Everytime I go out with my bf white women/girls give me dirty looks. I'm half Japanese and he's classically handsome...

Everytime I go out with my bf white women/girls give me dirty looks. I'm half Japanese and he's classically handsome. I'm insecure enough as it is, this is hurting my self-esteem since I'm always worrying that he's going to smarten up and realize he's dating down.
It's subtle, but it's there. Or maybe this is all in my head? I'm not sure.

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Everyone who is dating up is dating someone who is dating down.
Also that's projection. If they are giving you dirty looks it's because they are jealous. It doesn't matter what you looked like because girls will always think they would make a better gf than whoever is with the guy they would love to be with.
That said. He probably knows that he isn't limited in just you so he is probably going to be less flexible about what he expects in your relationship.

You're insecure because your retarded parents decided that race mixing was a good idea. You can't really do anything but visit a shrink.

It's probably in your head, but just to be sure, do you consider yourself ugly? If you do, there's two possibilities.

>Either he actually is dating "down" and could score a hotter/more beautiful girl in which case if he hasn't already it's because he values you more than that.
>Or you've just got self esteem issues, in which case you might actually just be imagining those "dirty looks". Or if they actually are giving you them, it's only because they jelly.

Embrace that jelly. Make it part of your power. Life's too short to spend it backing down before other people's adverse opinions. If you like your bf, why would you care that some random ass girl disapproves?

I'm part Japanese and have a white bf. I haven't noticed anyone giving us dirty looks. Although perhaps my bf isn't as handsome as yours lol?
I think it's partially in your head. If you feel insecure about it maybe talk to your bf. But I don't think it's good to worry so much about what others think. Why should you care if you are happy? Perhaps they're just jealous you because you are so beautiful and have such a handsome bf and it doesn't have to do with race at all?

Thanks. But as said, I feel like this is more about race. Also because one of his girl friends told him ( while I was there!) he should go after real women and not girls that look like children. I mean wtf? That hurt my feelings. I don't feel like I'm not accepted to be his gf

Oh, you fucking sweetheart.

If he's not blind, he likes what he sees. You don't have to worry about pissing off those other girls. They're jealous because they drive guys like that away by being shrill harpies instead of good girls.

If it really makes you uncomfortable when they do that, you should just wrap yourself around his arm. I'm sure that'll make you feel better.

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This is bait you retards.
That said, bumping because the pic makes me feel weird.

She's jealous because small girls are easier to bridal carry.

I think that's something that irks most white women like nothing else. 140 lbs is the low end for them, and it's uneven weight. You try any of that romcom shit with them and it's like trying to carry a goddamned waterbed through the door.

Asian chicks are more manageable.

Jfc what a savage burn lol. Although it comes from jealousy and you should embrace it as a previous user said.

Also saged cause this might be bait.

Thanks. I consider myself average. He's way more attractive. Like women staring at him in public attractive.
It's true I shouldn't let that worry me, but I'm just afraid that all that negative energy will
affect him some way

>it's subtle but there
>Someone told me to my face that I look like a child

Are you just larping or do you really not understand priorities?
>some girl bashed my face
>but more importantly I got mean looks once

That was a one time thing, I feel like I get looks more often and that affects me more throughout the day
I'm just confused and scared I think

Your boyfriend is dating you for a reason, so don't let other people's opinions bring you down.

I am considered attractive but when I dated very beautiful men, other women would always butt in and look at me in a jealous manner. You just learn to shrug it off and feel good about the fact you are with such a guy. Easier said than done, but you just need to be confident about yourself and about your boyfriend's decision to date you of all people

Whats with that picture, op

>I'm confused and scared
So you are larping then. Thanks for informing me.

Thank you. I guess since I've lived a pretty shelterd life I was oblivious to how blatantly cruel we can be to each other. I mean I figured most people outgrow this kind of pettiness. This is all a new experience to me

I just don't want to lose the love of my life

And I think I'm suffocating him with my insecurity and the negativity I seem to attract

But I need to get out of this mindset

Unfortunately a lot of people never grow out of it

Not op, but it's a sex doll with the skin peeled off.

>Asian chicks: Aww. I look like a child. Who'd want that? :white guys: I.M.A.G.I.N.E

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I wish I had a girlfriend this worried about our relationship