Brit/pol/ - Brexit Edition

>Chancellor Philip Hammond's visit to China not going ahead

>Electronic GPS tags to track thousands of criminals in England and Wales

>Chinese Man Worried You Can’t Have Respectful Debate About How Amazing Government Is Anymore

>Brexit: Theresa May pushes on with her deal after latest defeat

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Europe is in the middle of a de-population and replacement program. There is no political situation in Europe, they are occupied on the ground and in the government.
Free men must RISE to defend the Western ideal in it's birthplace.


i win again lol

>bumps this thread
we've done a number on you

>4 posts in yours
>22 posts in his
he's done you

>landlubber trying to talk shit
lmao at you lad

G-guys my mate who’s a civnat just sent me a clip from Murdoch Murdoch saying it’s hilarious. You know the scene in d-day where the soldiers say what they are fighting for.... I think I radicalised him.. he was a normies liberal when we first met.. the red pills are too strong we dont know how to use such power

Attached: 9BCD0AD6-E59B-4395-ACF1-F359755E3091.png (550x550, 150K)

>t. virgin

Can someone who knows what they are talking about tell me if Brexit will actually ever happen?