Thread archived, but i'm still motivated to take this flag !
>pic related, this is the flagpole
So, let's do this !
Thread archived, but i'm still motivated to take this flag !
>pic related, this is the flagpole
So, let's do this !
Other urls found in this thread:
First, here is the livestream :
Seconde, the flag is located at the top of the LU Tower, Nantes, France. Since I live in Brittany I can take a train or a car to go there.
Third, I have a drone and I can buy mini fireworks, so I can take or damage enough the flag.
For Kekistan !
Luke, no one likes you are cares about your bullshit. You are a manlet Jew.
nostalgia bump
So, we have 2 options :
Either I use my drone and try taking the flag, but since I don't know how, i'll probably just break it.
Or I use a mini firework to damage the flag enough so that it's replaced, or even detach the flag with the fireworks.
2016-2017 was 4chans golden age.
any ideas on the capture?
my vote is drone with flame thrower
hell fucking no go away redditor faggot
Damage it
God speed user we will praise you and you will become a legend keep us posted and praise kek