I fucking hate being rejected by women. I just want to die. What do?

I fucking hate being rejected by women. I just want to die. What do?

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Wait around a few decades, you'll die. Wish granted

get better at talking to them.
don't be fat or digusting either.

Stop approaching them. Problem solved.

This. I haven't been rejected in years. I'm also incredibly lonely, but who cares?

I remember when I got my hair cut once. In the salon worked two women. It was me and a female as customers. The woman that cut my hair was young and hot. At one point during cutting my hair she walked to the side and stood close to the mirror, not right in front of me, one or two chairs away. Not sure if it was one big mirror or a small one for each chair, anyway... She was fixing something with her makeup or eye lashes or something, don't remember, something that was bugging her. She was obviously wearing makeup to make a good impression on men she was attracted to. And that so obviously from her behavior didn't include me. Because there wasn't a single sign of any attraction to me at all. Then at the end when I payed she turned on her "niceness" anyway, as part of doing business. Experiences like this make me so fucking angry and they make me hate my parents for bringing me into this world.

That's pretty gay. She wasn't being "nice" she was being polite, it's a part of being professional. I don't know why you guys struggle to grasp this.

That's what I meant dumbass. Also you being a woman you can fuck off this thread, your opinion isn't interesting.

>anyone with an ounce of social awareness is a woman.
For your sake, I hope this is a larp.

Accept that life is a long line of failures and successes and grow the fuck up.

You're a moron if you think women don't frequently put makeup on just to make themselves feel pretty.

no moron, I assumed it was a woman because
>you guys
Awareness my ass, I put "niceness" in quotes, and the retard still didn't get my fucking point.

>long line of failures
not as much for Chad as it is for me

I said "you guys" because "you incels" would have triggered you even more.

well if you're a normie you can fuck off too, your opinion is equally as uninteresting as that of women and homos

You only think that because you are literally stupid. Just like this guy The sooner you figure out you're actually dumb, the sooner you can accept life for what it is.

I'm definitely not a normie, I'm just not a retard.

Well you're the one that's dumb because that's one person

if you're not an incel you're a normie, now fuck off

How do you get to the state where you get rejected?

>if you're not an incel you're a normie
Get those fucking wheels off that goalpost.

I mean both outright rejection following some kind of move, and just display of disinterest without any move on my part.

Mah dude. Good on you. Im a tiny bit lonley too sometimes. But damn do I have way more important stuff to worry about than being alone bullshit.

Yep sorry dude you are legit stupid.

maybe you should act more indifferent towards the women and attract them to you rather than chase chase chase them. its all about frame. Calm down a little bit and make them want you rather than drooling over them.

No, you are the retard. I was just saying there was a hot woman and she didn't show any signs of being attracted to me at all, in fact her face was stone cold unimpressed, and I imagined her with Chad entering the salon instead.

>wait for women to approach you
Yeah, waiting 15+ years now, in that time maybe 2 or 3 women did anything resembling an approach.

that's not at all what I meant. What I mean is, you will need to approach and start conversations with her but u cant be desperate for her to get with you and you shouldn't go in with a goal other than to have fun and a good conversation and see if she responds well then escalate but don't lean in like a freak

>display of disinterest
Like what? Introducing you or telling you about her bf?
A rejection is more in the lines of a single woman telling you that she would rather remain single than spend time with you.
How do you find single women?

I once was standing in a square with a lot of police fencing. I asked a woman near me if she knew what it was about. I didn't even have an intention to hit on her, maybe somewhere in the back of my mind, I don't remember because it's a long time ago, but I think I was partly genuinely wondering about the scene and partly thinking I could just get some practice talking to women. Still she responded with a shocked and disgusted expression and quickly moved 20-30 meters away from me, then proceeded to stand looking onto the square, in a position where I could see her face by the way.

No, when all women look disgusted when they see you that's a form of rejection too.

Go get laid then sexmachine, fuck off

wow she sounds like a fucking bitch. u wouldn't want a dumb bitch like that in ur life anyways.

I'm a virgin faggot that doesnt make juggalos normalfags or make me an incel
The website is for socially awkward nerds not outright fucking mental patients. Fuck off to whatever support group you got kicked out of.

haha go fuck yourself incel


>What do?
serious answer: hookers