Has witnessing white liberal guilt made you more or less racist?

Has witnessing white liberal guilt made you more or less racist?

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identity politics is bourgeois, people are either comrade or in gulag, and this is based on their actions and not their appearance
all liberals go to gulag

More racist. I see it every day on my college campus.

The only two places I can still be openly racist are on this board and in my fraternity's groupme.

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liberals make me sad as a human being.

try becoming a communists then if they call you a nazi for not being a SJW you can turn the tables and out virtue signal them with old school class struggle rhetoric.

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2007 lefty
2019 1488
Not sure...

It's led me to despise all forms of self-hate; the foundation of modern western Leftism. I have family members that suffer from this infection, so I've seen it in multiple contexts. I start viewing them less than human when they take self-hatred to such a disgusting level.

I've noticed how commies are somewhat similar to white liberals. They reject "identity politics" and are anti-racist because they've never met a gang of 15-year old Somalian refugees.

More racist on behalf of whites.
>I'm a minority
I fucking hate liberalism. It's fucking lies posing as virtue in order to capture power.

More. It made me realize how repulsive shying away from what is deemed as racism really is.

more racist

I can't respect someone that doesn't respect themself and theirs.

white leftists make me sick to my stomach

based: yes
redpilled: yes

Neither, as a white guy it just makes me sad when I see white retards.

Everything makes me more racist.

More racist. I have hope that some future generation will have no shred of white guilt.

I actually did meet a refugee from Nigeria who used to be a child soldier until his parents "bought" his freedom. He was one of the nicest people I've ever met.

You misunderstand, its about staying focused. What good does identity politics get you? Criminals are criminals, you can treat them as criminals. There is no reason to care what % of who is committing the crime, as they are all in prison anyway.

The only purpose of bringing up race is to start a distraction, a new line of conflict between people to keep them from focusing on the important one of economic class.

Leftists are so full of self loathing. They disgust me.

body moles are disgusting ,, cfnm fuck only

Neither just helped me realize how much the heads of 'liberal' parties (and their families) love slavery. Once you start mentioning it then people often start to ask okay who really did this? eventually they find out.

it made me disgusted with myself, in how easily led I was by NPC talking points. However, I don't think I've become more racist as by the definition of the actual word. Rather, it has made me understand that our complete lack of empathy for our fellow men is at the root of many of our problems. The whole equality narrative, has completely destroyed any need for the pretense of caring about your community and people around you. It has taken the self-indulgent feel good morality to an abstract plane, where people can pretend to care for other people whilst stepping over the homeless, ignoring the junkies in the back street and people lining up for food-banks.

TL:DR: it made me disgusted with the cognitive dissonance that rests in all of us, where we want to cast ourselves as good people but don't really want to engage with the less fortunate

pic related

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white liberal guilt is responsible for turning me full 1488

less racist and more right-wing

I'm not a nazi though - I'm a minarchist. Small government allows one to discriminate against niggers privately and publicly without fear of reprisal.

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I don't even get mad at blacks. The ones i meet are all middle class and socially liberal. Boy do i see a lot of self loathing white liberals who paradoxically carry a messiah complex though and i hate them deeply.

small government will inevitably become big government so long as economic class exists, because the economic elite influence what ever form of government you have an, in time, bend it to nothing but their own personal monopolistic protection and gain.

The only long term solution is to be free of government entirely. The only way to prevent anarchy from leading to the creation of new states is through universal local self sufficiency. This can only be accomplished one way.

If you disagree you are automatically a racist anyways.

Read this faggots

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I have witnessed those tiddies
I need to do better.

>pic related
I know your post is bait but that man is living the life he chose through a long series of bad decisions.

How nice, you met an outlier, but that is not what I'm talking about. We can focus on the economic struggle of the working class, since I'm very anti-capitalist, such as you, but to ignore biological racial difference is naive and destructive. Races are inherently different. They are built differently.They behave differently. That is why there will always be racial and cultural conflict in "diverse" countries. It is not only about economics, socioeconomics, or criminality. I do not hate other races, I only admit their differences.

Made me more racist...now I hate my own race. 60% garbage.

No one wants to read your retarded ass book outside of prisoners with nothing better to do

It's not guilt it's pure narcissism.

When some white faggot gets on social media and says something anti-white they are doing it for social approval and to inflate their own ego.

Display teat.

They fucking radicalised me Jow Forums. It wasn’t this website or any of those “alt right” YouTubers, it was them. They’re such broken people. They’re angry, neurotic, they don’t care about themselves or their families. They have a complete intolerance to any form of rationality and logic. They worship death and failure, nothing else. It made me realize that my previous libertarian principles could never actually survive in the real world because such a massive chunk of the population is quite literally incapable of independent thought. A few lies and whispers and they’d literally kill their own children to be redeemed of their original sin of being born as who they are. When I see them, it makes me angry at the people who did this to them.
>Pic related

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is this viggo mortenson in 'the road 2'

Much more racist. Seeing a chimp acting as its nature commands doesnt make me angry the same way seeing a self-hating white person does.
Ive been told that I should have allowed myself to be likely raped or mugged in the past rather than profile people. They are really this dumb.

God damn

more racist, against whites though. i cant stand my own race.

i would lick her pussy

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>father shook their hands
Filled me with rage desu. Same thing happened to some Euro that was killed and their parents took the money for the funeral and donated it to the poor "refugee" that killed their daughter.

here is leading question, what's the difference between never having been taught properly and not knowing how? Now imagine, you would have an entire generation of men that are not being taught properly....what would the societal consequences of that be... I wonder


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>if they call you a nazi for not being a SJW you can turn the tables and out virtue signal them with old school class struggle rhetoric.

lol that doesn't work
all they hear is "b-but what about the poor white people".

Found her

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and when foreign nationals are criminally predisposed?

This girl is really fun to look at. By my standards, a 10/10.

Much, much more

Just saw the follow up pix and her instagram, downgrading severely, maybe even to a 6/10.

More. Slowly I began to hate the white race traitors.

post pics of her pussy getting pounded

those freckles are cancerous

>Disgusting moles on chest (probably cancerous)
>Unshaven armpits
>Yellow teeth
>Fake cleavage (tits have to be unnaturally squashed together)
>Hideous nigger-tier nails
>Slutty expression (probably 30+ partner count and unable to pair-bond)
>Navel and multiple ear piercings indicate leftist political views

2/10 Would not bang.

would so fucking pump my cummies into her

based post. its not so much a political ideology as it is expression of fetishized self destruction.

best post in thread

a lot of them will find themselves in gulag '\(ツ)/`

This Account is Private
feels bad man

This guy fucking gets it. Thanks mate!

then why bother taking them in just to send to gulag?

>This can only be accomplished one way
Which is..?

sucking BBCs

i read it. i remember it started with some murderer entering store, killing black clerk with cold blood and stealing stuff from this store. it was sopposed to be one of good guys it seems. doesnt look much different from typical nigger behavious for me.

Doesn’t work

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try communism again. we'll need a vanguard class to whip the masses into revolt again. Oops looks like the party is on top again, better luck next time!

>you can turn the tables
no you can't. neckbeard detected.

>not being taught
Taught to what? Not to be a beggar and slovenly degenerate? There's a church every couple blocks user and your example started going bad when he thought he was too smart to walk in the door

30+ partner count lol!! ,, this thot is easily in the 200 range

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How'd you get that image if her account is private user?

Which house? ΣΑΕ here.

I probably would have continued on not really caring one way or another. But after the constant THATS RACIST screeching, I despise the not only the leftists who did the screeching, but the FUCKING NIGGERS too.

>its racist that cop killed a thug!
Its all so tiresome

>small government will inevitably

then you just start the process again. nothing lasts for ever.

It’s probably a wart from HPV. Fucking roastie slut.

Incredibly more

I know user, there are no excuses. However, in my estimation willful ignorance of other people's suffering is indistinguishable from malice. We all need role models to follow, something that men from this current generation are sorely lacking...

More racist

This site has made me more racist. White guilt used to make me cringe.

>We all need role models
You sound like a nigger

Yeah, more or less.

>We all need role models to follow
and they can't have any of that toxic masculinity thing going on, right?

yeah I know, mentors fulfill no function at all...

"toxic masculinity" and all that horse-clap is part of why we find ourselves in the binds that we do

White racial guilt is a product of critical theory, promoted by jews. As tt is only natural to hate the source of something as abhorrent as self-hatred, it is perfectly understandable that people have learned to hate jewish influence in our culture.

oh you you leaf, oh you


Not more or less racist, just more cognizant over the anti-white/anti-nationalist agenda being pushed, I don't blame people because generally speaking they are stupid and regurgitate things with their personal emotional spin. I just notice the subtle and many times not so subtle narrative they create and push, these narrative framers are some sick SOBs. They know exactly what they are doing and they laugh about it over a glass of wine when they see the chaos they unleashed.

No. I cant draw the line around based on my skin color, as i will end up in the same group as these people. Fuck them and their privilege, if you are looking for identity - look deeper than "white".

They will declare you "Strasserian nazi". They did it with Angela Nagle, "Kill all normies" chick.

>if you are looking for identity - look deeper than "white".
That’s the whitest thing I’ve ever heard. Only a white person would ever say that.

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i was not racist before being told i am a terrorist. I was not racist before king nigger and nigger congress and supreme court of fag tells me you buy this or we take your money. Now I'm combative towards everything. I believe the world is full of enemies, and I see them everywhere. It sabotages my relationships with the opposite sex, it undermines relationships with my friends, but I believe it will get better. Just not yet. Maybe lots of killing will fix it. Maybe things will be peaceful. I dont know. All I know is that most days life seems wasted, and I see people in ignorance being happy, and I know I can never be like that.
Is it better to be alone on my pumpkin? I don't know. Maybe one day my pumpkin will be on a private island. Or maybe one day social media wont make idiots popular. Truthfully I think we're pretty well fucked and the only way to fix it is going to be through force. It will be the white guilt propagators and related leftists vs the rest, but desu I don't really even agree with a lot of the rest.

Life is complicated af and everyone thinks they know best. The best start to fixing any of it is abolishing this shit education system and beginning systematic enslavement of the rest of the continent.

The human race will always expand, and people think they're better than other's with their enlightened current year attitudes and mindsets.

I just need to build up my credit and spend more time outside. Things will be fine.

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Toxic masculinity is bullshit. Just start telling your kids to break that nigger's nose when they start chomping out. If they aren't big enough, instruct them to keep all their pencils nice and sharp.

Same, don't want to name the chapter for opsec reasons. ΦA user

Oh. Never mind.

More racist
>live in a somewhat wealthy, mostly white area not too far from a large concentrations of black people that love gibsmedats.
>Sometimes, they come out to my area to ask for voluntary handouts even though they're already getting tons from the government.
>Last time it happened, I answered the door in a "coolest monkey in the jungle shirt"
>Groid hands me some pamphlet for groid school while asking for donations
>Hand him pamphlet back and say "sorry, not interested"
>Guy has a shocked look on his face.
>Haven't been bothered by dindus since.

"Racism" is a judeo-Marxist conspiracy theory. It is not a real thing, like gender.