Jews are disgusting filthy animals

>jews are disgusting filthy animals
>lets make soap from their corpses

Why were nazis so dumb and hypocritical?

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The soap and the lamp shade thing are both propaganda. It never happened.

yeah right, nazi

>jews are terrible and we should get rid of them all
>also let's keep their skin around and use it as lamp shades
were the nazis retarded?

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i know right?

>the jews are stinking filthy creatures
>that would make a lovely lampshade

>pigs are gross smelly animals that live in muck
>let's eat their flesh


so nazis ate jew meat too?

it would make sense since they were low on food

fucking gross

What do you think a Jew tastes like

hey look
right wingers can act just as disingenuous as the left.

Bagels and coins

>starve jews to skin and bones
>somehow make soap out of the fat they dont have

This is what happens when you're on drugs

>we need to kill jews
>invade jew town
>point gun at jew
>finger on the trigger
>it would take less than a second to kill the jew
>"alright jew get on this train or ill kill you"
>train travels across the country
>dumps them in a camp
>forces them into a room
>room floods with gas
>finally the jew dies a month later

what the fuck were they thinking?

> When analyzed, however, the bars turned up no evidence of human DNA.
You dumb mother fucker even the Jews admit the soap is a fucking lie. Lmfao.

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>jews are worthless parasites that need to be put into work camps
>let’s build a roller coaster for them to ride in the camps
Nazis were the biggest retards ever

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it was admitted to be a lie years ago
after all the allied atrocities the war department needed to invent a way to make the germans seem more evil. someone came up with soap and lampshades. quite an imagination

>feed jew
>clothe jew
>entertain jew
>hospitalise jew

All before they gas jew. It's retarded.
What happened to German efficiency?

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>lets make soap from their corpses
Don't forget the giant electric chairs.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Why you supportin Je-
>notices flag
Oh, nevermind, the jewish colony at its best.

I think it actually did but when the SS found out about it they took the guy responsible for it out and shot him.

Because they wanted the Jews as a slave labor force. Killing them intentionally would have been counterproductive, when you're already desperately short on labor you'll take anything you can get

yeah the whole soap and lampshade shit just sound like jewish "public relations".

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thats self hating jew propaganda

dont shoa me your propaganda, nazi

of course the doors were wooden, they were running low on supplies. the gas was still lethal, retard

Its 2019. People still believe that shit?
Its know that the letters RIF on the soap stand for Reichsstelle fur Industrielle Fettversorgung.
And not Reine Judische Fet like the kikes want us to believe

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my grandfather killed nazis like you to protext our greatest ally

That's what a nazi would say

The Dali llama is a retard. He probably shits in the street

Hol up!
So you be sayin' dat da joos were used as slave labour and weren't gassed in their gorrilions?
anti semitic shitlord.

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self hating jew propaganda