Where Should A Saffer Move To?

> US
If so, which States? I can't handle the heat, especially humid heat so any Southern States like Texas and Oklahoma are out.

> Canada
Are there any based parts or it's all feminism? How about Alberta, like Calgary or Edmonton?

> Australia
Too hot and humid.

> New Zealand
Looks beautiful but boring. Also not based politically and culturally.

Too far gone.

> Germany
German language, can't speak. Lots of shitskins.

Attached: white-flag4.png (400x400, 24K)

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>I can't handle the heat, especially humid heat

That's good, we already have too many pussies here as it is, don't need another

Just roll over and die already. There is no room for white people on this Earth.

Nowhere. Stay and die like you deserve, devil.

Come home if ur white.

Please answer the following:
Are you white?
When did you come of voting age?
Who did you vote for?

US is as doomed as the UK and the most kiked country. You'll have to flee here by 2050. I'd advise something in the Visegrad Group.

This is the state of amerikeks.
How's that wall going?


Relatively safe, people can understand Afrikaans, so learning the language is easy.
Lots to see and do, rich culture and history. Lots of rain, but you can catch a train to France for the weekend.

>Looks beautiful but boring.
I've never understood what this meant. Anybody care to lend a hand?
>UK too far gone
>is considering US
user, I...