Say something nice about him.
I really, really, really like this guy
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Same, user. I can't wait to witness His return, when He'll be glorified instead of mocked.
He's a nice guy.
Do you think it will be soon? Things are pretty bad right now
He's a pretty cool guy.
Some kike on stick?
Oh shit, got 'im!
I think we are living in the endtimes right now.
jesus loves you although that wont stop him from sending you to hell you mongol rape baby
I don't know when. I'm pretty sure things have always been bad, just in different ways. I think as long as there are people with real faith and prayer, the world will persist. Maybe even if there's just one.
The hell i care if some dead kike loves me lmao? Neck christcuckold
Jesus taught that the goal of the Christian is to become as Jew-like as possible. Jews are the Christian's idols and racial role models. Christians go to church in order to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. He wore a yamaka. The Jewish messiah usually preached about Jews and the Jewish race-god. Jesus only preached to Jews and his message was for Jews only. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus preposterous magical powers as an enticement to cross-breed with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Churches give the money they collect to Jews to convert and inter-marry with whites. Christians name their children with Jewish names. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a clerk that examines how Jewish you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted ideas based on race. His only plan is to turn you into a Jew.
can you explain to me why serbians and other eastern orthodox people are so fucking fervent in their believes? they would literally die for christianity to become a martyr. why?
Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
He's an good dude in my books---helped me move a fridge 3 floors up to my apartment once.
Every Knee will Bow and every tung confess he is Lord...
He's not a nigger
Someone needs to raid this boomer hellhole, the admins are hyper anti catholic to a point it's laughable and I'm Orthodox.
This is underage posting
He's our Lord and Saviour. Can't wait for his return.
>I'm pretty sure things have always been bad, just in different ways.
True. But it really seems to me times are getting darker and darker
I wish that was true user. Most serbs just say they are Orthodox without really trying to keep Gods commandments. Those that do really are fervent though
Imagine that it's all true. That God, the creator of everything, became a man and told us that regardless of what we had ever done, we could spend eternity in paradise with Him if we would just give up worldly pursuits and followed Him. Imagine that God became like you to show an example of the best possible way to live your life. Why would you not try to follow that example?
Because they have nothing else to be proud for. They feel the need to overcompensate for their mud raperoach genes with christianity
>were consistently raped for five centuries by the turks but at least we didn't convert to islam that makes us white and yuropean right guise
>But it really seems to me times are getting darker and darker
Maybe it manifests itself more outwardly, but I believe that darkness had already been there inwardly. Funny thing is, I also think the outward displays cause more people to actively turn away from it than would've otherwise done so.
>Jesus [is] an incarnation of the divine Logos
in red-pill lingo you could say that Jesus figured out how to use (male) game to manipulate other men to do your desire. The catch is, in order to earn he respect of other men, there aren't really any shortcuts
>I really, really, really like this guy
Save yourself. It's all yours, my friend.
they really don't
>I'm Orthodox
Thank you for having mercy on me
Friendly reminder they count morning after pill as "abortion"--some girls take it as precaution, and don't necessarily know if they are pregnant or not.