'If a politician gets that wrong, they’re dead to me.'
This is a completely legitimate point of view. Why are people trolling and insulting Wohl on Twitter? Doesn't he have a right to voice his own opinion? He is a strong Trump supporter, and Trump is a supporter of Israel, so what? Should he support terrorists instead?
>'I'm a single issue voter. Is that reversing his lifetime ban from the commodities markets? Why does pol like this guy? The level of fuckery needed to be banned from the market for life is difficult to comprehend. Even Shkreli wasn't banned for life from the markets.
Cooper Robinson
it might be a legitimate point of view, but it is a garbage one.
Samuel Miller
lmao you forgot to log out of your account, stupid Zionist shill
Kys Jacob, you greasy heeb. We can tell from the screengrab it is you
Sebastian Young
Dindu dindu dindu dindu...
Easton Nelson
Fuck dual citizen politicians
Daniel Long
>He didn’t log out
Noah Williams
AaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahHhahaahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhhahaahahi didn’t even fuckin notice!!!!!! JACOB YOU FUCKIN FAGGOT AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHA >lol >thread pruned or deleted
Jaxon Carter
he is filthy of treason and he admits it. try him them get the rope
Jace Walker
I am also a single issue voter on Israel, if any candidate promised to nuke the fucking place they would get my vote regardless of anything else
Hey Jacob, make sure to log out of twitter before you post this shit, you retarded kike
Leo Bailey
This. I'm not him, photoshopped the tweet lol, Jow Forums owned. Mods can delete this thread.
Levi Jenkins
Please delete this now, ok.
Liam Gomez
Why doesn't the kike son of a bitch move to kikeland then?
Nathaniel Hill
>add another tweet Hello Jacob.
Jason Jones
I actually agree with him, that's the only topic that matters and if they get it wrong they are dead to me though we likely have entirely different perspectives on what one would consider a wrong answer
Mason Bennett
>turn off wifi >remove memeflag “””It’s a shoop Guys! Jakeys no shill!!!””” >turn WiFi back on >put faggot kek flag back in “””I’m not him see guys!!! What this fellow Nazi said!!!!”””
Ah airplane mode too to change your ip? >trying this hard tweet is not shopped at all jakey. You’re fucking done. “””You’re crazy!!!!””” Hahahaahhahahaha
Imagine being this obsessed with an online personality. Embarrassing! Again, no, I am not Jacob. I just like his work and follow him on social media because I think he's smart and one of the leading conservative voices on Twitter.
Yeah, I did Photoshop the picture, I admit that, but that was just for fun.
Landon Peterson
Someone who photoshopped it wouldn’t admit it You are not good at this
Caleb Ward
>Oy vey goy this is not damage control I was just trolling mods pls delet
Ryder Hall
Whatever, discord tranny.
Mods, delete this now. Pointless to argue with shills.
Juan Martinez
hahahahahahahahahahah “””YOU CAN DELETE NOW K MODS?? MODS!!????”””
Kayden Allen
Hahahahahahaahahah “””MODS!?!?!?!?!””” Wow man just wow hahahahah
Gavin Allen
Fuck off.
Jace Diaz
kek we know
Jason Brown
>if a politician gets that wrong, they're dead to me.
Don't you all agree with this statement? The only difference is what "getting it wrong" means.
Shouldn't your own country first instead of some middle eastern country? I mean where do this guy's loyalties lie? Why doesn't he renounce his citizenship? Fucking hypocrite.
Wyatt Murphy
>fake laughing
pathetic shill
Jackson Rogers
>I mean where do this guy's loyalties lie? Why doesn't he renounce his citizenship?
Implying it's impossible to support both countries. The POTUS does it, is he also a "hypocrite"?
You're not making any sense.
Robert Price
Whats his single issue?
Samuel Roberts
If you are an American citizen, America should be your #1 issue. If Israel is your #1 issue, go to Israel. Simple.
you know, i just realized shes holding two fingers up behind his head.
never noticed that before
Carson Jenkins
Jacob, we know it’s you. You’re a huge faggot.
Grayson Jackson
Fuck you!!!!
Jeremiah Roberts
Toasting in epic bread
Dominic Jones
Can’t OP use that picture on his twitter too? I don’t use social media (too rich) so I don’t know...
Logan Clark
although i like israel and dont buy into retarded conspiracy theories, this is a really weird thing to say. seriously why does israel matter more than your own country?