/siege/ - Siege General

Trump sold us out. The alt-right is in shambles. Shitskins and the Left are stronger and more militant than ever. The time for electioneering and pretty niceties is over. The time for direct action is now!

PDF - archive.org/details/SiegeByJamesMason

Audiobook - youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1W0oCPjgdDSxW029hjFBASgfMEtmmycq

Resources - siegeculture.biz/

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>10 minute break from molesting kids and drinking blood
You will be found wanting in the day of judgement

>/ptg/mutt delusions

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Oh look it's the glowies again
Do we want to talk about how atomwaffen still has a discord, or how despite actively threatening violence they never seem to get visited by the FBI? Or do you guys want to discuss the finer points of seige and mein kampf over some girl you carved a swastika into? I would have to say infact, that if the alt right was in shambles, that now would be a time to purify and organize into a force to be reckoned with, or at least wait until a democrat was in office.
But you guys are high-time preference niggers, so you will call for a revolution NOW! instead of biding time to have the best footing possible, or acheive your goals electorally.

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Have you chucklefucks even read Siege? You're starting to sound just like those lemmings who think Hitler was a baby-eating monster without ever having picked up Mein Kampf.

I have, in fact, read seige
I was, in fact, not impressed

>still shilling for a honeypot satanist group in a Christian board

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GTFO fag saging in all fields

You at least agree that he has a point, right?

You should add archive.org/details/AlexanderSlavrosZeroTolerance/ and maybe some other IM texts to the OP.

Hail Bowers
Hail Roof
Hail McVeigh

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Ignore shills. It is a good read.

Who's the fucking shills? You have two of these threads active right now and you suck at white knighting James Mason in both.

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Two. Whole. Threads.

Oy vey, how will the board ever recover?

You gave up shilling in the last one because you got BTFO


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All of these:
Why do you care what people read? If it is shit, let them judge for themselves. Telling people what books they should never read is kike tier.

I haven't read Siege or ever posted about it. You're so buttblasted that you got triggered by two threads existing on Jow Forums at the same time. Go outside.

Have you considered that people enjoy laughing at you because you LARP as vampire nazis?

Only thing gayer than siege is your faggot larping ass

Because people inevitably get drawn into your satanic kikery and ruin any prospects they might have forever. There's no coming back from your sadistic world.
You make tranny discord look angelic by comparison.

They are welcome to read it as they are welcome to read the Talmud the Quran and the Satanic Bible. Just don't shill your honeypot and expect to not be called out for glowing with the force of a thousand suns.

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>Why do you care what people read?
>"W-Well if you read this stuff you're UNPOPULAR!"
Wanna know how I can tell you're a faggot?

>this is the only reply after 10 minutes
What the FUCK? :D This has to be the lowest effort shilling I've ever seen! Even the discord trannies would pull out some smug reaction images at this point roflmfao. Look at your anaemic thread and how poorly it's doing!

pic related
>Hey guys, is this the VIRGIN CONVENTION?
lol @
>those angry little scowls on their soft feminine faces, trying so hard to look tough
so scawy... no one will bully you at school ever again.

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I could tell you that it's not my thread, I could tell you that it doesn't matter whether anybody responds to you or not, but I'd rather just leave it at this:

Keep seething.

Don't assume my position. I read the book. It makes some good points and some that I don't agree with, but you can say the same thing about Mein Kampf, the Bible, or Marx's works. Your smearing of the writer is the same as the smears of Hitler, which fall flat as soon as people actually read the work and judge for themselves.

I agree with the first sentence. The rest is strawmanning. Let people come to their own judgements of what they read. Feel free to quote specific passages and how you agree or disagree with them. Otherwise your opinion is pointless.

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Degenerate works should always be destroyed and their creators imprisoned until reformed or death.
Fuck cutting women’s nipples off and anal rape of kids. Sickening kikery

>this is the extent of atomwaffen's shill force in 2019
I guess it's true that you were all beta virgins, excepting Andrew Dymock, who was slightly above average and managed to snag the buttscratch GOTIS with tons of beta orbiters. But even he got fucked eventually by her. Now only the worst most skinny or obese losers are left, and they make terrible posts like these on Jow Forums lol

It's been proven that Mason photographed underage girls and had sex with them. He was given a suspended sentence for this. Mason also has an amputee fetish and a fixation with torturing women and girls. This is undeniable. Mason has been affiliated with satanists since the 90s and still is. This is undeniable.

Vague deflections like "You are smearing the writer" don't disprove any of this. You haven't made a single attempt to debunk these claims.

>fighting the system is larping
>not following my jewish morals is satanic
>muh o9a and tob is super ebil and scary and offends muh judeochristian morals

You natsocks and magapedes are all the same.

Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of Siege? I want to read it but I only read physical books.

How do you plan to win the game by being someone else's piece on the chess board?

>adhom the post
>telling people to disprove his assertions instead of him actually providing evidence

Why don't you argue in good faith about Siege and not solely about its author?

>1 post by this ID
Finally! Some reinforcements. lmao

It's out of print. Printing a pdf or ebay if you are lucky

>KKK D-Day

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Where do you want me to start? O9A or the various satanists he hung out with in the 90s?

I've posted pictures from discord showing his amputee fetish. The fetishistic writings of Iron Gates, etc. What more do you want?

Ah, I see, you're just deflecting by saying "ad hom" and you don't actually intend to disprove any of this because you know it's true.

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This is a very feminine sounding post.

It was also proven that Trump likes whores and piss. I saw it on Buzzfeed. Anyways, I am not interested in playing your games or entertaining pilpul.

Read it or don't, it is freely available on archive. Come to your own conclusions.

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I don't like fiction. Recommendations besides Siege? INB4 Mein Kampf; it's entry level. You think I haven't read it yet?

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Fuck off retard.

>ur gay and buzzfeed
wow btfo! you're surely winning Jow Forums over with tactics like these LOL!

>reading comprehension

>reading stormfag fanfiction
Read the Bible instead

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>Jow Forums
>jewish board
Back to
For you, rabbi.

Why do you expect me to argue with you in good faith when you're just making lame deflections? This is why people hate you.

What is that image from?


Yeah, you're definitely a fat ugly feminist. Siege is a good read. It's worth reading just for the insights; there are almond activating essays within it. Reading a book doesn't mean that you worship the author or subscribe to some kind of culture, you absolute retard. You don't have to agree, or disagree with what you're reading. You equating reading something with one or the other is a/your strawman, and signifies your complete lack of an argument. Your emotionality betrays your dusty hole.

Butthurt incel.

Iron Gates was not written by JM. You still have yet to substantiate anything about JM outside of 1 picture (who we don't know who the rest of the people are) and 1 tounge in cheek blog post.

I personally don't care what JM's spiritual beliefs are, and long at it is congruent with the Worldview. I would rather talk about the content of his writings, rather than him as a person. I know you can separate the two, but you won't because he offended you somehow.

Trump was chosen to win so we stay docile



He's dressed as a satanic high priest in the image. He's wearing a pentagram. Are you fucking blind?!

The great replacement


Diversity + Proximity = War



Race mixing

redpilled threads

other redpills


men and women

other pastebin links


book collection

race realism and IQ

>this is why people hate you
Another tell-talesign that you're arguing with a hole. Since women are insecure herd animals, they just go along to get along with whatever they think is popular, and give social acceptance a high priority, hence appeal to popularity fallacies

itt no balls

I'll happily talk to you on discord if you want to show off how manly your voice is.

It is those who are blindly willing to trudge on in the standard, accepted fashion of "business-as-usual", and these alone, who permit the System and the Establishment to keep functioning. In recent years they have seen themselves reduced from pawns to victims and yet nowhere do we see any appreciable trace of popular rebellion, that is, genuine rebellion. They continue to work their jobs, go home or to the bar, drink and watch television. Is it that their resistance has been totally conditioned out or that obvious channels of resistance are as yet managed by the "Fellow Travelers of the System"? This business-as-usual attitude, practically a fanaticism in itself as it calls for total inaction in the face of the worst excesses and outrages, will be the greatest single thing about the current historic phase that will puzzle and mystify researchers and historians for the rest of time. "Such miserable swine as these", they will think, "so utterly devoid of the will to live or even of the worthiness of life itself".

For us today, this prevailing attitude contains the most ominous portents and it actually gives us the outline of events to come. The peoples of Europe chose to cling to business-as-usual in their refusal to join with Germany in the defense of Europe . What they got was World War Two and the state of affairs that has existed ever since. The menace was present, the prophets were issuing their warnings, the solution was easy at hand. Instead, the people begged for disaster and that is what they got. Today the menaces are clear, the prophets are equally clear in their messages, the answer is present but the reaction of the people is the same- or maybe worse, for at least the people of Germany answered Hitler's call.

The break will come to terminate this agonizing, lingering illness and it will come like thunder, suddenly. It will be an end to business-as-usual and a resumption of history.

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>According to Mason, Eva had come across a collection of Mason's Siege writings and had struck up a correspondence. "She sent me some very nice photographs of herself," he says. "They weren't explicit, but they were provocative. I was looking for someone to live with me, and hey, she was a good-looking Movement girl--what more could you ask for?"
>Still, Mason's relationship with Eva was a rocky one, and she was frequently out of town. Late in January 1994, around the time of her sixteenth birthday, she appeared on Sally Jessy Raphael's talk show to discuss her obsession with serial killer Richard Ramirez and got into a shoving match with another of Ramirez's female fans--a fight that a producer described as "too violent and sensational" to air. Despite the brawl, her appearance led to an invitation to appear on The Bertice Berry Show to talk about Charlie Manson.
>Eva was still out of town in February, when Mason became involved with another fifteen-year-old girl--the one who would figure so prominently in the investigation. Mason says he ran into the girl at a local restaurant and mentioned that he had pictures of her now-absent father, a former "drinking buddy" of his. She came over that night with an eighteen-year-old male friend, ostensibly to see the photos.
>"She and this boyfriend came over around eleven," Mason says. "They'd already been drinking--in fact, I think they had some booze with them. I showed her the pictures of her father, and the topic of photography and modeling came up, and--boom. I didn't have to talk anybody into anything. I didn't have to ply anybody with any liquor. She said something about nude pictures, and I'm telling you what, her clothes were off, just like that."
James Mason, fucking teen hybristophile groupies since 1995. I bet you want to slobber on his old geriatric diabetes cock too.

What is this book about? I have asked for weeks to every user who mentions this book and no one every fucking says anything or they giver extremely vague descriptions.

What is this fucking book and why should I read it?

>when you're surrounded by whiney, high-pitched feminine beta-male orbiters you purport are 'real men', but your inner-nature desperately wants to be a submissive housewife to an assertive male who provides and protects you, but you have to pretend that that's a bad thing.

>um no i will decline your offer and keep calling you a female
>heh, btfo

It's a some guy telling you to blow shit up. I actually listened to the whole thing.

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I honestly would talk to you, maybe, but I don't have a/use discord sweetheart, and I probably wouldn't set one up just to relieve some of your sexual frustration. Also, it's not about btfo'ing you. I'm just addressing the inconsistencies/fallacies/faggotry in your arguments. I'll tell you what, post some time-stamped tiddys and I'll cyber with you.

>this low energy sissy faggot shit

You're right, I'm wasting my time with you losers. It's not really funny so much at this point as it is sad.

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See fellas, women react poorly to softness.


Its getting curiouser, and curiouser. Are there any more kike holes you want me to look down?

Go take a dick up your ass for satan, you fucking inbred homosexual.

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Direct action as a backlash to a politician and without any organization is counter productive.

>Don't forget the Turner Diaries.

The political apparatus has become corrupted. There is no peaceful solution.

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I have been consistent. Read the book and judge for yourself. For example:

"We Could Save A Lot Of Time If we could really admit that the Enemy has WON! Between the death of Rockwell and the turn of the decade of the Seventies the complexion of things changed. The struggle phase for the Reds and the Blacks ended and"...continued in image

Regardless of the writer's personal life, this is an incisive and accurate summation of the current system. It is decried here and at 8 all the time and the only way it could change is mass revolt (e.g. yellow vests). Our systems are too corrupt and nepotistic. Dual citizens occupy many of the highest positions and ever agree to siphon off more money and resources. It is very unlikely to be fixed electorally.

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holy fucking kek I just listened to that. thank you.
>mp3 goldpasta