First time getting a hotel for sex

My bf and I want to get a room to fuck in but all the days I want to reserve say that the room will be ready at 3pm. I've never booked a room, having sex in either of our places is a risk, is there a way to get an earlier check-in time or is it like this everywhere else?

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Call them and find out? Say you will arrive early and you live a long way, on a business trip etc

They're all like that unless you call the hotel and ask if they can allow early check ins that day. If it's really busy then it's unlikely.

Never hurts to ask. If you booked for a Tuesday night, you could probably get in as soon as 11:00 if there flean rooms dem

That's the time it is guaranteed to be ready. You might get lucky and have it ready earlier depending on occupancy. Why is 3pm such a problem? You have all night.

Probably would have to do that with a bunch of hotels.. anyways of persuading?

11pm Tuesday or 11am Wednesday?

We wanted to do things around 10-11am? Like go eat, go to the pool, shower together, cuddle, watch a movie maybe. It's not like we're there to only fuck. We want to make it worthwhile. Plus because I still live under my parents roofs... Curfews.. even though I'm 19. Fml.

you simply pay for 2 nights so you have access to it the morning of

This. If you want it for a day, you're going to have to book it for two nights. Good luck with that at this time of year.

Oh man.. it's gonna cost us a bit more then. I'll try calling but if I can't find nothing then I'll have to do this I guess..

Just tell your parents you're staying over at a friend's or something. You're making this harder than it needs to be

Can I simply walk in the same day and ask for a room? Or will they say to book ahead of time?

My mom is fine with me having sex as long as it's with protection and not under her roof. Howeverrrrr, my bfs mom is strict so it would be hard to convince her that it's a friend night over, with or without my name in the plan. Shes one of those strict Mexican moms

That's for your boyfriend to deal with, not you.

>it's gonna cost us a bit more then

I'd hate to parent you here, but let me just give it to you straight
if you can't afford a hotel for 2 days you shouldn't have sex

the financial burden or a child, or even getting rid of an unwanted child are far more than a hotel room.
you might run the risk now, and you might be safe a few times but the facts nobody talks about is EVERYBODY has an accidental pregnancy at some point

if someone has been having sex regularly and they tell you they never had one, they are just hiding the fact they had an abortion

I know but I'm saying that idea would most likely not workout. If I book for two days, I won't fully use those two days sadly.. we'll just be spending more money than we originally planned.. it sucks because this is the only season I'm able to do this since I'm at a uni

Do you want to have sex or not? Just do it and quit whining about it.

Why isn't he contributing to the cost, anyway?

Condoms and other type of birth control were invented some time ago, you know. "EVERYONE" is an exageration.

I'm sorry but the chances are pretty low if you have safe sexabd are responsible with it. 20% chance of pregnancy without any safe sex if I remember correctly? We've done this before (not in a hotel) and we would like to do it in a hotel but saving money at the same time. We're just "stingy" like that I guess. I could book two days if I wanted to, but if there's a way to book for one day and get our way then we will take it.

He is partially , he's getting food, movies, and he's paying for transportation (Uber isn't high where I live)

condoms are really kind of shit
the raw pull out method works better than condoms with no pull out

Why wouldn't you just split the whole cost...?

Lmao I'd love to have it raw but we're not risking it. We're both understanding about the consequences of unprotected sex

He offered? I kept insisting but he just won't take it. But don't worry I know how to have him let me contribute to more than just the room UvU

Where do you live that two nights at a hotel is cheaper than an uber and some food?

If giving him good head won't change his mind about me paying for other stuff then I guess he wins? Lol..

In a small town. Uber is usually ~$10 (ordinary not carpool)? Some hotel rooms I saw were at $76 (lowest)

So he's going to spend, what, $50 all up? And you're spending $150+. How is the hotel cheaper than the other shit he's buying?

But let me be clear, transportation won't be the usual ~$10? Maybe $20, the carpool option doesn't exist here. Small town. It was gonna be me paying $45 and him $35 for the room, then the rest is paid by him

... What?

You're somehow even less clear.

This isn't difficult

Uber is $10, maybe $20. Food and other extras, maybe another $30-40. Total of $50-60.

Hotel is $76 per night. Two nights makes it $152.

Which is more expensive?

>Room: $76 one night (rounded up to $80 — me $45 and him $35)
>Tranportation: ~$20 (paid by bf)
>Food: ~$10 a meal? (paid by bf)

Me: ~$45

This is for one night, not two.

If it were two nights I'll have to figure out how to make it even, I don't think he'll bother to check who's paying more if we get 2 nights.

Why in the world wouldn't you just add everything up and split it in two?

I guess I didn't worded it out properly. He wants to pay more than me. Wants to be the provider. Which is hot and but I want to contribute as well

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**Hot af

>wants to 'be the provider'
>can't even tell his parents he's staying over at a friend's

Ye, hot and adorable. Muscular, but his mom owns him lol. Anyways Im going to go now, I basically got what I needed

>Pulling out is safer than using a condom
This is the state of sex ed in 2018

Jesus Christ generation Z really is incompetent at everything.

>but his mom owns him lol
God humanity has been retarded since year 0. There's laws which forbids your retarded parents from stealing the house from you and practicing master/slave relationships. You children are as much to blame as your power-tripping redneck parents.

it's what i tell chicks all the time. you'd be surprised how many believe it.

Okay sure m8.

It depends if they have a vacancy or not. Safer to book ahead unless you want to risk having to check multiple hotels on foot.