What does it mean when a woman says she likes shy, nerdy guys?

What does it mean when a woman says she likes shy, nerdy guys?

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She's insecure about something with her body.

Chad with glasses

the incel view

1) she likes chad with glasses
2) she likes smart people cause smart = rich

she wants otacon

People say they like smart, shy and nerdy guys, but there is nothing as castrating as telling people you are an engineer.

May mean that she just likes shy nerdy guys. I like nerdy guys, not necessarily shy though, and it's because I like when men are deeply passionate about something and willing to talk with about their hobbies, explain to me stuff and teach me things. Also nerdy guys are usually weirder and more interesting than normies.

engineer isn't an unattractive job. Yeah it's below doctor or firefighter, but it's above office drone adn way above manual work or min wage shit

It means she likes shy nerdy guys. Anymore questions? Im a pro. I've cracked the toughest cases from what does a woman mean by "I just like you as a friend" to "you should come fuck me".

I'm a PhD in woman language.

Not the same fag but
Engineers are unnattractive is a meme before memes user. There's a million jokes on engineer virginity. Here's one I like:

An engineering student rides up on a shiny new bicycle. His colleague says "wow what a nice bike where'd you get it!?"

He replies "you're not going to believe it, a woman rode up to me and lay it down and took off all her clothes and said 'taoe what you want'."

His colleague ponders a minute than says "good choice, I don't think the clothes would have fit you"

>above manual work
It is not.
I used to be an electrician, and while it didn't impress women, at least women kept talking to me after I told them.
Ever since I became an engineer, most people shut down completely and don't want to talk to me.

>It is not.
I'm sorry but I just don't believe this. In the uk many people with degrees look down on those without, not saying it's right but that's how it is and girls obviously dislike dating down.

the only time I can imagine this making sense is if you were talking to lower class girls

Women always mean the opposite of what they say
>date girl who tells me she doesn’t want to fuck on the first date
>breaks up with me because I didn’t make a move to grab her and fuck her

I learn my lesson from that, and going In for the sex first has been easy, it’s ironically laughable how so many women have rape fantasies.

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>talking to lower class girls
I haven't got laid in over a decade, why the fuck would I be picky over who I talk to?
What kind of upper class would find engineers attractive?

Oh shit I might be in this situation too. Did she break up after you did fuck her?
>tfw engineer

I'm a carpenter. I can tell you the dumber and less competent among you love to come tell us to do our job differently, and try to quote us the building code and throw their authority at us, when, we are college educated and certified, we DO know the code, and sometimes their dick measuring can and has cost days and millions of dollars.

I respect engineering as a profession, and I'm sure youre find, but bruh, as with anything, a few bad apples spoiled it for all of you.

It means she's a liar.

As an example we were building 100' stair towers, several of them 5'x7' base. The code is tie the erection to something every 15'. Which we did, because it does get incredibly dangerous if you go any higher without a tie in.

Engineer waddles on site and demands we do it every 5' because that's the code (it's not) and the building is already done. We actually had to rent boom lifts to do it because what engineer says goes.

Yeah your colleague was not a popular man on site, fellow.

She’s hit the wall and is looking for a beta provider who won’t resist

t. Got it all the time before

Engfags, I got a pro tip for yall:
>Join the military and fast track to an officer position because you have a degree
It's dope. You get bonus manly points, you get discounts at restaurants, and you get that sweet sweet military pension.

It means she likes shy, nerdy guys, but that doesn't mean obese splerglords.

Noooooo. Engineering lacks social status dude. Money is important but status makes women way more excited. And there isn’t much prestige associated with it. They’re not doctors or anything.

Call yourself an engineer and people immediately think “creepy bad smelling autist with delusions of grandeur who wasn’t smart enough to become a scientist”.

Even a meh DJ will get a better reaction.

When a girl tells you flaky shit like “Just so you know, we are NOT going to have sex tonight” she’s basically begging for the dick.

What about network security? Does that sound cooler?

>did you fuck her
No, she just bitch at me on the phone and thought I didn’t find her attractive, so she was already with another guy from Tinder the next day.

The next girl I dated, I try the “I’m gonna rape you” type of guy and it work with 8 girls I have been with, and 5 of then still call me up for sex.
Not what I really wanted, and whores are not relationship material.

I just wanted a cute gamer gf that’s not dick crazy all the time.

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I don't know any engineer jokes, but that reminds me of a joke about musicians:

How do you get a musician off your porch?
Pay him for the pizza.

Could go for any useless creative endeavor, really.

guys aren't able to answer this questiom but they'll still spam their bs anyway

real answer: they want someone introverted and capable of real discussion. no frat boys, no clubbing fuxkbois, no smokers or heavy driners or drug addicts, no guys who get into trouble, that kinda shit. it doesn't mean a male model with glasses nor a fat neckbeard, nerd is about personality. they're preference for appearance could be anything but they likely mean an average looking guy.

That she likes shy, nerdy guys.

I'm a not-so-shy introverted nerd. My girlfriend likes nerds. And she's shy and introverted too.

Kek, this

Seems reasonable enough desu.

I think a lot of guys on Jow Forums could fill this role if they dropped the self-pitying and the "why does what I look like matter?" attitude.

Came here to post this


This 100%

dont trust what they say, they dont know what they want at all until a certain age. goes for both genders actually. just do what youre doing and keep improving, you get what you get

No. Everyone does it.

I don't do buildings, but I know the kind of people you talk about.
Within engineers, we shit talk engineers without a master just as much as you shit talk brick layers. They often have less education and less experience than the people who have to do the work, so obviously they are going to make dumb decisions.

Well that would involve her dying 75% through the game
Not a whole bunch usually. I find it means they saw a hot """nerdy""" guy on the internet somewheres and now they "like" guys who are "shy and nerdy."

Not really.
Guys ask what you do and then you use this to find a way to talk to them.
I have yet to see a guy not wanting a beer with me because of my profession.

A well dressed glasses guy who will whisper on her ear wonderful lewd things and smooth suave moves

She probably just noticed she tends to date guys with certain traits.
Like all the guys that I date seem to like Benoit Mandelbrot, Machine Learning, and are Programmers either in their free time or by profession.

What does it mean when a man says he likes strong, assertive women?

She wants to fall in love with you but you have no hygiene standards and too much hate of women.

She wants Chris Evans

It means he wants a replacement mommy.

They want a guy who is a 9/10 but isn't made cocky by it/doesn't know it.

>Like all the guys that I date seem to like Benoit Mandelbrot, Machine Learning, and are Programmers either in their free time or by profession.
Sup babe?

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you also have to be a bootlicking retard

fuck off, recruiter

lmao how many successful doctors, lawyers, and investment bankers in their 20's do you know?

>She probably just noticed she tends to date guys with certain traits.
>Like all the guys that I date seem to like Benoit Mandelbrot, Machine Learning, and are Programmers either in their free time or by profession.
You have to be orderly/neat and organised to be able to program effectively. Have these guys been neat or slobs?

I disagree. Of all the programmers I've met it's been about a 50/50 split of organized/slobs.
Why are you asking?

>Nazi fractal
I'm white/asian.

>Why are you asking?
Because it could be that she's dating guys that are neat.
I couldn't imagine someone that's untidy being able to program - the order of literally everything matters in programming.

Or maybe she is dating guys that are smart.

^^^I am this poster.
^^^This is my response to you. My dad is a programmer too, and he was a slob as I was growing up. However I think that was partially due to depression.
After marrying his second wife he became quite neat and tidy.
I don't think all programmers are neat and tidy necessarily. It's more complicated than that.
And not all neat people I've met are programmers.

>She probably just noticed she tends to date guys with certain traits.
>My dad is a programmer too
There it is.

Well thanks Freud.
Guess we should assume that OP's girl's dad is shy and nerdy by extrapolation?

That was the joke, yes.

Well there goes nofap for this week. Thanks a lot asshole
God damn I fucking love runner girls!

My sister probably would never actually say that but it seems to fit her taste fairly well. I think it is just a combination of her wanting to be with someone with a similar background (educated, intelligent, artistic) and who is non-threatening to her (common sense).

She is very pretty, bubbly and takes care of herself well but she has always liked nerdy guys. I think she has A+ taste in men. The guy she's dating now is funny and smart and also cute in an unconventional, nerdy way.

>People say they like smart, shy and nerdy guys, but there is nothing as castrating as telling people you are an engineer.
>What do you do?
>I'm unemployed

>Join the military and fast track to an officer position because you have a degree
>Join the military as an officer
>save yourself a year or two in doing so that way

I'm an actuary

Waiting list for white males is 4 plus years. I got laughed out of the recruiting office when I was 22 because they said id never get accepted cuz im a white guy.

Sometimes this is true sometimes it's not.

Before sexual liberation in the 60s and 70s, women were shamed and controlled into not being allowed to have sex. Whether it was their parents, their teachers, their bosses or anyone who had a little bit of control over them- they were all telling women they weren't allowed and didn't want to have sex.

So when a guy asked her if she wanted to have sex, she did want to but she knew she could get in serious trouble (potentially life ruining) because of it. So instead of being direct, women were subconsciously trained to deny (or act flimsy about) wanting sex even if they did.

What this lead to was guys not taking no for an answer. Which is part of the mess about sexual assault and rape allegations today. Sometimes a woman says no and wants you to push a little bit. Sometimes a woman says no and strongly means it.

The cuture of women acting coy about sex is disappearing but it's still relevant today.

I'm a medical biology scientist and I assure you that engineers are much smarter than scientists.

I have literally never heard a woman say that.

It means she wants someone she can manipulate and can hold a decent job. She's dated and probably slept with enough broke alphas/assholes to know they won't be securing her and her children a better future, she might still be secretly sleeping with them on the side though.

This was my hunch.

Girls will signal for whatever is faddish. Meanwhile what she really wants will never change. It's hardcoded in women's DNA.

Well now I'm retracting my answer because you agree with it.
Guys now it means she actually wants a shy nerdy guy.

sploosh :3

not even meming: this. She wants the standard Chad who wears glasses and watched Star Wars.

Molecular biology student and hopeful computational biologist here. Engineers contend with math closer to physics than any other scientific study. I'm decent at math and statistics but a complete retard compared to any serious engineers.

Fantastic pseudoscience. If women weren't misleading about literally everything they wanted, sex being only a part, your cracked theory might sound plausible.

This. Is pretty insulting to actual shy nerds and usually a red flag

Sex isn't the only aspect of their lives to which the spirit of my comment applies.

> 'take what you want'
> took the bike
That is the most pragmatic thing to do and I would do the same thing.
t.black guy

You must be gay. I've noticed gay men are much more specific and certain about what they want.

You gets more respect promoting to officer from enlisted than enlisting as an officer. It let's your subordinates know you've been in there shoes and done the dirty work to earn your position.

Why did you mention your race.

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Yet another black youth resorting to bicycle theft. Such a shame.

For the ((you))'s

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So she can feel superior and dominant.

Is it hard coded for them to take your physical abuse?

No, they just get used to being hit, same as his dog.

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She wanta to find a really hot guy that isnt an asshole and likes video games.

Think of zyzz.



It means she likes shy, nerdy guys.

Women don't like anxiety and a lack of confidence, regardless of whatever bs they put on social media. When she says "shy" and "nerdy", she means "Chad with an alpha's sense for occasional self-deprecation and modesty" and "Has seen 1 or more Harry Potter/Star Wars/MCU movies and can talk about them, but in a flippant way that doesn't make them seem like losers"

she wants the d

But I don't want to devote my life to Israel.

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It means like most women she is a liar.

Gamers master race ?
It probly just means that she probably is into guys with some degree of intellect...

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I always went for the shy nerdy guys because I thought they were less likely to cheat on me and they were more interesting.