Get it off your chest

Other thread reached bump limit.

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Too simple for a full thread, but how the fuck do I give feedback on a piece of writing saying something the ai th or tried to do made the story dull or boring without coming off harsh? Its finals week and I have to give feedback on people's writings by a deadline for a class...

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I'm not taking my recent breakup very good

Stuffing my face with some mc ds, feeling sad as fuck for.. months now
and can't seem to snap out of it, even though it's my own damn fault

My mind is on a loop, sometimes i have good days then i stop and think about her even after she told me she fucked someone else, even after she told me there's someone else who told her he loves her

I feel like an idiot with nearly 30

I actually had a productive day today. I took a final and felt like I did well.
I practiced piano for 2 hours, bass guitar for 1 hour, and took a bass lesson. 1 final left and I even have 4 more days to practice for it.

I just got hit with a wave of sadness. I enjoyed all the aspects of my day, trying to figure what went wrong. Is it the girl? Because I haven’t asked her out for a second date when I reall want to? Is it because I’m hungry? What the fuck is it? I wish I had a really real reason to be sad, not this fake shit my brain puts me through. I think I deny myself happiness because I don’t think I deserve it and have trouble convincing myself otherwise sometimes

I'm not good at Smash and my friends keep wrecking my face in it. I get so close to winning but their technical skills are just that much better than mine to the point where hard reads can't bridge the gap.

>I get so close to winning
This could be simply psychological if you keep getting close.

that dumb tranny cunt of a docor.

everyone knows it's swelling that causes the nose to feel stuffed up. That's why you take anti inflammatory medications plus sinus and all that stupid ass shit.

HOWEVER, "she" was 100% fucking lying about my ear. There IS something in my ear causing it to do that. It's all gunked up, swollen, and was sealed shut. It physically hurts to touch it, I can't even touch the back of the ear when I could before this shit started happening, and she straight up fucking lied about it.


I went there to get medications. You know exactly which meds I'm talking about. I went there, I played along, I was willing to cooperate and you dumb mother fuckers decided to be cunts about it.

You need to end this shit already. I'm not playing along. I will never play along. I will never play nice.

You threaten me with violence, with murder, and if you pull a gun on me you damn better fucking pull the trigger because I will fucking kill your sorry ass.

if you do that shit like Jack said... I'll fucking kill you. You might be able to intimidate everyone else but seriously... fucking think twice before fucking with me.

Depression can imprint itself like that. Its important to focus on the positive, not "I feel bad".
Dont take that the wrong way; most people are resilient, so its not like you're trying to overcome a meth addiction through willpower alone or something, but if you do keep struggling I would say try and find therapy and, if really needed for chemical balance issues or whatever, look into medication after you've tried everything else.

Hopefully this is a fleeting feeling at least
>I feel like an idiot with nearly 30
30 what?

Pls respond...

>Me reading this: "oh sounds like you need a new doct-..."
>>You threaten me with violence, with murder, and if you pull a gun on me
Wait, what?
Your doctor is threatening you?
What's going on, then?

>look guys I'm talking to him!

I'm "happy" with myself and I really don't need anyone else to live. That being said, I can enter a relationship with another if I want to. But should I? I feel there's nothing to gain from it?

Sex. Sex is great, I love it and all. But I do not long for an emotional connection with anyone. Maybe I need to give it a chance to develop first? This isn't my first time, but it's been so long and I've always been comfortable with being alone.

I dislike that I am comfortable with being alone. I dislike it. But I am comfortable. I feel wrong sometimes. But am I?

[Repost cause bump]

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Im gay probably. And that's okay.


I think it's cute how weak you idiots are. How you just rolled over and did everything you're told to like good little bitches.


Tell me, what does boot shine taste like?

how does it feel to be a coward?

the best, biggest shining moment of your entire life is me farting in your general direction.

It feels like everyone is moving forward in life while I'm stuck. Despite having both personal and medical reasons I still feel like shit for not being able to do what others can. I know people all have different strengths and weaknesses and I should give more credit to my strengths and work on those. But I can't make career out of them. At least not as easily as my friends can. I just want to enjoy my fucking hobbies and be happy with myself, I don't want some far reaching goal, yet seeing those around me excel makes me feel fucking pathetic and no matter what I can't shake that feeling

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Strongly considering sex with a woman who's way older.

just shitty, piece of shit cowards.

And they are so proud that they get the opportunity to be someone elses dog. These people are the easiest cunts in the world to pander to. all you have to do is tell them that they are special to feed their egos and they'll suck your dick in a heartbeat.

You're all going to burn for what you did. You appear dumb enough to believe that they'll protect you but you idiots don't know what I know.

You dumb fucks have no idea what's coming.

and I bet they think they are clever for rewriting my posts.

like... you guys realize that this will be over eventually right? I will find out which ones did what.

BTW, the girls can see the screen and read my mind as well. They can see you change them. You fucking retards have been shooting yourselves in the foot from the beginning. That's why they won't be with you dumb cunts. They can SEE how evil and manipulative you fucktards are.

That includes my brother and my dad.

You guys thought you were so clever didn't you.

I need to tell her breaking up two weeks ago was a mistake. I can't tell if she's trying to move on or already have but it's killing me not just hitting her up now and letting her know I feel. I need to know so I can go on with my life with no regrets instead of standing in this self-imposed crossroads.


Yeah twice your age you said last thread.
What are you looking for from here?
Shock value?
No one seems to care

you guys need to work on your threats.

I REALLY don't think you dumb fucks get it yet.

You're still threatening me. You guys still think this is business as usual.

You guys still think you're in control.

>they don't know what you know
>they haven't seen what you have seen

I'd like to hear from someone here who's done something like that before.

My chronic loneliness is so bad that it's begun to feel nostalgic.

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I've killed 4 men.

So this is an experience much like a man trying to get with a milf, huh?

no pretty sure you're gay.

Maybe by giving them aids you turbofaggot.


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She will instead be considering you. Do you know how many young guys want milfs? She can take her pick. I went through a phase where I was into young guys 18-25 and they were cute and sweet but they just don't have enough life experience to be an equal. If you both just want sex, go for it but if you want more, I wouldn't bother.

One night with me will ruin your entire life.

I mean, other than the aids. Getting with me is getting with the best, any other time is just going to be unsatisfactory.

I'll show you how it's done.

we are in the millions at that point then my man.

Number one killer right here.

That's what they say at least. I have no idea if I have any STD. No one tells me shit. If I had aids, it would have FOR SURE shown up in blood tests at this point. My immune system would have been fucking destroyeeedddd.

>If you both just want sex, go for it
That's the goal. It would be downright delusional to think anything else was possible.

I might sleep with a man who is in his 60s. It's obviously not for his looks but I do love him.

I should make an app for android that I'll call "Baby Scanner" where you get to scan a pretty girl and it tells you whether or not she is a little baby and what percent of her is a little baby or not.

I'll call it the Cute Baby Scanner.

Yeah ok, you sound mentally sound...

god, please let everything go well tomorrow

I have no many weak times in a day that I want to contact him but I won't. It's all over, I need to forget him.

>Tutoring and performance being the payoff
No ty, I would rather herpes instead.

the price you pay for mastery

idk how the future will hold up i'm getting anxious anons

my ex hurt me and i have a bulging disc by the base of spine and some problems with my sacrum/pelvis. he also kinda raped me for a second and got mad angry when i didn't want it early on in the relationship. i haven't reported it yet.. left him after he injured my back badly but the state is going after him for dv battery etc. i relocated and ever since the incident i get restricted calls and even a VOIP call. i haven't pick any up yet. but i'm curious. should i try to record?

once i send the OK for medical records will it be changed to a felony? kinda worried because i tried to talk to help with the case about his mental health but he blocked me and now i'm getting a friend request and waving on messenger from someone he knows ;_;

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What am I even doing?

Everyone has let me down. My life is just one giant disappointment.

I've never wanted to talk with someone so badly

Then do it

Does she even want you?

He doesn't want to know me

Have you tried?

Yes. It's a complicated situation. I know I have to move on, but I can't because I always get attached to people for long periods of time

Regardless of politics, Herr Drumpf, the Wall, shutting down or not shutting down the guvment (like we ever needed them anyway), I still hear the complaint that 1% control 90% of the world’s wealth. I say, Who gave them all that wealth and power? If you don’t like the situation, STOP BUYING ALL THEIR SHIT. Otherwise, don’t complain. It’s your fault if you don’t have the self-control to stop feeding the Monster. Fuck the iPhone X. Fuck Tommy Hilfiger. Fuck Dolce AND Gabbana. Fuck cocaine. Fuck Budweiser. Beer never made Bud wiser.
Then people complain about the $ that goes into the space program, when in fact NASA gets only half a penny of every tax dollar. I say, give NASA 99 cents of every tax dollar, so they can finally figure out a way to get me the fuck off this fucked up prison planet for good. Then, Good riddance to this “beautiful blue marble in space” that’s constantly trying to kill me ... and to the many professional idiots who inhabit it.

It's much more complicated than that. We all have to buy things, those things are made by companies that control the world. We're screwed. There is no solution.

She was the one initially coming on to me. I was just conflicted about the way I felt about it at first.

Always these memories that bring back so much sadness. I've tried for so long now to escape them and I really don't have anymore options but to kill myself. I'm going to start giving away my stuff and make it easier for those around me.

Well, what's the big deal then?

"I feel like you lost the audience at this point."

I'm not sure there is one. I was talking to my to best friends about it and showed them some messages and one of them was like "that's sweet, go for it" the other one was visibly disgusted and telling me not to do it but not saying why. I was pretty sure I should try to go through with it but after I saw his reaction I wandered if I was doing something wrong.

I made a huge mistake and shipped 5 grams of mushrooms to a friend in the states for christmas.

I'm hoping that my christmas present isn't a trip to jail and a hefty fine.

Fuck me fuck me fuck me.
It's sitting in customs right now and I hope to hell it gets through.

I don't sell drugs, it was from my own recreational stash.

Hope to fuck it'll be ok.

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Don't bother if you care that much about your dumb friend's facial expression. Seriously, she can do much better than you.

Where do you idiots come from? That's almost as bad as the guy last week who thought he could sneak weed on a plane. Hope you didn't leafy a return address.

I'm asexual and feel like I'll never find someone who shares my disgust towards sex and intimacy. And I mean I could get a gf but there's no use because we'll never have that physical connection.


No, sorry

t. desperate old hag

Had a hot dream last night about an old friend and subsequently had the best fap of my life so far.
Haven't spoken in 3 years though. Not out of bad blood, just clashing schedules and being busy. Should I hit her up?

Posted this in another thread but here it goes

On Monday I went to a study group for a biology class and meet a girl there and we hit it off really well. We studied on Tuesday for 10 hours together and studied Wednesday morning tight before the final. I finished after she did and she had already left. Should I use FB to contact her?

I know a guy that tried to send hundreds of dollars worth of in the mail. Lucky for him the mailman was more interested in stealing than reporting it.

Worst case: you catch up with an old friend
Best case: you catch up with an old friend and get sex
Do it faggot

Give it time user, depending on what you done/what's happened. Personally I'd cut all contact and try and move on. Sounds weak maybe but if I'm trying to forget someone I'll concentrate on their negatives.

Trying so hard to sleep because I need to be up early but it's 2am and my boyfriend decided to invite a fucking guest over and I can hear everything.

I haven't had a decent night sleep in over a week because I've been travelling and I could kill someone.

You know a special snowflake is full of shit when they're proud of their "differences." They can walk away from their exaggerated sexuality, self diagnosed mental illness and faked Chronic Multiple Fatigue Give Me A Cripple Placard Now Please Sclerosis. I'm stuck like this. I wish I could get rid of half of this shit and just be normal.

The gooberment is trying to figure out how to punish child molesters. Maybe the problem is not so much How, but Who. Like the Hollywood scum, politrickians, judges, lawyers, cops, businessmen, clergy, Jehovah’s Witness types, Mormon Fundamentalist types (FLDS). That’s right. Go after the big shots first. If you really want to solve the problem.

Thanks, talking to her now. Gonna plan a lunch or dinner date to catch up. With any luck I'll be inside her someday soon

If shes a desperate old hag then you should STFU and stop posting about this over and over. Jesus christ, you are boring the fuck out of us.


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Take an inventory of everything you own. I’ll bet most of it is useless junk.
The biggest problem is overpopulation. The more consumers there are, the richer and richer and richer the megacorporations, bankers, and politicians get.

t. desperate old hag who thinks she's hot shit

I wanna fuck everybody besides my girlfriend and i wanna break up with her

Every time I think of you, I puke

Yet you're the one that's thinking of sleeping with her. You must be desperate.

>About to go on a date with a woman I met on a dating site
>Get a text from her mother, sent from the number she gave me, saying she died in the ER

There goes that opportunity

That person must really have upset you :(

Drugheads are not the smartest people.

One of my old bros likes regaling people with a story about how he flew to Singapore with a dime bag duck taped to his crotch

You sound like you need room to vent. It's okay.

>Final exams week
>At least three questions (each worth 10 out of 100 points on the test) from a reading the instructor didn't assign
>Later get a mass e-mail from the instructor that says the reading was assigned even though it appeared nowhere on canvas or in the textbook
>Instructor says the reading was assigned and the class just missed it, "if you earned a C or lower in this class from your negligence you can live."

Why would you say that? I'm not venting at all nor do I feel the need to. =)

user, you're being very acting very upset and I'm concerned for you. I hope you get over whatever the problem is. It's my recommendation that you watch old episodes of The Bum Hunter on youtube to improve your mood.

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If the population were smaller, corporations would have to consider treating employees like people instead of interchangeable parts that you can just hire over when you've squeezed every last drop of labor out of the last set. I'm convinced that the political side eyeing of abortion and the rise of white supremacy is a panicked manipulation from the new aristocracy in response to falling birth rates. They COULD just raise wages and provide paid parental leave, but that might cut into short term profit, and that's just not doable. I know so many people that would be having children if they could afford it, and it's heartbreaking.

I have been dating a supersweet girl for 8 months now but I don't know if I should call it off. I caught feelings for another girl and its so close to Christmas

here are my problems with my girlfriend
1 She does not seem totally into my hobbies, as in barely at all
2 she has no hobbies and is basically a neet right not
3 no sex at all cause shes shy and a virgin
4 always on her phone
Those are the problems
any advice guys, shes really nice and we do get along quite well if im being honest, but it might be time

Yet you're acting inflammatory.
I suggest you get off here and take a deep breath.

You must be projecting about your own anger and issues because I've said nothing to suggest I'm upset. You must think you're hot shit as well, quite amusing to see this projection in action.

>At a friend's party
>Notice someone slip a packet of some white stuff in my drink, it's some douchey bro looking dude who probably wants to pork my ass on the down low and is resorting to rape because he's too cowardly to admit to his desires
>Think about how I've never been sedated or roofied before, so I pick up the drink and call an uber home, nursing the drink the whole time, hoping for a roofie high when I get back
>When I get back to my apartment, I sip the drink
>No unconsciousness, no altered state
>Only thing besides alcohol tastes like semen

>tfw a dudebro spiked my drink with semen

I'm not sure how to feel about this but at least it wasn't rohypnol

I'm expressing my opinion that you're fucking boring af. You need to get out of here for the love of Jow Forums.

user, this isn't Jow Forums...

You were the hall monitor in school weren't you?

Yeah, this is Channel 4.

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>You were the hall monitor in school weren't you

(for you)