How do I bring up to my girl that I want her to exercise...

How do I bring up to my girl that I want her to exercise? It just seems so tricky I'm just wondering if there is anything that has worked without having a girl completely melt down thinking you don't like her? My girl was already overweight when I met her not a complete fatass but I fear she is putting on even more weight and its putting me off. I believe the reason this has happened was because she was raped a couple years ago and perhaps found eating a lot of as a way to cope. She showed me pics of what she used to look like and was super skinny and just plain perfect making me wish I had her when she looked like that. She calls me daddy and will do whatever I say I just don't know if asking her to limit her eating and exercise which I believe she doesn't do at all would be crossing the line. Any help would be appreciated bros.

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Exercise together

You're right that this is tricky but still, you can't do anything but talk to her about it. I think the idea of exercising together is a good one, but I would like to add that if the problem is mainly diet then you should fix the problem instead of using exercise to cope. Exercise could help on top of an improved diet though.
> I believe the reason this has happened was because she was raped a couple years ago and perhaps found eating a lot of as a way to cope.
Unprocessed trauma is never a good thing, perhaps she should get professional help.

Maybe emphasize not so much the issue of your attraction to her but your care for her: It would be good for her to not overeat to cope with trauma and to be in better shape; it's not good that she's doing this to herself.
Also don't just tell her but be there for her to support her. Maintain a good diet together, even if you don't need the change yourself.


also at first don't be like HEY HONEY I GOT US GYM MEMBERSHIPS CAUSE YOU'RE SO FUCKING FAT NOW COME HOP ON THE TREADMILL WITH ME TONS O' FUN be like "hey do you wanna come walk with me :) it''s nice outside" and also cook meals for her that are healthy.

I took my girl rock climbing. Shes fine but she's a little thick and I want some muscle tone

When she came to the climbing gym she saw how fit and hot all the other girls were and she kept falling cause her butt is too fucking big

I sit back and do my own thing and let peace of plastic fat shame my gf for me

Win win

>How do I bring up to my girl that I want her to exercise?
Social media gamifying.... but even that might not work. Just do Keto together. Women think its magic when they lose 10lbs in the first week and keep losing weight. So long as you do the cooking and gamify the loss she'll stick with it and lose the weight

That was an awesome response, I just talked to her about it and went really well. I was right that she was eating a lot to cope and shes super stoked that I want to help her. I think this is going to turn out well. Thank you user

Get fit yourself she will follow if not dump her

Trust me, if fat people could lose weight they already would have. Nearly all of the contestants on the biggest loser regained all the weight they lost after the show. Even if she loses weight temporarily, those urges to eat more than her body needs are genetic and will always be there. Eventually she'll let herself go again, probably sooner than later. And that's if she even agrees to go along with it, most chubby girls find it extremely offensive when their boyfriend asks them to lose weight and this will most likely put a wrench in the relationship.

Biggest load of shit I've ever read user!

Oh ya?

Her problem is outside anything that you can do for her. She needs to get therapy for an eating disorder and to cope with what happened to her. You cannot provide to her what she needs by simply telling her she needs to eat better and exercise. Trauma is a funny thing and almost always needs some form of treatment. (Trust me, I've been there)

Yep. Wanna know how I know you're fat?

Sure, shoot.

I'll admit that true change is the most difficult thing to do for humans but it is possible. It requires a total lifestyle change. And that is no easy task. But to say what you did is defeatist and retarded. Life is a constant struggle. You think I don't want to eat junk food and lay around all day? I don't because I made a choice to be better.

People who successfully lose weight and keep it off weren't real fat people, they were skinny people going through a phase. I've known enough fat people to know how hopeless they are.

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Yeah that sounds true but it isn't.
See Alcoholism for proof.

t. lazy fat fuck

Honestly, the best solution is to learn how to cook and bake healthy foods and desserts. If you play your cards right she'll start craving cooking similar to it and get healthier on her own. Also another user suggested it: but take her with you to exercise. Small tjings like walking to a smoothie shop or riding bikes in the park together can disguise exercise as a bonding moment. Just don't overdo it or else they'll get burned out from the same 3 activities every day and see the time spent with you as a chore.

You’ve already lost.
Find a new girl.

1. Make a plan & be supportive
-Sit w/ her & find the time to exercise. Schedule it & keep that time sacred. Time is the biggest excuse - don't let her use it

-Buy her a gym membership, a new gym bag, or a gift certificate for some exercise clothes. It's a part of the investment; investment enhances commitment

-Go w/ her to the gym & lift together, or suggest ways to find a lifting partner. This is important especially in the beginning when she doesn't know what she's doing

2. Give her some external motivation so that she can build her internal motivation
-Remind her that accomplishing a routine feels great. Praise her for getting through the routines, & doing what she set out to do

-Help her set numerical objectives like squatting her own body weight, or doing a pull-up

-Be a partner