Don Cheadle wears a "Protect Trans Kids" shirt

They're not even being subtle. This is fucking insane.

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why is it ok to do this?

Whatever. Self culling gene pool.

We’re too overpopulated anyway

imagine being 54 years old and wearing your hat like that on live TV

>protect kids
>by doping and mutilating them

I bet the "trans kids" he is protecting are all white.

Nigger they are advocating putting children on hormone blockers. The kids have no vice because they are children and sometimes they like to do girl shit. These Hollywood pedos need to all be tortured to death

Why? Because your day is coming bigots. Y'all talk a big game about the day of the rope, but when it comes it'll be you that swings. But first, you can watch us put your spouses and children to the knife. Your days are numbered. Your genes will be expunged from existence.

>protecting kids is insane
??? how so ?

Hi Shlomo

>seething at hormone blockers
Why, because you want more MA'AMs in the future ? you like MA'AMs do you ?

protect all kids from Don Cheadle

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What's wrong with protecting kids?


It's sad but the less liberals are able to breed the better

I agree with protecting trans kids. They should be taken away from the parents who brainwashed them into that cult.

Isn't this pretty much saying protect suicide?

Anyone in showbiz who thinks this is pushing the limits should try wearing a "Free Palestine" or "Boycott Israel" shirt and then see how much solidarity you get among your own kind.

Protect the childs right to fuck up their entire life on a childish whim and onset subversion by parents and society to cut their penis off and wear a dress in public.

Trans kids don't exist.

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.

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>Says the faggot

>y-y-your days are numbered goyim
>our fertility rate is just fine, mind your own business
Sure, Moshe, in 20 years, Israel will be flooded with mudslimes and there's nothing you can do to stop it. U mad kosher boy?

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Create trans kids
Claim victim status for them
Holy wow these ppl are stupid

It sucks but the blame is on the parents.

Nothing. There's something wrong with Trans kids. When I was young I wanted to be all kinds of things. Kids shouldn't be allowed to make irreversible decisions like going trans and taking hormones and shit. It's fucked up.

Kikes don't realize they're being played.

I've always hated that guy's face. And now he will burn in hell, which is a fitting punishment for his shitty voice, expressions and lack of screen presence.

Well on the bright side if the parent(s) is/are crazy then the kid will likely be crazy as well so pragmatically nothing of value is lost

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>I bet the "trans kids" he is protecting are all white.
This goy gets it

That's a court martial

>We’re too overpopulated anyway
And yet we need to import black men to impregnate our women to maintain and increase our population.

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Faggot nigger who rapes confused kids?

Most of these kids are going to realize they made a horrible mistake after puberty and either kill themselves or turn to drugs and slowly die broken inside.

lo sniperbait

don't forget the part about thinking you look good in it

A rapist and paedophile who was transferred to a women’s prison after claiming to be female and assaulted four inmates there made no more effort to be a woman than wearing wigs and dresses, former neighbours say.

Karen White, 52, a former drag artist from Manchester previously known as Stephen Wood, then David Thompson, claimed to be transgender to the authorities. Despite knowing that White had undergone no physical changes and was a paedophile on remand for multiple rapes with a long record of sexual and violent offences against women, the authorities permitted a transfer to HMP New Hall, a prison near Wakefield with a mother-and-baby unit. White committed the assaults within days of the move and was transferred back to a men’s prison.

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where do you live?

Doctors at England's only NHS transgender clinic for children warn lobby groups and pushy parents are exposing young patients to 'long-term damage'

I know a crazy single mom who unknowingly dated a pedophile, she only found out when the guy was arrested.
So to cope she changed her name and started raising her girl as a boy. Probably thinking it would help hide her identity? Or protect the kid from predators? (Boys are victims just as much as girls.)
The mom turning a pedophile victim into a """boy""" is guaranteed boosting the kid's chance of committing suicide to about 90% once she hits puberty. Suicide or a life on the streets.

The minds of the authorities are poisoned with such empathetic PC garbage. It makes them eminently exploitable by criminals and sociopaths.