Why does Flint still not have clean, drinkable water Jow Forums?

Why does Flint still not have clean, drinkable water Jow Forums?

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Why don't they just use their taxes to fix their infrastructure?

Because...you know what I really don’t fucking give a shit. Corruption and shitty infrastructure plus bureaucracy probably

>niggers nogging in bigland
>national emergency
>Why does Flint still not have clean, drinkable water
Because it's a corrupt shithole run by niggers. Why do Haitians eat dirt cookies? Same reason.

Because the demoniggers that they elected spent all that money on rims and hookers.

I live in Florida and the water isn't drinkable here either

the answer is because we live in a 3rd world country

how many years has it been?

because it's a state problem. the border isn't.

Because its not possible to fix the water.
Sue your homeowners insurance, then move.

We want them to die.

How in the fuck can you not have water in this location?

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Why can't the local or even state government take care of it?

dems would find a way to set water on fire, user. they almost have there.

Fuck Niggers, still cleaner then the water in Africa.

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Because, niggers.

They won't fix the problem, because democrats can use it as a talking point forever. "You want that? But the niggers dont have drinking water!!!!"

At this point I'm pretty sure the people of Flint, Michigan don't drink water.
Judging by local resident fat fuck Michael Moore I doubt they ever did.

Why is this a federal issue and not a state issue?

and why does it impact other states?

It's run by democrats and full of niggers

Same with you Florida faggots. The rest of the country wants you to die.

Sounds like a local emergency, if words still mean anything.

They fucked it up. It's their own fault.
Nice flag, nigger

yet everyone wants to visit and or retire here.

They had clean water coming from Detroit's water system. They didn't want to pay so much for that service (because their nigger citizens never pay their bills) so they thought they'd use their old infrastructure and supply their own water. Their nigger government made the switch and then when it led to this, they started blaming everyone but themselves.
>Someone needs to do something!
>This is straight racism coming from Michigan's governor!
>This is a national emergency!
>The whole nation needs to get us clean water!
And they won't shut up about it, as if it's anyone's fault but their own. And leftist retards think it's a great talking point because they don't know what really happened. They act like some evil fat cat billionaires just decided to pollute their water because they're all black and nobody cares about them.

We gave them money to fix it, but they didn't fix it and they took the money and live in gated community 30 miles away from flint.

We honestly should just abandon & just fucking glass Flint. It’s problems are probably deeper than they want us to believe like Centralia

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Because Michigan keeps spending all the shit they get on social programs. The answer to this problem is to first hang their entire state goverment for gross negligence, then pool all of their hoarded assets together and fix the fucking piping.

>if words still mean anything.
You know they don't

>Implying the right wing wouldn't/didn't spend it on horses and boner pills.
Those two things aren't related, i hope. Stop falling for the false dichotomy. They serve the same masters. The only difference is one is upfront about being antiwhite zionists.


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Ask their city council, mayor, state representative and governor.

look under ham, niggers, says their birthrite
physical great artisans and builders. they
are cursed, that's why they have dirty water
dirty water for dirty souls ie gentiles. blessed
are those who help themselves, cursed are
those who go out of their way for others at
their own expense.

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Because lazy niggers would rather pick up a protest sign than a toolbox

been drinkable for 3 years
black people and leftists just like complaining, you know this

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Because the local government caused the problem. The state tried to step into fix it and have been obstructed at every turn.

How dare this fag even come close to thinking he's as cool as stone cold Steve Austin

based spic king may lead his mongrels with dignity in these dark times.

you mean you live in israel and travel back and fourth to your second home in broward county, kike.

Because it's a state issue and should be resolved by the state of Michigan.

Because replacing thousands of miles of piping takes time.

It's a single town in a single county of a single state, where is the mayor? Where is the governor?
Why does the responsibility of this shit passes straight onto the president?

why people outside flint should pay for Flint water system?

Good news, the woman in charge of Flint, MI has single-handedly raised enough money to fix the problem.

Unfortunately she will spend it on weaves.

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It's fair easier to make others take responsibility for their own shortcomings

It has happened. In Cleveland the Cuyohoga River would routinely catch on fire.

They do. Flints municiple water supply is one of the cleanest in the country. The problem is niggers with lead pipes. My well water on the other hand is contaminated with PFOS thanks to the air force faggots.
t. Michiganfag

short answer
long answer

Better question: Why isn't some daring businessman making cheap water-filters and selling them to the people of flint?

>Bear Grylls can literally make a fucking water-filter out of sand, stones and charcoal whilst drinking his own piss in a forest, but Flint has put up with this shit for years

People are still fucking whining about that shit? It isn't the fucking feds problem

It's even more complicated than that. The water treatment profile is what is causing the pipes to leech lead. Detroit water, which my house is on, is treated with UV, then chlorinated. Flint water is using Chloramine, which is a deadly chemical. The Democrats are the ones pushing Chloramine to poison the US population. As a result, Flint will continue to be poisoned forever.


Why should people without cars pay taxes that go towards highways?

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Because there's no tax money.
Because every penny gets budgeted away.
It's better to have a lower tax rate and then levy a one-time emergency tax for shit like this.

NOBODY (clap) CARES (clap) ABOUT (clap) NIGGERS

niggers refuse to fund the maintenance of their infrastructure and then just chimp out when the municipality starts cutting corners resulting in lead leeching into the water

>one nigger infested city has bad drinking water
that's a creepy avatar

>Literally touching all but one Great Lake, the largest source of liquid fresh water on the planet.
>Can't get drinkable water into houses

That's niggers for you.

Interesting. Is there a good write up somewhere so I can understand this problem better? I'll check wikipedia,but I know that's gonna be half truths. I want the real story.
I'm right though, that they ditched Detroit's system because it was too expensive?

>implying (((you))) don't belong in an oven

The media are whining about a job that's in progress because it's not done. The New York cosmopolitans sipping their fucking Starbucks don't seem to realize how lengthy and expensive even a small scale water infrastructure replacement operation is, let alone one as widespread as Flint's.

Who drinks tap after anyway?

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Isn't that communism?
Shouldn't the free market fix it?

We have a winner.
Btw my home state has worse drinking water than Flint in like 15 cities, but no one cares because fuck Appalachia.

I love how they still to this day demand free bottled water and still use bottled water for everything. Last summer i helped a friend move and saw a nigger washing his car with bottled water.

The entire US water system is polluted

This shit all started 5 years ago ago and somehow there are still people alive in Flint to bitch about it. Seems suspect when it only takes 3 days without water for a person to die.

>state have rights and powers within their borders
>state fucks up
>"please federal government, take away my rights and powers and give me money to fix problems I created"
>federal government fixes and takes away power from one state
>now has to take away power from all states cause of precedence
What exactly are your values?
Do you want state liberty or all encompassing federal government?

Gatorade is a health drink btw

Where I live tap water has lower toxin levels than bottled water.

It's not rocket science op.
>Flint is running out of money because gibs are poor and you can't tax gibs that much
>Have to redirect water supply to a polluted river
>Has heavy metals and oxidizers that corrode the shit out of every pipe
>Estimated replacement costs is well out of range and scope for Flint
>Will take longer than projected to replace pipelines
It's a bit of a shitty situation. But the water treatment plant had no choice due to the gibs slowly sucking the town dry.

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Depends where you live.
The tap water here is fine.

White people

Because if niggers have a problem it's everyone's problem for some reason. An entire of race of children who are incapable of taking care of their own problems.

There's literally nothing wrong with that water.

You're lucky. Tap water in America is so fucking garbage. I refuse to drink the tap water. It smells so strongly of chlorine it can actually smell up the room.

All these rich 1% billionaire Democrat donors and none of them want to waste $167 million on niggers in Flint Michigan?

Based Göran.

>too expensive
Not really, they were just dumb niggers that thought "y wez payn dem? Wez got wadder hur."

You haven't heard of the water problem in Rockford Michigan because its white people...

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Who cares flint is gay

Yes, they switched off the water in order to fund the city pension plan, which was going broke.

I'm near Flint, and a civil engineer. It's no longer as simple as switching back to the Detroit supply, all the pipes have to be replaced, because the chemical barrier that forms with regular Chlorinated water has been breached.

>Another settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map.

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Because it's a waste to use even more tax dollars on a bunch of stupid niggers, nigger.

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Get in here Anons, someone leaked the Rothschild email accounts!!

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Make that CLEAN water.
And it's because fucking Detroit. They poisoned the lake with heavy metals so badly, niggers are literally retarded because they have traces of said metals (particularly lead) on their blood, which hinders brain development.


Look down at your dick. See that it is cut. That is the mark of a slave. Why would the elite fix the water when they can serve their donors and get more children to rape and murder.

It's drinkable

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It's a public service

Nigger political machine runs Flint. The current female mayor is just a low IQ puppet they put in front of cameras. Literally the same exact nigger thieves since the late 80s run the city now. 30 years of decline, same exact head niggers using the nigger churches to bloc vote

Whites can’t even get a job in city hall; only connected niggers, likely paying 10% kicks per paycheck

Nice meme flag faggot. Guaranteed you're not from the u.s

What local democrat leaders do in their city and state is of no concern to other states and therefore not "national" in any way. Getting rid of your leaders in Michigan would be a good first step if you want drinkable water.

>Assuming this isnt the fix.
Drink more fresh h2o nigger.

>Why does Flint still not have clean, drinkable water Jow Forums?
Because the niggers there are too dumb and lazy to fix it.

Happened in Argentina after the 2001 collapse.

niggers don't pay taxes

This. Fuck the air force.
t. Ioscofag

Yes, they were too cheap to pay for Detroit water and then they used a different water treatment process which ate away the protective coating inside their lead pipes. And this was somehow the Governor's fault because he didn't want to throw state money at a public works problem a municipality made due to their inability to manage money or public works.