How do nazis defend this?
Hitler would have gassed Jesus
No he wouldn't have. Jesus was of such a character that the kinds of jews Hitler despised decided he needed to be killed. Hitler actually didn't mind working with or having relations with jews that denounced the subversive behaviors of their race.
thats what happens when a retard runs the country
oh wait our time is close
nazis are pagans you retard
By ignoring the obviously fallacious question and saging babby's first slide thread.
>Hitler never gassed anybody
>Nazarenes were noted as having light skin
Whats to defend? Your made up scenario?
The truly important question here is how the FUCK did Jesus walk with 3 hands?
I suspect the answer is SAGE
Well, it would just be another Jew he was gassing.
Jesus was a kike who subverted European paganism. Gas is too good for Jesus. Crucifixion was the right call.
Good thing the Jews killed him first.
The jews wish Jesus was a Jew. They wish so hard
Hortlerfixes weren't popular with the Roman execution industrial complex due to technical issues caused by people with more than the usual number of hands.
I've never seen anything that suggests Jesus wasn't Jewish other than posts on Jow Forums. Do you have any kind of resources on the topic so I can get read up?
Jesus is a Christian.
I'm speaking of racial jews, not religious. Was Jesus a racial jew?
>the holocaust didnt happen lol
>hitler wouldve gassed hitler lol
Hitler and Jesus wouldve been best friends
Also he wasn't a Christian, he was Christ, the avatar of God.
Mary was probably a Jew. But we’re talking about the savior the jews rejected. So it’s semantics. Here the real question. Are you a Jew?
Where's the problem?
modern jews were the edmoites who lived in fucking judeah
> This failed ideology conflicts with another failed ideology because this fictional character would be attacked.
Wow, that sounds relevant...
It isn't semantics, it's determining whether or not Christ was racially Jewish or not. And no, I'm not a Jew either racially or spiritually. I'm a euromutt Irish/Italian
See this is what I mean, I hear shit like this on Jow Forums only. I've never seen this stated anywhere else, and I'm dying to get proof of these claims so I can back them up. Where did you hear that modern jews were the edmoites?
If Hitler gassed Jesus then what would Holy Symbol for church look like?
1) Jow Forums is not a nazi discord; nazi were zionists' henchmen;
2) Jow Forums is not a christianity board; the teaching of Christ is based, whereas christianity is 100% compromised;
3) op is the jews' accoplice.
All of this. The Fauxchristfaggotry infecting this board is more than 50% of why Kek was abandoned, when Kek actually produced results.
What's wrong with it the Jews killed christ. Who was only half Jew himself
>The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area of modern Jordan and later migrated into southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern southern Israel/Negev) when Judah was first weakened and then destroyed by the Babylonians
Eventually they were forced to convert
>They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism
And around that same time the Pharisee that follow the oral law
>The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud
like we have today the kikes follow the Tal Mud and which was repeatedly rebuked by Jesus, telling them they are children of Satan.
Now Edomites are the descendents of Essau, the brother of Jacob/Israel who decided to wage war his brother and his people.
>The Hebrew word Edom means "red", and is derived from the name of its founder
Now to do this Essau joined Amalek
>According to the Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites)
Which thus, together with Essau became the Edomites (plus a couple other things mixed in likely).
The Amalek are known as Israels nemesis and who fits the whites nemesis better than the kikes? The Amalek are a canaanite tribe. Canaan is the son of Ham who was one of the three sons of Noah (Abraham coming from Shem, S(h)emites). Now the Hamites are traditionally black and indeed canaans curse hints to him becoming a slave like the blacks did. Furthermore i believe the biblical first black (can go into this) was Cain, who himself was the son of Eve and the serpent. This is the line of kikes, those that say they are jews, but are liars instead. The Synagogue of Satan and they came through the Hamitic line, thus are basically white skinned niggers.
He was a filthy kike and so are all "Christians". Fucking dumb semetics.
He probably had lice. So it needed to be done.
All the Holocaust aesthetics would be ruined, tho
Jesus would've fed evvybody inna camps, raised all the dead ones, "its easier for a fat jew to pass through the gates of Auschwitz than it is for the Goys to live down this meshugganah pogrom" oy vey /hitches up pants
put down the sword and turn the other cheek, faggot
Hmm, very interesting stuff thanks user. I didn't know the stuff about the Amalek. So Essau fucked Amalekian canaanite niggers which are descendants of Cain and then the descendants of Essau were forcefully integrated into Judaism? Was there some kind of conspiracy by the Edomites to overthrow Judaism and turn it into what we have now, or was the coming of Christ what scorned Judaism and took away from it all those who were not Edomites? Why are they now the only demographic of Jews? Kikery?
Google "white Christian Identity." They try to argue that modern Jews are Caananites who stole the identity of the Jewish people and that Jesus, his apostles, and all the early Jews who converted in the first and second centuries were the real Jews and they were actually German. It's laughable.
The other thing they say is that at some point the Khazar people from Turkey hijacked Jewish identity. There is some truth to this but only some. The DNA tests show that some Jews from Eastern Europe have 4-5% Turkish DNA in them. But Jews have always been open to race mixing given certain conditions and approval by the Rabbin.
Basically we wuz Jews.
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners.
Christ was crucified for speaking against the jews.
That’s not what I said jew.
>implying Jesus is a Jew.
>never read a bible.
Yeah no shit Jews are more similar to Europeans than Muslims. Does that mean before Islam Jews were European? No, so you brought up an irrelevant study.
You really look dumb when you reply to someone who never replied to you and accuse them of replying to you.
I don't defend it.
I support it.
The study is about stratification based on cultural factors like religion. The modern jewish identity that created that ethnic group is the splintering of Christians from the Pharisees. In the Bible "Jew" just means someone from the kingdom of Judah. Israelites were a group of tribes that believed they were chosen to deliver the Messiah. When the Messiah arrived in opposition to Him a small faction that drew power from Rome splintered to form the gypsy rat tribe we now call Jews. Over the centuries their degenerate ways disfigured them into the creatures they are today.
nazis and christians are not one and the same so why would it matter?
I'm not Christian
Based Hitler.
They weren't the synogogue of Satan until they killed Jesus.
no, because a) that didn't exist then; there was no khazar nation yet and b) jesus was not born of any man. joseph was of the line of david, not jesus.
none of her eggs were fertilized until after she carried jesus. she was just a vessel.
They were both jews.
>asserting jesus existed at all, so that you can follow with the argument he was a jew
>your only source material is the bible, in which it clearly states he is god, not born of any earthly nation
"i hate the jews but specifically one of them was literally god and he will return according to my source material. that's why we should persecute them, obviously we can win that fight"
>200 IQ divide and conquer logic
>Says study is about stratification based on cultural factors like religion
>quotes the part of the study that mentions how Jews were more similar to Europeans before Islam took over
The quote demonstrates that the claim you found "laughable" that the people of the Levant which the Bible speaks about were more like Europeans than modern jews is correct. It also demonstrates that modern jews are a recent product of their religion not the people of the Bible. Just like Christian identity claims. I don't agree with them on everything but you are either an idiot who needs everything spoonfed or intellectually dishonest with no interest in learning. You're probably a jew even if you don't know it, only jews and women argue like this.
>Jesus dying was part of God's plan
>But also, Hitler would have killed Jesus!
Ayo hol up, so you be sayin Hitler was doing God's work?