I've been deeply in love with this girl for many months but I haven't seen her in a few months until today...

I've been deeply in love with this girl for many months but I haven't seen her in a few months until today. She walked past me and whispered "hi" and then walked away. I tried talking to her but she pretended that she couldn't hear me and she continued to walk away.

What do?

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Does anyone here know? I've never had a gf before btw.

Does she know you like her?

When I was planning to tell her how I felt a few months ago, she disappeared, and that was the last time I saw her until today. But I didn't say it today because I was so breathless when I saw her.

But it's also highly likely that she knows I think. In my opinion it's guaranteed, although I've never directly told her IRL before.

And you guys have been friends before, right?

That depends on your definition of friends... I typically just acted very nice to her for several months and she would say hi to me and occasionally talk about other stuff.

Have you never had a deep conversation with her? It just seems at the moment that your falling hard for her and she is just playing with it for the gratification

That is what it seems like, but that is more of an understatement.
I've never really been able to have a long conversation with her although I want to.

You tried texting her online? You could be surprised

No, I don't have any of that contact or anything. IDK what to do.

>I typically just acted very nice to her for several months and she would say hi to me and occasionally talk about other stuff

You guys were barely acquaintances. Being a niceboi doesn't get you anything. Not saying that's the reason she wasn't interested because it could have been anything, but going out of your way to be nice to a girl you aren't dating is pussy repellent.

Never do anything for a female friend that you wouldn't do for a male friend.

Thats totally true
You could ask for her number, its really worth a shot otherwhise youll be sitting around wondering what if, its better to know. If you ask me, she doesnt like you in that way at all, she just likes your attention

You don't understand... IDK what to do.


But idk I don't want to bother her... I have seen her once in the past 3 months but before that I saw her a lot.

I just... :(

How can you like her that much if you've never talked to her properly? You just like her ass and titties

What don't I understand? That you've managed to catch feelings for a girl who doesn't think twice about you? For a girl that you've basically never even spoken to, for a girl that you have no regular contact with, who disappeared from your life for months and was totally uninterested in even spending five minutes chatting to catch up when she saw you again?

You've dug yourself this massive hole and you're dreaming that she's secretly in love with you, or that you were going to confess your feelings and she'd turn you down and give you closure, but that's not how real life works. Even IF she rejected you properly, which is doubtful because women avoid conflict, you'd still have no closure because you were never with her to get your heart broken.

>What do?
Tell yourself that she's not interested until you believe it, and move onto the next one. Try to actually talk to the girl next time.

Just drop her. Falling in love is a waste of time and resources if you're in schoool

She's different from the other people.
No, you don't get it. It's on an ethereal level...

Cool, I'm calling bait.

This is a real story.

Im joining you
Anything we say wont help you, good bye

Are you fucking 14 by any chance?

The people in your life will always, to you, seem to be the most interesting, the most different, the most real people in existence. Compared to the people that you know well or the ones that you love, others will seem bland and shallow, and it's just because you don't know anything about them.

The thing is that this is true for everyone. Every single person you meet will have a different idea about how their friends are different from the rest, how their girlfriend is absolutely unique in some way.

This girl that you're in love with who forgets that you exist 5 seconds after seeing you in the day is not some one-off never-to-be-seen again offer. Your feelings make her seem that way, but your feelings aren't to be trusted since you've fallen for a girl you know nothing about. How you can be in love with a girl you've never held a long conversation with is beyond me. It's pure lust that you've allowed to grow into something more because you're a 14 year old with no concept of the rest of the world.

Get over her, get over yourself. Neither of you are any more special or different than the rest of the world's population, and once you've moved on you will be able to see clearly that you do not know her well enough to be in love in earnest.

She's special.


sage this shit

This isn't helping...


Let her go, you have no future with her and she can smell your desperation.



Don’t hate me for telling you the truth.
She wants nothing to do with you and only said anything to you out of unwritten social obligations.

That's not true. I know it. She appeared to me on purpose because she wanted to say hi to me.