Zyklon Ben does it again

Zyklon Ben does it again

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That's not Ben that's his dumb Jewish wife

she is right, he fucked up on the wall

>Ann coalburner

Zyklon Ben strikes again.

Oh no she's gone off script how dare one of his former supporters flip out when Trump cucks our shit.

Nice edit. Who's got the original?

> Not showing the original before jidf edited it
user, I...

Orange man good!

>Posting the censored version.
Where's the original?

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I wish Ben would make actual good comics again instead of being a MAGA tard

It's not Ben

Ann Coulter has been right about absolutely every criticism. If she were president she would be tougher on the border, daca beaner rats would be shipped home in the same containers they came over in and we'd cut social programs creating a budget surplus and weeding out blacks

I didn't know she wrote an entire book in praise of Trump until now.

The wall is being built, he declared the emergency. The only thing you can disagree with is the deal which is only in effect until September. If you are going to shill at least be accurate about it.

she wrote a book in praise of his policies and attitude. It's perfectly fair for her to be pissed at him for lying to everyone for a couple of years and betraying his base
>The wall is being built
the wall that wasn't a fence on the campaign trail but now is? The wall that he fucked around on for all this time? The wall he could have brute forced at any point but decided to wait until it gave Democrats power to block deportations and other gay shit? The dude's a snake

she gets the rope anyway, Ann should have supported Rand instead

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>good comics
Like what for example? All the good one were photoshopped anyway

the kike billionaires who own fox news and the government dont actually want a wall.

they like trump because he is good at tricking retarded republishits into supporting tax cuts for billionares. But when trump threatens to cut off the flow of breeding stock from the south that keeps the population growing so the kike banking scam wont collapse... well at that point they dont support him anymore.

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>Being a (((Trump))) supporter in 2019
He was the chaos option and nobody cares anymore, brace for impact

Yeah his proposed increase in aid to Israel was really unpredictable.

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Who the fuck is Tina Toon? That isn’t Ben.

Also it’s retarded to call someone two faced simply for changing their opinion. I don’t agree with her anger against trump but I can see why she’d be disappointed.

The only Tina Toon I can find on google is some rice nigra.

Based Ben

Tina is bens wife you newfag

ben has always been a maga retard

do these two actually have a business or do they just self publish on incel message boards

it appears they're only relevant on trump dicksucking sites.

Anyone who ascribes to this woman is an absolute retard.

She's a "lifetime political expert" and ignorant to champion a man for several years, only to find out she was wrong?

Like Trump or not you're a complete shill if you use this woman's stance as a basis for anything serious. Can we stop these shit slide threads please?

>she gets the rope anyway,

orange man great, bad things happen because of deep state and shit

Awoooy vey~~

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>you can't become disappointed in a politician who constantly betrays you

She would be fucking the blacks



Anyone have pics of Tina Toon?

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I respect her motives, but she can get really annoying and counterproductive. Obviously, America has more to gain from keeping Trump to his promises than justifying his mistakes. However, overreactions will make you the boy who cried wolf. She almost never acknowledges any of Trump's actions outside of immigration, and stuff like renegotiating NAFTA and pulling us out of Syria deserve praise. Trump should know that his electorate likes those actions and wants more of them along the same lines. She also leaves little room for nuance on immigration. You can both agree and disagree with Trump essentially trading some pro-migration provisions in the spending bill for $8 billion to build the wall without being a bootlicker or shill, and yet people like Ann act like Trump has unforgivably betrayed everyone in doing so.

Yeah basically.

Ann is a purity spiraling idiot.

She's tried doing the same thing others like Steve Bannon, Mike Cernovich, and other celebrity commentators have done, which is to try and position themselves as though they are more representative of Trump's base than Trump. While others have moved on to try and do their own thing rather than hang on coat tails, Ann pressed on and has acted like she was an expert on immigration and building a wall, while never saying how.

When asked what legal justification there was for the president to use military funds to build a wall, Ann's reaction was describe how Trump should govern by slogan. "The army is meant to defend us" meaning in her mind being all the legal justification needed to use the army's money to build a wall. That's as stupid as saying the police are meant to "serve and protect" and so they naturally should be punished if they fail to protect people (which of course goes against what the SCOTUS has ruled).

When people brought up specific statutes that could be and have been invoked to allow for military funds to build a barrier, Ann's reaction was to complain that those statutes are irrelevant because [slogans].

She's not holding anyone accountable with these complaints, she's arguing as though she has answers that she doesn't give and gets upset when that's pointed out.

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I can't hear you, can you please speak up ma'am?


Trump did what Anne said (have the military build it)
he should have done it the first year too though (also stop all immigration)

Thats Treblinka Tina

>Republicans think this is true
God you fuckers are dumb. No wonder Trump won, he was the king of the tards.

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It is literally true

No, it literally isn't

He isn't doing that though

Can you R the donald people fuck off. You have ruined this board. Coulter has literally spoken about this topic "forever" back when the wall was called the fence.

No its not. Courts will block it and Trump knows it. Congress made it pretty fucking clear they did not want a wall and Trump's own national emergency announcement he said it was not necessary.

For fucks sake Trump spent the last month trying to convince people the wall is getting built and he only needs to finish it. Ann Coulter called him a dumb shit because he went about this in a way Democrats can pull any wall funding and have the high ground.

You got fucked hard and at this point I feel kind of bad. I thought you would get a little funding and Trump would make a Mountain out of a mole hill but you are not going to even get that. Hell I would not be surprised if Nancy was wanting Trump to ignore the courts and build it anyway so she could get GOP support for the incoming impeachment. For me the wall was a way to poke you in the eye like you have done us but wow this is going to just let us rape the shit out of your party.

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>No its not. Courts will block it and Trump knows it
The courts can't save you now, parasite. There's nothing illegal about this declaration, and plenty of talking heads have admitted it.

Ben Garrison really went to shit, I remember when he used to say that voting for either party didn’t matter. Now he actively shills for Trump despite him cucking massively. I now understand why we edited his comics after all these years. He’s basically trying to keep himself relavent after being forgotten about by Jow Forumsacks. Truly the downfall of a political cartoonist.

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He has sucked since the Jews turned his internet off and on....

Talking heads like Fox. The funding may be blocked as early as Monday. Trump says that damn 9th circuit and Obama rigged judges! Goes to SC and Roberts shits down Trumps throat...again.

We have done this dance, only person you are fooling is yourself. Trump may end up doing 3 national emergency announcements so one is acceptable by the courts but is a shadow of itself and will take 2 years to get approval. At that point we are at the 2020 election where the GOP does not look good for holding onto the senate. Only 12 democrats sets are up while 22 Republicans are. You need a red wave to hold your ground. You are fucked nigga.

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>just stay home goyim
Still haven't fixed your file names, shill.

Roberts backed the travel ban anx the tranny ban. You lose.

Someone needs to fix her nose and replace her earring with a six sided star.

Ann Coulter > drumpf

Just taking all that money to the face like a good clout whore

Ben is right but it's not Coulter's fault, she has no other choice.

It's how I feel about Trump too, I think he is a faggot who loves Israel but at the same time who else can you support?

It's hilarious how "Republican" are "regretting" voting Trump. If Hilarry have won you idiot would be going to war with russia and the anti white shit would be all over the fucking mainstream. France prove this with macron and pic related.

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The Travel ban got rewritten so many times it was not the Glorious Muslim ban. This is also Trump vs congress on who controls the budget. Constitution is clear on this.

Roberts betrayed you on the only issue that matters to Republicans, Abortion.

how dare he go after /ourgirl/
Ann is based.

Dat throat dou....

Footlong on Italian Herbs and Cheese, please

All Ben does now is draw cringy boomer-tier cartoons about AOC using the I AM SILLLY format. He was much more relevant when he was a lolcow

Yeah and he's let democrats take over state legislature's and pass plenty of unconstitutional shit. He's letting America get worse and I'm not confident he'll get a 2nd chance to lock her up

Trump is a faggot who loves israel but only in the boomer "we need to defend god's chosen" way. He's a far cry from a genuine zionist.

Very fucking true man.

Not a BG cartoon, sorry shill

Nupol hasn't made an edit.

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>1wk before period starts: I love trump my pussy gets wet thinking about him
>During period: I hate trump
>In between: How do I make more $$$

The military ain’t building the wall

I don't give a shit about dead nigger babies, and that wasn't even a final ruling. The national emergency act was passed by congress and can be unmade by congress. Why doesn't this happen? Because the senate backs trump.

why is she so sexy in that uniform

Oh well, National Emergency will be the only practical way to see the New Green deal pass. Remember no bitching your support made this the new normal.

>pulling us out of Syria deserve praise
The US isnt completely pulling out anymore.
Israel complained too much so the US cucked and agreed to keep a small permanent force there for now. Just reduced numbers in syria.

You arent ever leaving the middle east goyim ;)

>you're two-faced because you're not a blind member of the trump cult and actually hold him accountable for his action/inaction

Trump's insane cult is almost certainly part of the reason why he doesn't feel compelled to actually get shit done. When they make up a complex conspiracy (which never actually comes true), prediction, (which also never actually comes true), or rationalization for EVERY fucking thing he does or doesn't do, why would you bother putting in any actual effort?

It's incredible how, going as far back as the campaign, they make the most harebrained predictions regarding Trump's actions, and apparently never have a moment of self-introspection when they fail to come true. They just move on to the next inane prediction. Remember how /ptg/ counted down the "inevitable" shutdown every day after Trump initially caved, and made all sorts of predictions, and now have totally forgotten about it now that the government didn't shut down? It's always "don't worry, NEXT month he'll get this done, Q-user said so", or "ha he'll get it done in his second term brainlet".

The great irony is all of the focus is on the wall, which, quite frankly, is really a small part of the overall equation. Whatever happened to merit-based immigration and not letting in people from shithole countries? Whatever happened to using executive order to end birthright citizenship? Whatever happened to mandatory e-verify? Whatever happened to ending catch and release and maintaining zero tolerance? What ever happened to deporting all illegal immigrants? Seems like everybody's forgotten that shit in their wall-focused tunnel vision.

The wall helps and is absolutely necessary, but it's far from a solution to the problem. Even if Trump got EVERY one of his proposed policies implemented, it's still a bandaid on an already gaping wound, but it would buy the US some time. Instead, I doubt we're going to be getting any of it, except maybe the wall.

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H-hey user, I really respect you for rejecting Trump. We're having a rally against free speech at the univeristy later. You should come.

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Trump put the troops in Syria Obama was strict about no boots on the ground. Why would anyone praise him for taking them out?

15 billion isn't enough to do even 1% of the new green deal. The NE fund limit is pre-defined.

>Uses Free speech to bad mouth the leader of the world
>Assumes they are opposed to free speech
>Trump call people who use free speech corrupt and the enemy of the people
Look in a mirror some time friend.

Nice digits, 15 billion a year is a nice start. Hell I wonder how many abortions I could fund with that...

>hahaha trump cucks you're never getting the wall, trump will never take executive action!
Three weeks later
>w-well the wall doesn't matter anyway

You get the rope. Rand never even attempted to actually win. You are a fool. Rand Paul is a piped piper for them to have an outlet for idiots like you.

Being a Democrat in 2019 is so satisfying!

Burn bitches burn.

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Ann Coulter openly hates libertarians.

As many as they want. The less liberal and nigger babies, thd better

Ann openly hates everyone. She's a bitter childless hag.

Way to prove my point. You literally cannot express a thought or a point that runs even slightly counter to the cult without some braindead response like this.

Ben has always been a cringeworthy boomer.
That's why we started editing his comic in the first place. Jow Forums's biggest mistake was giving him notoriety.

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Hey man I agree with you 100%. I have been on Jow Forums since 06 and saw the Obama years rise and fall. Watching all the blind support scared me at first because I thought Jow Forums would do like the niggers did in when they realized Obama was not going to make a black paradise. Incel chimp-out 2019, nope they are so fucking dumb they will not realize Trump scammed them until he is out of office and nothing has changed. All this shit over a fucking wall it is sad.

I called tump an israli cocksucker earlier in this thread, faggot. Doesn't mean I'm not going to support good decisions.

I'd hate to... misgender you discord tranny. What is your prefered pronoun?

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But the Fake News media is the enemy of the people. It has never been more apparent. Before this country can unite they have to be held accountable.

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Will he do the same for David Stockman?

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