Can I call the police on my family

My brothers aren’t letting me sleep. They are felons and degenerates who are invading my personal space by blasting their TVs so loud my floor is shaking and the lack of sleep is really starting to affect my health negatively. Extreme Stress+ Lack of sleep+Causes low iq and ruins my ability to think clearly because my homosexual felon brothers are blaring the kardashians as loud as they can to keep me awake.

Right now it is 8pm and I haven’t slept in 2 days. I feel like I’m being tortured and if you think about it I LITERALLY AM being tortured because my brain can’t take it anymore.

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Were you born a nigger or just became one?

You can call the police if what they're doing is illegal.

But it's not. Playing a TV loudly isn't against the law. You're not being tortured, you can just walk outside.

If you're so smart, you should be able to think your way out of this.

Having the tv extremely loud on purpose is sound pollution and it’s intentionally used as a weapon to prevent me from sleeping. I can leave the house and sleep under a bridge? Is that your suggestion. My brother is a felon and he’s doing this on purpose.

My brother is a violent felon who doesn’t want me to sleep. He always turns his tv on when he hears me go into my room. He knows I am non violent and don’t like dealing with him. Matter of fact I blocked his number so he can’t text me and I pretend like he doesn’t exist because he is scum. A homosexual felon. So in return I lose my ability to sleep which I can feel the negative health effects this very moment. This is torture.

Fuck you tripfaggot

Move out. Or Sell the TV.

He is not only playing the Kardashians and homosexual shows extremely loud on purpose. He switches between playing homosexual techno music that makes my floor rumble. I found out how to stop it for one day. I changed he WiFi password on the router website. But he would keep resetting the router and turn it back on as quick as he can.

He has 4 TVs in his room and 3 xboxes. To watch gay porn with and to terrorize me and harm my health by playing something he knows would piss me off. He is a homosexual felon with a rap sheet. He not only causes me grief but the dog hates him also and he makes the dog anxious.

Please pray for me I can’t take living with homosexuals anymore and I’m losing it from the lack of sleep. I tried everything I could to sound proof my room and be non confrontational. I bought a large painting. I bought a large rug to cover my floor. I bought those stupid black things that are supposedly sound proof and nothing worked. I am living in hell and moving out will just end up in me getting killed because good men like me die in this world. We are the hunted. Please cleanse this earth once and for all god.

You can’t tell them to stop?

He knows I want it to stop. It’s a power game he plays so I cannot sleep. If I tell him to stop he might do it for one day and then start to do it again. I know how he thinks. He is my brother and he’s a homosexual felon with a crime that hurt someone else. I can even feel my heartbeat change and is acting weird from not sleeping. When he’s around the dog the dog starts shaking around him also. The dog doesn’t want to be around him because he makes the dog upset. There is nothing I can do besides vent right now.

If you remove the electric meter the tv will turn off...

I avoid confrontations at all costs. I blocked him on my phone for sending me psychotic messages. I can tell he is upset at that. I ignore him and pretend like he doesn’t exist. He is a homosexual felon with a rap sheet of hurting other people. This angers people like him more than confrontations. Look I can’t even think straight because of the lack of sleep. My body says go to sleep. I can’t because there is the kardashians blaring right now. This is TORTURE.

That made me laugh.

learn how to sleep on your back and wear those big earmuff style hearing protectors. That's what I do.
You could also get noise cancelling hearing protection.

Why do you live with your felon brothers? Still saving up for a trailer of your own?

Because my parents live in the wealthiest neighborhood in my state and I’d rather stay here until they die instead of move out to a less safer place when the world is going to end soon anyways.

Call your parent or parents and explain and scream if you have to and if not call the cops. I can sympathize my homosexual brother used to blast literal interrogation movies that kept me up at night. It went in for months and I barely slept and heard the literal faggot through the ceiling. He eventually stopped but it was hell. Call your parents take the phone outside and scream if you have to until you can sleep. The faggot is watching anime right now and I have to get up at 6:30 and watch a puppy until 3pm tomorrow like today. Homo scum like our brothers know no consideration. Find a tent and or sleeping bag and sleep outside.

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I literally broke into his room in a rage after months of it and it was an interrogation scene and I lost it. I swear I might kick his ass one day for the months of that faggotry. I truly feel bad for you OP. I will pray that you get sleep. Good luck.

My parents are democrats and they raised a failure. He used to keep them up at night and drive them crazy also and they begged him for months to nicely be quite so they can sleep. But he stopped terrorizing them and put his tv under my room to do it to me. He likes terrorizing people with these kinds of games. He did it to my other brother and he instantly moved out because he didn’t let him sleep when he works a heavy labor job and I’m surprised that my other brother didn’t kill him to be honest. He turned the basement into a basement where there was a popcorn machine pool tables and a game room into a pigsty. He’s an evil person who gets off on making people feel anxious. He burps around you and eats with his mouth open. He’s a homosexual who gets off on this stuff. This should be illegal to deny someone sleep. I thought these rugs and sound proofing shit I bought off eBay would help me but those things are a scam.

My body wants to kill him. My chest turns into stone and my reptile brain wants to settle the score. But we live in a civilized society and we can’t do those things so that kind of stress where I’m not releasing it on him just makes my health worse. I think it’s what he wants is a fight. He wants a reaction like an autistic kid. I forgot what the word was but it’s when an autistic kid is looking for someone to confront them.

Prisoners are retards like that and everything is a power game to them. Once my cousin said a black man in prison admitted to murder because “in prison you don’t need to hide that shit” and also that “prison is a rite of passage for Black men”. He also explained that power plays are everything to prisoners.

OP, you sound like a crazy person

I would suggest taking some form of aspirin even if you have to walk a small distance to get it.

Yeah he’s a nasty person and he’s being nasty with me. Me ignoring him probably makes him more mad. He wants a violent confrontations for a power move so he can just turn it louder after I confront him. He is a nasty person. Eats with his mouth open, takes the dog for a walk and doesn’t pick up the dog shit on the neighbors yard, he makes our dog anxious and shaking by blowing in its face, he gets dildos mailed to the house and shoves dildos up his ass. It’s all because my democrat parents are weak and bad parents. They watch msnbc all day while they have an animal son who victimized innocent people in real life.

Naw it is lack of sleep and an asshole of a family member I am certified sane and I have been through something similar.

I am a crazy person because a homosexual felon is rattling my room with homosexual techno music so I cannot sleep and the side effects of lack of sleep are showing on me. Okay I am crazy you caught me. I’m the crazy person here! With no criminal record who just wants peace and quite!

I got nothing left to give you advice on man. Take an aspirin, it doesn’t matter how strong, call your parents and see if they will do anything. If not find a tent and a sleeping bag and go sleep. Good luck I will pray for you.

I took your advice and took moltrin.This thread was just to vent because I’m so pissed. I think I’m done with the thread now. People were probably mad because I brought up the fact that he’s a homosexual democrat.