Thread archived, but i'm still motivated to take this flag !
>pic related, this is the flagpole

So, let's do this !

Attached: drapeau.png (648x762, 506K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First, here is the livestream : hewillnotdivide.us/

Seconde, the flag is located at the top of the LU Tower, Nantes, France. Since I live in Brittany I can take a train or a car to go there.

Third, I have a drone and I can buy mini fireworks, so I can take or damage enough the flag.

For Kekistan !

Luke, no one likes you are cares about your bullshit. You are a manlet Jew.

nostalgia bump

So, we have 2 options :

Either I use my drone and try taking the flag, but since I don't know how, i'll probably just break it.

Or I use a mini firework to damage the flag enough so that it's replaced, or even detach the flag with the fireworks.

2016-2017 was 4chans golden age.

any ideas on the capture?

my vote is drone with flame thrower

hell fucking no go away redditor faggot

Attached: 1536020667310.png (2404x1260, 768K)

Damage it

God speed user we will praise you and you will become a legend keep us posted and praise kek