Becoming tolerant of less successful people

Basic rundown on my life is it was horrible growing up and I'm now extremely successful academically/financially/career wise. I'm far too serious and have absolutely zero tolerance for incompetent people who need help 24/7 and find many people pathetic cause of this. The only people who really get on my nerves are the ones who've had a good chance at life and still manage to fuck up e.g. most college dropouts or make their own problems then look for excuses e.g. most of Jow Forums (although i relate to people here well in general so stay), homeless people and so on I generally feel sorry for.

If it was down to me, I would vote to let people who had a decent chance and fucked up starve to death instead of leech of my money. I apply these standards to myself, and would rather commit suicide than live being a failure, and would recommend failures in general to do the right thing and suicide if repeatedly pressured for advice irl (this has never happened).

I am aware this isn't a healthy mindset and would like to change to a more normie view on things. How do I get rid of the inherent disgust for people like NEETs, poltards, dropouts and so on?

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How was your life horrible while growing up?

beaten by mum and her boyfriends, sister raped, had to stab people a few times to stop sister getting raped as I got older. Threatened to kill people, tried to kill people, had people try to rape me, people try to kill me. It was just in general 10/10 awful. Everything has been sorted out legally now and I live with my sister.

Everyone has stuff, you cannot know what people go through. Sure it may look like some college drop out kid had a perfect childhood and everything handed to them but you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.

Judge not, least ye be judged.

What do you do that you consider yourself so successful?

My older brother went through something strikingly similar to your own hardship. My mother's boyfriends often beat both of them, he saved her one time by running next door to get help.

He had a pretty nasty superiority complex too, on account of being good-looking and intelligent. He never actually did anything with that aside from fucking his fellow party animals out of money. As he got older, he became unnaturally possessive of my mother, to the point where he threatened to kill any other babies she had. She walked out one morning to find him swinging her 18 month-old around by his ankles, laughing hysterically while said toddler was screaming and crying.

He kinda collapsed into more destructive drug use after his reckless lifestyle left him a paraplegic via bullet. The worst of my mother's boyfriends use to always refer to him as "numbnuts," and it completely destroyed him. That was his body image from that point until he died.

I don't have any good advice to offer you. I didn't have any for him either. People with mindsets like yours are usually demonized, even though it's blatantly something you want help with. I just hope you can move past those memories, carve a separate identity out that doesn't have to prove anything to those nasty people.

I know this feeling bro. I grew up with garbage around me and now that I’ve finally clawed my way out I just hate them all.

Your world view is objectively btrue. If no had suffered as much as you, what their excuse for being failures. Weakness of character is the answer. This is why tight nit villages need to make a return. The men in the village design a manhood trial of some sort for the young males. Something challenging like surviving a week in the forest with not supplies. These trials forge strength of character and builds confidence in young men. Sadly modern society only see's it as a primal way of measuring manhood.

By helping them/others with what you've learned or you will only grow more bitter. It is the only way, if you cling to your intellect and past.

Graduated joint best uni in country, stupid amounts of money, very competitive/prestigious career.

I wouldn't say it;s a superiority complex, I know I'm superior to borderline everyone and don't feel insecure about it, or feel the need to brag, or the need to look down on people who've fucked up but have legit excuses.

I just want to be more accepting of less motivated people or people who push the blame of their failings on to others.

Join a country club or men’s club.

You had the capacity to overcome extreme stress; The drive to work, the focus to study, the power to create change in your life: They're all determined largely by your genetics and biochemistry. Other people don't have the same makeup, for them mild stress may be insurmountable, or their ability to pull it together after great loss far diminished in comparison to your own. It's only by the roll of a genetic die that you are the way you are, and they are the way they are. Be proud of your own accomplishments, but remember that everything that allowed you to overcome your shitty childhood was mostly predetermined before you were born, and you could easily have gone the other way. Stay humble.

>I know I'm superior to borderline everyone
You're a different form of life.
You're not superior to more modest ones, not in any tangible sense. You're higher up in the hierarchy, probably, one of the great, high energy people who can really drive this impossibly complex machine forward, but you're icing on the cake. The cake, all of those "less motivated people" working retail, driving trucks, and partying on the weekends, they'd still be here and thriving without that icing. The economic energy they generate would just be without direction.

It's absolutely a superiority complex, from what I can tell. If you dislike people who point fingers and insist that they didn't have any agency in their situations, that's fine, but something you should consider about the groups you listed are simply there because they want to be. I can think of twenty different reasons someone might not want to go to college, for instance.

>I can think of twenty different reasons someone might not want to go to college, for instance

Specifically talking about the general impression I get from dropouts, which is middle class who get in solely through supportive parents. People who couldn't get in but do something else or who could get in but got taught a load of shit by parents don't reallyy annoy me.

Not everyone gets the "benefit" of early trauma, and they don't see life as a survival struggle, but rather more of a sandbox to build a life for themselves. For other people, early trauma and the associated negative feelings absolutely fucks them and their motivation. It's not an easy world for anyone, and every perceived "advantage" often carries a latent "disadvantage".

Things aren't as good as they once were as well, a lot of people fall into lines of work that just aren't for them but they can't leave because they're "locked" into it with a degree. Of course they're going to be a shitter when they're only concern is going home and living the only part of their lives they look forward too. Everyone's situation is different. A lot of people really don't want for much money wise, whether it be to their detriment or benefit.

>“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

What I can tell you is a lot of these "shitters" who show glimmers of hope want nothing more than to not be a shitter. Some are doomed to never make anything of themselves, but the ones with hope can be salvaged. Instead of focusing on all the negative people you see, try to reach out and have an honest conversation with the "salvageable" people if they're willing.

>I live with my sister.
I don't mean to attack you but maybe the whole complex is projection as you don't feel that level of control and comfort over your life and know that, by your own objective standards, you would not be excepted from the rule on graces. You might even be treated worse under your own objectivity.

Usually, humans who externalize problems like that are dealing with it internally. That's my experience anyway.

>How do I get rid of the inherent disgust
Recognize that the disgust isn't inherent, or static. It's a process you learned, and continue to support with your thoughts, words, and actions.
If you are so able to do whatever you want, force yourself to stop using negative language (even mentally) about these people. Force yourself to give them the benefit of the doubt. Force yourself to reach out and actually help some of them. Force yourself to sit down and have conversations with them, and force yourself to look at things from their perspective.
If you believe in ultimate personal agency, this should be no problem for you.
If you can't do this, you're just as much a slave to your illusions, emotions, and circumstances as you accuse them to be.
If you do the things suggested, you will learn what you've asked.

You don't have to like them, just accept that there's probably more going on behind the scenes than you think.
People are a combination of their own free will and the environment they were brought up in.
Some are undoubtedly not worth giving a second chance to because they won't ever learn, others never learned to forge their own purpose in life, don't see any reason to do better and might deserve a little sympathy and guidance.

It's not worth wasting time and energy thinking about those kinds of people unless you have to interact with them on a daily basis and they directly affect what you do.

i think you need a experience that puts you in
same position as the people you hate. you need to be humbled if you know what i mean.
you might be superior in one aspect of life, successful by your definition and the one of the general public, but im sure there are some things you are not very talented at.

getting a good "education" (i think being educated is a very flexible term) and having a good job, isnt the only goal for everyone in life, the world would be very black and white if it was. i think that you adopted the way of thinking that being success is having a high status and a lot of money somewhere early in life, and got stuck on this way of thinking, because all you were thinking about was how to become successful, (by your standards) and not what it actually MEANS to be "successful" and how it determines the worth of a human being.

This is not an accusation or anything thats just my interpretation. also your way of thinking is totally understandable and nothing to be ashamed of since you seem to be somewhat emotionally or psychologically scarred.

my totally subjective tip is to get in touch with other cultures and other ways of thinking, maybe even getting in touch with nature and all of that, maybe even reading up some philosophy, but all of these things are just what i personally found very healing.

probably the best tip is to get in touch with a psychologist, im not saying you are fucked up or a psycho, and you dont need to be, to do some mental hygene. its the only right thing if you want to better yourself as a human and you seem to want to do exactly that in a way, which is good and shows that you are actually intelligent. A psychologist is going to be able to help you do exactly that. im sure you dont lack the money to get one.

good luck friend

Came here to post this.

You get older, and consequently more merciful. I was like you in my late teens to early 20s. Had no patience for anybody struggling in life with no excuse to do so. Now I'm in med school to basically help those same people because sometimes people just need another chance.

I'm in a pretty shitty situation, I'm on the verge of facing homelessness unless I can pull off a job sometime soon. I had to abandon my whole family because every cent I made they tried to extract not to mention the mental manipulation.

Let me ask you OP - what did you do to rebuild yourself? how did you start to become successful?? any tips - all I can think off is get a job until I can be in the right mental state

Sounds to me that you're a sociopath. No wonder your empathy is fucked. Sorry but I think your mind is fucked for life.

the life skills/attitude that allowed you to survive through bad times past are no longer capable of producing the desired life balance you want from your current environment.

Empathy isn't everyone's strong suit. The ability to understand and connect with other people's feelings, thoughts and desires is something that a lot of sociopaths and bipolar people have problems understanding.

I often find myself feeling the same thing. I'm a full time college student/full time worker and I'm doing well on both ends while (most) other people can't do either well. That they have the option to flounder on both ends is irritating but it's worth remembering that everyone is a fuck-up to the Jeff Bezos of the world. At the end of the day, the truly competent are few and far between.

You strike me as someone who feels inadequate and lacking of any love or greater purpose. You're high up there in terms of academics/finance/profession but you're regressed in terms of thought.

You experienced trauma and accomplished so much. You're on top of a mountain, have things going for you and what do you do? You decide to look at those below you with contempt and anger. So much energy and time towards hate.

You're not satisfied with what you have or what you are, are you? You could have been grateful for what you have accomplished; you could have chosen to ignore those "below"; you could have had compassion and understanding; you could have been in a path of greater focus and drive - a path where reaching the very top is the only thing that matter - but no, you're not there. You decide to be angry. You really don't have anything else going on, do you? No more work to be done? No more ladders to climb? Is this it for you... just hating on people that shouldn't be in your line of sight?

A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.You've got a lot of growing to do.

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Recognize that many people are better than you in every way possible. Even some posting on this thread. You are not as great as you think.

>Recognize that many people are better than you in every way possible. Even some posting on this thread. You are not as great as you think.
>beaten by mum and her boyfriends, sister raped, had to stab people a few times to stop sister getting raped as I got older. Threatened to kill people, tried to kill people, had people try to rape me, people try to kill me. It was just in general 10/10 awful. Everything has been sorted out legally now and I live with my sister.
>Graduated joint best uni in country, stupid amounts of money, very competitive/prestigious career.

In fairness to op, noones going to be better than that on Jow Forums full stop

OP Here

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You strike me as a tortured and miserable individual.
I’d rather be friends with the drop outs.

My advice is to keep doing ehat you’re doing, so that you will stay away and not ruin our lives too.

Better in what way? He had a shitty start. Now he's apparently reasonably successful, but there are a fair amount of successful people here. Some more than him.

Understand this is a casual universe

>apparently reasonably successful
Most delusinal thing on this board. i'm assuming he's oxbridge educated, a millionaire and works in banking, as a doctor or similar. That already puts him above 99.9 percent of normal people yet alone Jow Forums, and if he did it after people trying to rape him that's got to be everyone here.

You're telling me at least 2 out of every 30 people on Jow Forums or in real life? Just ridiculous

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You're not a millionaire OP. Stop being so delusional.

Think before you state absolute shit next time

>How do I get rid of the inherent disgust for people like NEETs, poltards, dropouts and so on?
Perhaps you should consider that luck played some role in your success and other people might just not been that lucky. A lot of things in life are down to chance, imagine if people beat you up had aimed their punch a little differently and crippled you, what if people you stabbed had friends in police that would arrest you? Would you still be as successful as you are now?
I had a pretty shitty upbringing as well, but unfortunately I don't consider myself successful (I'm not a NEET or a dropout, but not wealthy by far) but when I look back at my life there is not a lot of things I would have done differently now. Sometimes things just don't work out even if you do everything correctly.

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