical goals. The focus is on bringing the mind to a state of stillness, bringing the mind and body into agreement, and allowing them both to be comfortable/functional in their environments. Like brain yoga; a little stretch, a little strengthen, just generally makes things work more smoothly and flow more freely.
You may later want to explore more guided imagery or transcendental meditation, but mindfulness is a good place for you to start.

I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Am I a brainlet? You're saying limited words and imagery and metaphysical goals and then you say that I have to bring my mind to a state of stillness. My mind doesn't have legs it can only "move" by thinking, it can't walk. How am I supposed to be "still" while thinking? Is there some sort of regulation I have to put on how many thoughts per minute I have it something? I'm sorry that I literally cannot understand basic instructions on a chinese human trafficking forum. Nevertheless, thanks for keeping up with my dying thread user, appreciate it.

How do you know when you’ve entered a state of meditation?

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It sounds like you need to practice focusing on the now and think of the future when you have the time to. It’s not a bad thing to reflect on where you want to end up but don’t let it take away from what you need to do NOW. That’s what I’m trying to teach myself how to do too.

Because I overthink a lot of things that are minuscule even.

Idk, I've haven't done it yet

What do you mean think about the now? Like my next course of action? I thought meditation wasn't really planning or contemplating, it was more like a way to fine tune your mind, no? I mean I'll try it of course. But are there any specifics as to what I should do? I think about the now a lot, is there a specific frame of mind I should put myself into while thinking about the now? Maybe write down what I'm thinking on some paper?

For meditation, the best position to sit is one that's the most comfortable. If your legs feel uncomfy crossed, spread them out, or lie down.

If you're in school, it could be worth checking out if there's a meditation club. Usually a bunch of knowledgeable people there. I went there twice a week for an entire semester, and to be honest, even with a lot of practice, I just wanted the timer to end so I could stop meditating every time.

I think meditation can be good for some people, but I don't think it does much for others. You don't have to do the boring thing where you sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breath. Nor do you have to do hokey shit like visualizing negativity flowing out of your body, or radiating good will to others, etc. Made me feel very uncomfortable and not really too much relaxed, especially when you're so focused on just breathing.

Something I think that counts as meditation which includes actual stimuli seems better. Like going for walks (without music), just listening to all the sounds around you, maybe looking at interesting surroundings. Or maybe drawing complicated, time consuming patterns. Much more relaxing, not suffocating, and still clears the mind.

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>My mind doesn't have legs it can only "move" by thinking,
>How am I supposed to be "still" while thinking?
You're not. You're supposed to learn how to stop thinking.
You don't fine tune a machine while it's running. That could be disastrous.
By slowing it down, you can observe it more closely and notice malfunctions. By stopping it, you allow safe access to its most sensitive parts.

You want to have a totally clear head . No chatter or random thoughts. If you try you'll notice random thoughts keep popping in. Every time you remember that you've trailed off, go back to the original state.

At first you won't be able to go more than a few seconds but as you practice it gets easier and you can go for longer. Your focus and concentration will improve and bullshit won't bother you as much.

for a beginner I think the easiest way to go deep is to spend a long time doing it, like 2 hours. every 20 minutes get up and do a small meditative walk twice around whatever area you’re in.

also, posture matters. get a little pillow and a mat to sit on and prop your back less slouchy.

Well meditation goes along with a certain kind of lifestyle.

If you're still putting a lot of energy into porn, video games, social media, etc. Then of course meditation will feel boring. If youre eating healthy, reading, working out and just focusing on taking it easy and living a less overstimulated/stressful life, then it's perfect.

Sitting meditation is a meme and something that's meant for monks. Even monks have forms of active meditation like especially in Zen Buddhism they have things like rock gardening, cleaning the floors of the temple, Hinduism has Yoga, Chan has things like Chi Gung Tai Chi and Kung Fu, etc.

All that meditation is, is a clear state of mind. In my experience you are much much better off getting that state of mind by doing something active like just going out for a walk, jogging, cycling, or even playing the drums - anything active. We in the west already spend too much time doing nothing while sitting on our ass.

Music can help... but it can also hinder. Avoid anything that you've already listened to a million times before and that you already have strong positive or negative associations with. Long instrumental tracks are better than anything else like traditional instruments be they Japanese Taiko drums or scottish Bagpipes, and if you want something more modern you can get into literal Trance music and IDM type shit.

The best kind of meditation is just to go out for a walk for an hour or a 20 minute run. You achieve the exact same head space as you do from sitting there for 3 hours. You focus on your breathing as you would during sitting meditation and your mind comes out much more clearer afterwards and your ass doesn't hurt.

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