What makes for bad sex? Like, the basic elements of bad sex

What makes for bad sex? Like, the basic elements of bad sex.

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When the other person is selfish, boring, not into it.

Lack of confidence/openness, bad rhythm, lack of mutual attraction or chemistry, selfishness, unenthusiastic partners, treating it like a jerk-off session. etc

Both parties can mess it up, as others have said disinterest and lack of attraction. The main reason for bad sex is not being satisfied enough. Usually in the case where a guy can't get a girl off or make her orgasm. If a guy wants to please a girl all he has to do is lick the clit and finger which will get 99% of girls off. It's usually courtesy to eat a woman out first, At least I do before she gives me head.

Trying too hard and self-consciousness. Usually you get a lot better once you've been in a ltr and relax a bit. Do not pretend to be more experienced than you are or that you like something you think will turn her on.
If you're looking for advice just relax, try to make her comfortable, and experiment with what feels good for both of you. Women have a hard time orgasming especially with a new partner so don't make it about giving her an orgasm. Give her a compliment so she knows you like what you're looking at but don't be a weirdo about it. You're really sexy or I'm so turned on right now is fine. Avoid things about smell or describing her pussy too much because women are super self conscious about it.
That's my two cents.

From a male perspective, it's totally about confidence and her being comfortable with her own body.

I remember eating out this one chick in college. She would never make a sound, didn't really seem like she was enjoying it and couldn't tell me what would make her feel good (at the time I was fucking two other girls too, so I knew the problem wasn't me). It moreso just felt like she just hasnt masterbated enough to figure out what makes her feel good.

Usually giving head makes me pretty hard but her lack of response, comfort and communication just made me soft.


The presence of a penis

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Disgusting smells and tastes.

Eating pussy is the most beta thing you could possible do. No wonder why male T has been dropping over the years

>Eating pussy is the most beta thing you could possible do.
>t. Man with a small penis

>being a sex god that your girl brags about to her friends is beta

You're like those women who throw a fit whenever a man holds a door for them because "sexism".

You hold doors for people because it's common courtesy. You please your lover and give what you expect because it's common courtesy.

A small penis

Being uncommunicative or unresponsive, being only into the sex for your own pleasure and not considering the others', and just repetitive thrusting/pounding away with nothing else.

Daddy/mommy issues

Is this about eating box? Cuz that's disgusting and the fast track to women disrespecting you. Nothing signals more powerfully to a woman's primal instincts that a male is unfit for reproduction than him risking the health of his face and mouth to lap upon her beef. It's a huge thrill for her, sure, but not because of any clitoral stimulation. Her "ohs" and "ahs" are entirely derived by amazement at the male's silly self sacrifice. Completely deluded, the box eater will munch away confident that he is a supreme lover, when the woman is secretly aghast at the implications of where he's putting his tongue. She's had that part of herself bored and excavated by many colors of cunt conquerors until she lost count. So many suitors have emptied themselves inside that box, smacking victoriously her vulvar filets with their slick protuberant phalluses afterwards. And here is her blessed self-avowed "pussy eater," breaking a sweat trying to lick that same battered clam meat. He even thinks those the prickly sensations in his mouth are from his muscular exertion, but the box eater has just ingested the top STDs of all 37 countries visited by that writhing, smiling woman, and those itching sensations in his throat are microscopically shown to be the conquest of his nerve tissue by her minge's army of misandrist microbes. Destroying his cells outright, the box's pox overwrites the beta's genome, rendering him more reproductive for the Papilloma species than his own. Don't be a goof and lick cloven meat.

while this is absolutely hilarious, it is true that men get hpv-positive throat cancer from eating pussy. its really not gonna stop me though

uhm. hello.

can you please tell us more about who hurt you ?

fuck off back to plebbit

Any why exactly should she suck your cock if it involves putting her mouth on the thing that's touched a billion other women? You're just as STD-ridden as the rest of them.

>implying his or anyone on this site's cock has ever touched a woman.

When he is mute in bed
When he doesn't change up the rhythm
When he doesn't foreplay
When he doesn't cum
Needing a lot of foreplay to get hard
When he overthinks
When he's robotic
When he's too rough or too gentle
When he is too loud

Not prepping your KARA BOĞA beforehand

Wow dude, I'm impressed. If women are really that filthy, you probably shouldn't touch any of them for the rest of your life. You know, for your health.

>When he is mute in bed
What are you supposed to say? My first and only gf years ago said this. Feel like I will run out of ways to say
>I want to fuck you hard

I bet you legitimately believe that women can contract HIV from their own period blood, too.

You realize people often make sounds during sex that are not words right?

Moan or grunt at the very least. Words aren't necessary but it does amplify pleasure. I feel hella awkward when it's silent and I can only hear my moans.

>Moan or grunt
How the absolute HECK do I do that?

When all they want is for them to be satisfied but they don't care about their partner's needs. I haven't cum for months now and even when I try to ask it's just not happening. I understand and it does arouse me to be "used" like that too but I wish he'd do it for me once in a while. I think not doing enough foreplay or kisses is kind of cold unless you are too turned on to wait. Making your partner feel loved before and through intercourse is important too.

She shouldn't.

>when he doesn’t cum

Why does this bother women so much? I can fuck my gf good for an hour or more, go down on her make cum multiple times, and at that end if I don’t cum sometimes she seems disappointed. I don’t get why she would care so much after I took care of her good

Every time i hook up with a girl and eat her out well, she comes back begging me to hook up again. Damn... i must be a massive beta for letting this happen to me.

How would you feel if she didn't cum?

>t. beta

Right?! Women say that they enjoy sex no matter if they cum or don't but if I don't cum once in a while, the world is ending!

First post, best post.

Just eat her goddamn pussy. It isn't rocket science.

For a guy: imitating everything that you see in professional porn. Like kissing with a wide-open mouth and just angrily swirling your tongue around like you're trying to empty the bottom of a yogurt cup that you can't quite reach, and the biggest culprit is guys who IMMEDIATELY try to fuck as fast as possible as soon as their dick touches pussy lips and then act confused as to why they came fast.

For a girl: starfish, which is just another kind of disinterest like other anons pointed out. Also not being vocal during sex. I don't mean being like OOOOOOOOoOooooOOoOH YYEEEESSsSsss MMmMMmMMm FUCK ME DADDY and screaming to wake up the neighbours like again what you see in porn, but if you want a guy to fuck you harder then be like "Harder!" and if you want him to go slower you tell him to slow down etc.

how much do you pay towards Jordan peterson's patreon

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I looked at your tabs and see you are a mam of culture well dome sir

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>When he is mute in bed
whatever fucking jew setup the idea that men should be as silent as a fuxking wake in bed needs double crusified.
>When he doesn't change up the rhythm
>When he doesn't foreplay
Prime the pump you eager beaver. Honestly, the older I've gotten, the more I;ve been willing to tell men to slow the fuck down. Ask for what you want and take a little bit of charge. You'd be shocked at how many normal decent men will be receptive and mature about it.
>When he doesn't cum
Divorced fag here. Honestly, pron fucked with my perceptions on this. The idea that men should be hard 25/8 and cum after 40 seconds of felatio is everywhere in media. It's noone's fault if shit isn't working.
>Needing a lot of foreplay to get hard
Neck yourself THOT
>When he overthinks
Yeah, but what did you expect? Get a man not a boy
>When he's robotic
This is some preference shit but I like to be in control. The element of surprise on 20-somethings is exhilarating. Poor poi.
>When he's too rough or too gentle
Lol, woman the fuck up.
>when he is too loud
said noone ever.

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you can tell this man is a sex expert who has had a lot of sex and is definitely not a virgin. Only the sexiest of sex-havers would go line-by-line into an argument on the internet and take it personally.


Yep, I have have a great big thick dickI fuck with. Thick and girthy and stretching.

Alright goldilocks take it down a notch Jesus Christ

>silent men in bed
Yes goddamn I HATE lack of feedback.


You didn't list size

Thought bi had them all but 4 has been a problem due to nerves

Nobody set up the idea we all learned to be stealthy when we started

When he thinks all he needs to do is show up with his dick.

Yeah, you've had some bad sex. Now, find yourself a guy that actually only needs to show up with his dick and you'll finally experience some good fucking sex.

Enjoy your throat cancer

>When he overthinks

What do you mean specifically by this? Can I have a couple of examplwa?


Idk I never had sex

When she's death-staring you trying to be endearing, it's just a little awkward
When she's deadfishing it aka lying there doing absolutely nothing
Dirty talk turns me off but that's just my preference
"Get hard, why aren't you getting hard"
If they repeat my name or something corny like that

You think women didn't learn to be quiet too?

>Usually in the case where a guy can't get a girl off or make her orgasm.

Heres another way to make sex terrible: Being totally fixated on orgasms instead of enjoying the entire experience and letting yourself go.

>Eating pussy is the most beta thing you could possible do.

You know whats beta? Letting other people define what you do, even in bed. How not to be Beta: Do it if you like, don't if you don't.

Try-hards (like positions you both dont enjoy but saw a porn do it once)
Violence when not warranted
Bad rhythm
Pacing (under ten minutes is bad but hour long every time is cosmopolitan nonsense)
Failing to cum. Porn ruined me so I never cum but then again never been with a girl who cared if I came as long as she did cuz double standards yo

This is pretty fucking hilarious

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It sucks that guys don't like "starfish." I have an unconscious sex fetish and like to be fucked when I'm sleeping...completely lifeless and used like a sex toy.

>I like to lay there like a dead fish while my partner puts in all the effort
I didn't realize being a lazy shit counted as a fetish.

Mmm nothing like eating a cum filled pussy!

eating a girl out is for a girlfriend or fwb. Not a hookup or one night stand. I don't want the cancer causing HPV from a stranger in my throat for no reason



zero emotional involvement. dysphoric self-consciousness. expectations.

also, condoms.

It would depend on her reason. My gf can get me off, I'm very attracted to her. It's just sometimes I don't feel like it. But I pretty much have to otherwise she gets upset. Sometimes I feel a circus animal doing tricks