I have tinnitus. Constant ringing and weird windy air pressure noise in my right ear

I have tinnitus. Constant ringing and weird windy air pressure noise in my right ear.

Is there a cure for this? It’s mild and only noticeable when I’m in silence usually while in bed trying to sleep but it’s still annoying.

The thought of never experiencing silence again makes me really fucking sad.

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it's a bummer that it bothers you.
i have it too but i don't really care about it.
i don't think there are any effective therapies or treatments other than a prescription.


I might have had it since childhood and only recently realized that it’s actually fucking tinnitus and that it’s not normal to have ringing in the ears. All those years I thought that it was just my ears adjusting to silence lol. I think my brain has learned to ignore it. I wish I never knew it was tinnitus though. Fuck.

There's a thing called AudioNotch which is supposed to help but I haven't personally tried it.

Far as I know there is no cure, because what happens if your brain is filling in holes in damaged hearing with white noise. What you can do is try to keep a little bit of quiet noise in your surroundings to drown it out, practice techniques to redirect your focus whenever you 'realize" it's there, and keep your volume low to protect your hearing from any further damage.

Also, tinnitus is aggravated by bruxism/TMJ, which is when you clench your jaw and grind your teeth, sometimes while sleeping. Check to see if you do that and work to relax your jaw if you do for some relief. A dentist can check to see if your teeth have the telltale damage, and you can also check your muscle tension. Use your fingertips to feel around your jaw and masseter muscle. Your jaw muscles should be soft, piable, and smooth, and you should be able to feel the concave shape of the bone underneath. If you feel hard points, tense "cables" in the muscle, or can't feel the bone underneath because the muscle is too solid, then your jaw is overtense. If this is the case, apply heat, massage the area, and stretch it. This should help reduce tinnitus volume.

I feel you man. About three years ago I had a very bad cold/bronchitis or something for three weeks causing violent coughing outbursts. One day it was really bad and I suddenly felt a popping sensation in my right jaw/ear area. Fifteen minutes later the ringing started and never stopped.
Living with silence and then losing it has been absolutely heartbreaking. Seems to be worse in the fall.
Went to ear doctor. Gave me an ear test and a $600 bill basically to tell me I'm fucked. My mental state has been severely altered because of it too. Almost wish I was completely deaf in that ear instead of hearing it.

Turns out even going deaf doesn’t stop the ringing. This shit is really fucked how there’s no cure for it.

Most people get used to it. Make sure you aren’t having some kind of accelerated hearing loss. Most people who have major hearing loss have a genetic predisposition to lose it way before the average person would, so you could be at a noisy club where other friends aren’t losing their hearing but you are. I’ve never heard of there being a cure.

I have it in my right ear. I remember exactly when I blasted my eardrum being stupid, messing around with a guitar tuner and whatnot.

Good job retard. How loud was the guitar?

How loud can tinnitus get? Can it become maddening? Really scared.

It was actually the tuner. It had a built-in metronome and I hooked it up to a miniamp with headphones (I only had the right headphone in). I was gonna put it on low volume and see if I could put like echo effects and shit on the metronome sound but the volume and the gain was all the way up and it was in drive mode. As soon as I started the metronome it made the loudest noise ever but it didn't pop the headphone speaker. It would've if I didn't immediately take it off. I think that's what happened.

So you’re like deaf in one ear now?

>weird windy air pressure noise
This is quite possibly a patulous eustachian tube. Basically, the tube between your inner ear and sinuses stays open. Kind of like when you yawn or your ears pop from swallowing/elevation, but it stays open, instead of just burping to equalize pressure.

How to fix (temporarily)
>be well hydrated
>bend at the waist and hang head as low as possible
>pinch nose and swallow repeatedly

Attached: eustachian-tube-dysfunction-64-638[1].jpg (638x479, 76K)

no just a little tinnitus

I don’t know what’s wrong with my fucking right ear man. I always had mild hearing loss but don’t remember what caused it and when I realized that I had it. But it doesn’t feel like hearing loss but more like pressure and windy air in my ear and fullness. Mild ringing and I’m also prone to dizziness. If I get in an elevator and get off it feels like I’m still going up and down for a few minutes. Maybe I have vertigo?

I went to the doctor for this and they told me that my right ear hole is smaller than the left. They scheduled an MRI or CAT scan I don’t remember exactly to see if I was born like this or if it happened later in my life but I never went. Doctors didn’t seem genuine though, felt like they were dismissive and in a rush. I also have a bad fucking habit of using q tips.

It can get louder, but it usually gets louder at a slow enough rate that you don’t notice. If you suffer damage like
the increase in volume is often noticeable.

You should start limiting the volume levels you’re exposed to. This can include
-using volume limits on your devices
-using the lowest volume possible to clearly hear audio, and for a controlled amount of time
-wearing acoustic earplugs when going to concerts and such
-wearing adequate hearing protection in loud work environments.

also, direct exposure to heavy traffic noise can cause hearing damage.

Isn't it completely normal to hear tiny noise in your ears in silence?

I've heard it's because you hear your blood flowing in the large veins in your neck and head, not tinnitus.

Blood flowing sounds like squoosh squoosh squoosh. I’ve heard that tinnitus is the sound of broken hearing folliciles.

> I’ve heard that tinnitus is the sound of broken hearing folliciles.
This. Auditory dead pixels.

Why do deaf people not have tinnitus then? Yes some of them can have it but most of the time is a separate issue.

People who are partly deaf from hearing loss do have tinnitus. Some people are deaf due to other causes.

You can hear your heartbeat and the blood in your ears in near to absolute silence and when blood pressure is high, but it's more of a water-rush sound.

"Auditory dead pixels" as put it is the best way to explain it I've ever heard. Props, user. It's the result of loss in a highly specific frequency and your brain filling in noise. The more extensive the loss, the more frequencies become dead, and the louder (and sometimes more auditorially complex) the sound.

It can end up getting quite loud and people who suffer from extremely loud tinnitus often end up put on antidepressants. How has a pretty powerful negative effect when it gets loud, but antidepressants help. Not the tinnitus itself, but your ability to handle it.
This is part of why it's so important to protect what's left of your hearing.

shit man i’ll neck myself if it gets really bad

It sucks for sure, but I hold out for the hope that they'll eventually be able to treat it properly. We're understanding brains more and more thoroughly every day, so I feel like eventually there may be some treatment.

How do I know if it's blood flowing or tinnitus? I'm not sure if it sounds like rushing water or broken something.

Tinnitus may be warbly or staticky in sound, but it's a constant noise, and I think is a pure tone in nearly all cases. Think of tinnitus like really annoying stars. Stars are there regardless of how bright it is outside. But ambient light makes them hard to see, and bright light like daytime makes them nearly impossible to notice, but you can find it if you focus really hard. Tinnitus is the same, it's always present, just a matter of how clearly you can hear it based on ambient noise.

Heartbeat or blood rush you can usually only hear occasionally, and only when it's very quiet, and it has a beat to it based on your heart. a Sshhoo, sshhoo, sshhoo, sshhoo sort of sound, that is steady. It's always more of a white-noise rush sound, instead of static or a tone. If your heart rate goes up or down, the sound matches it. You can also feel your pulse in your neck to see if it matches that, too.

You get used to it. Sleep with a fan on.

it may go away on its own or it may not
may get better or may get worse
it's symptom of many underlying causes, so it could be anything causing it including neurology that is not well understood or irreparable hearing damage. it could also be something as simple as high blood pressure, humidity or an ear infection.
put on a fan or white noise machine while you sleep. you probably cant do much to treat it but try different things and maybe one will work.


At the moment I'm trying to fix mine with a carnivore diet and fasting. Will report back on adv if it works. So far it's been fixing my face rash, dandruff, and energy levels