So it begins

WWIII soon

Kike side


other kike side

who will win?

Attached: acadcsadcad.png (1740x699, 51K)

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Oh wait, I forgot,

other kike side

It’s more like the Greater Kikes vs. Lesser Kikes

I would support Russia because they are more right-wing.

The very second the media and political establishment says it is the "moral obligation for the US to take Venezuelan refugees and send US tax payer funded aid to Venezuela" every member of US government should never be allowed to be seen in public ever again. Make it so hostile for them they are forced to stay in hiding.

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yeah, cause if china doesn't help the lesser kikes they're screwed.

god damn it could Russia just assassinate this total faggot?

why are there still people following Trump when he put this kike bootlicker in his cabinet.

Literally first world vs second

EU is going to be on the 'merican side, you already are.

Defect to russia now before you're drafted to fight them if you like them so much.

personally, I don't want any part of this. I'll go deep into the woods and dodge the draft like Trump did, I'm not fighting in any jew wars, fuck that shit.

I'll poke one of my eyes out to become ineligible if I have to.

Enter the third side wild card...Estonia!