It is physically impossible to get rid of guns.
It will only become more and more difficult to even attempt it with time.
Firearm prohibition only exacerbates the actual causes of violent crime.

Attached: If gun ownership becomes illegal more guns will look like this.jpg (640x283, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that famas?

>Give me a clip so I can do some damage

Mine are already cheap modular and quiet though

Not only is gun control not going to happen but the goddamn individuals and states they represent within the government are going to pay a huge goddamn price if they so dare to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

Attached: 98364875345.jpg (3060x3560, 1.23M)

>only exacerbates

It doesn't even do that.

Mexico is like 30 murders per 100,000, with rather strict firearm laws.

US is around 4-5 per 100,000 (with the breakdown by race showing that the rate of just Euros is about the same as Euro countries).

Violent crime is basically all to do with the ethnic group, and any object you throw into the mix does bugger all.

I want to own a Sten-type weapon.
They were cheap pieces of crap but fuck are they iconic and sexy.


Attached: download.jpg (278x181, 12K)

The only studies that find a correlation between firearm ownership find a negative correlation (more guns, less crime).
I'd rather a Sterling, but all those cheap tube SMG's have a utilitarian aesthetic that rubs me just the right way.

Attached: Sterling SMG.jpg (650x346, 23K)

>between it and* firearm ownership
Accidentally a couple words there.

Sterling is an upgrade to be entirely certain, but Sten is definitely so rusticly sexy.

Is there a reason the mag must be to the side? Could you make a Sten with the mag under the barrel? I like how it looks too but ergonomically would be more effective with mag under.

That thing would still give you hearing damage if you magdumped it indoors. It’s not quiet.

Check this beaut out.
Sten/Suomi hybrid made by a guy in Canuckistan.

Attached: STEN Suomi hybrid.jpg (1024x768, 160K)

Imagine going prone. That's why.
The Aussies put the magazine on theirs at 12 o'clock.

Attached: Owen SMG.jpg (800x725, 36K)

>a canadian being this based

i want one of these neat guns

Attached: 1483784278097.jpg (1117x900, 274K)

North America Best America

Attached: Gun ownership vs homicide map.png (800x868, 560K)

Maybe. Maybe. No.

C'mon mate - you KNOW that is not true.

Attached: Australia illegal guns.jpg (1176x2022, 622K)

guns are for pussies. use a proper weapon like a man

Attached: 4353455.png (260x260, 39K)

Attached: This is Australia.jpg (700x960, 128K)

It's a sten:

Attached: sten-large-57c4bd065f9b5855e5faf9ae.jpg (758x352, 26K)


Anybody that is against gun ownership can opt to not get a gun. All citizens that support the Democrats should give up their guns voluntarily. Let the Democrats show the way. All Democrats go gunless....

He's quoting a meme.

Attached: is that a famas.jpg (761x863, 79K)

Nogunz here and curious. Are all of the specifications for this gun illegal? Can I get a breakdown?

Ok but I'd imagine most fighting is going to be done in any position other than prone. And that doesn't really answer my question. Which is, is there a mechanical reason with the sten design specifically necessitating a horizontal mag? I could Google but I know there is someone here with this knowledge that would want to feel smart for knowing so you're welcome for the opportunity.

It is completely lawful to have a complete data package for firearms that would be unlawful for you to own.
There are also numerous semi-auto closed-bolt conversions of guns like the Sten.



Sempai kudasai

Attached: clips.jpg (2148x820, 123K)

Attached: stykstykstyk.png (523x340, 19K)

The OP is correct. There are over 1 billion firearms in this country. Most do not exist on any data base. That said, the problem is the commies have convinced themselves its possible. They will not get rid of guns, but they could very well trigger a civil war where millions die. That is the true problem.

Attached: Australia crime.jpg (1239x1011, 167K)

My question is mostly in regards to the "more effective weapons" part. I see a suppressor I think. I don't understand what makes the other parts "more effective" since my knowledge on the individual parts is limited to nonexistent.

Attached: Australia gun laws.png (1200x900, 274K)

Attached: Australian gun laws.png (1500x1100, 373K)

Attached: Australia weapons.png (2892x1316, 1.98M)

If commies try to get rid of guns gun owners will get rid of commies.

Attached: e76ke6l6 - Copy.png (1209x563, 714K)

made during a time when staying prone and low to the ground was the largest concern

The law considers nunchucks worse than a knife if you live in the wrong state. This fucking country.

Attached: F72B7F0B-6131-4803-AA96-C233A5F8451C.jpg (474x592, 29K)

Is this pic how the ((())) meme started?

>goverment has nukes
so what? If the rabble comes to take on Washington they'll just nuke everything?
I don't get it

I don't even need the flag to tell you're a Leaf

It’s not going to be some shitty gun made out of pipe people will use

Attached: 6F733E15-D142-4DAA-801F-636553670A71.jpg (1300x1000, 173K)

You are correct. That particular firearm is integrally suppressed.
Imagine you were a criminal and you wanted to kill someone. Rolling up and then unloading 32 rounds of 9x19 into them and driving off is going to have much better odds of one of the rounds hitting something vital.
The magazine being on the side is seriously only for the ability to go prone.
When it comes to the magazine being on top, which was the case for quite a few guns from that era, you also get the benefit of the spring in the magazine not needing to fight gravity, making them feed a bit more reliably. Strictly speaking, a spring isn't even 100% necessarily needed for such a mag to work.

>the echoes are a menorah

My mind is fucking blown

Good job knowing Jow Forums culture and/or reading the thread before posting.
It's an old fucking meme.

Attached: ammunition20clips20with20text204_zps160f961e.jpg (384x512, 117K)

>Uses standard Glock barrel and magazines

Attached: Gluty.jpg (2592x1944, 926K)

thats an old ass meme my guy

yeah it will. 3D printing is a meme.

You only think it's a meme because you aren't thinking with portals yet.

Attached: Lost PLA 10-22.png (1194x1440, 3.2M)

You'd imagine wrong

Attached: lost PLA 10-22 plaster.jpg (3840x2160, 2.71M)

Attached: polymer casting AR-15 receivers.jpg (7000x5757, 3.86M)

Thanks for the insight. Anything illegal about that hollow stock? It looks cool. Just to keep the weapon light? Cheaper due to less materials? Anything illegal about that?

Same. The Sterling and m3a1 grease gun are two of the sexiest firearms ever

It's called a "wire stock". Nothing illegal about it. They're usually used as a cost and/or weight and/or space saving measure. They're not very comfortable to shoot, though, so you'll often see people wrap them in paracord, foam or something.

The grease gun is fucking hilarious when you actually give it a close up look.

Nogunz countries also strongly regulate or prohibit AMMUNITION, though. Sure in principle that can be DIY'd too, but it raises the bar a lot, since we can't buy smokeless powder and primers off the shelf either. I imagine getting consistent performance and extraction from cobbled together fireworks-grade black powder rounds would be impossible, not to mention safety and fouling issues. (Maybe model rocket engine perchlorate instead? Or maybe that just makes a glocknade.)

Currently the UK has a loophole of sorts with blanks for airsoft "grenades" being legal without a shotgun or firearms certificate, but you still need to fill out paperwork that I'm sure gets reported to the authorities, so it's not really useful.

A Sten gun can be very effective. Yes, easy to manufacture. How easy will it be to manufacture the ammo?

Attached: Capture.png (911x668, 1.08M)

So are you specifically referring to the period of the guns design? Because today I'd not be wrong.

my AK has the iron triangle.

Attached: krink-aug.jpg (618x904, 85K)

Revolvers/pepperboxes don't really care how consistent the ammo is and you can reload boxer primed ammo with matches, including the primer.

Fascinating. Thank you.


Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x220, 52K)

Anytime, user. If you have anything else firearm related you'd like to know I'll do my best to answer it.

I wish We could have automatic weapons, Our gun laws are pretty gay all around.

gunpowder has a simple recipe and pressing steel is actually pretty simple

ninjas were apparently a serious problem in the 80s

Ofcourse it's impossible. What they want to do is to disarm law obidient citizens, make them rely on corrupt police, then get more and more funds to expand police force.

Obama had eight years and never once came for anybody's guns, with one exception: he made it more difficult for those diagnosed with mental illness to get them. Trump thought the mentally ill *should* be able to access firearms, and removed that rule.

Gun control is just a myth Republicans trot out from time to time when they want to fire up their base. It's never going to happen.

>Born too late to get the 12.X licenses

The fuck is that?

Attached: 1526752742805.jpg (720x720, 93K)


Dont those cost like $600 to build?

Attached: 1521948518370.jpg (900x1200, 259K)

>with all the strength and reliability of recycled plastic forks

burger meme education

If you look up the various classes of prohibited firearms, they each have a number.
12.2 is the full-giggle guns
12.3 is full-giggle guns that have been converted to semi-only
12.4 and 12.5 are a bunch of banned-by-name guns
12.6 is .25 and .32 caliber handguns
You get the idea.

unfinished 80% ar15 lower receivers can be easily built into open bolt machine guns without any machining.

Attached: 1482044524495.png (1000x3685, 452K)

They should know that as long as humans retain intelligence enough to figure out the basic workings of a fucking cannon that they'll NEVER take our weapons.

Fuck them.

How many round balls of grape shot do you think a 6 pounder can send flying in one shot?
[Jeopardy theme intensifies]

Attached: Scary modern guns.png (625x605, 48K)

About $150 sempai

Pic related cost $2.10 in WWII, or $32.21 today

Attached: b2ae6354aa4e10e8b329a5006fc53b8b.jpg (640x880, 242K)


I shit all over leafs all the time, but some of them are redpilled enough that leaf land has the second highest private ownership rates, I think. That may have changed. Invisible heater ownership is astronomical, however.
Gun laws don't mean a thing. But, the lead hits the X ring when you have full marxist governance, and the midnight raids start.
All the firearms in the world will not help you unless the only have the weapon that matters. The will to strike when it is time.
Resistance weapons are what >OP is referring to. You can roll your own ghosts. Stens, BSP's, Luty's, Metral's, zip's, 3Dprinted, Grenades, plastiques, flame fougasse...The list is literally endless, and it can be had for nothing, as information, and implemented. This is not difficult. Even Muslims and Irishmen can do it.
So should you Jow Forums

Attached: Gadsen snake gun.gif (500x375, 249K)

>Dat filename

Good luck sempai

Attached: 1521939718789.png (1198x741, 1.42M)

the atf already knows. they post about it every 10 minutes on Jow Forums


Funny how the ones holding these signs are the most cucked-looking faggots are around. I doubt any of them have ever even been in a fist fight.

The sten is such a beautiful weapon

he implied that the Government will nuke it citizens if they don't turn over their weapons if Weapons were made illegal....

Spoiler: They won't use nukes. Not even tiny babby nukes.

Attached: Nuke me bitch.jpg (960x457, 18K)

But you gotta love how they talk about this shit like they're being reasonable.

Attached: civil discussion.jpg (750x520, 27K)

>Prohibited weapon
>Body Armor

Not sure which March For Our Lives city they are from, the DC ones are, well...

Attached: 1521954636889.jpg (2048x1536, 723K)

No I understand that implication but how would that work logistically? Even an idiot wouldn't believe they would vapourise millions, and development and infrastructure and contaminate great swathes of land for decades, would they?

It's Australia, bud. What are you expecting?
Their politicians freaked out because lever-action shotguns are legal, calling it "dangerous new technology".

Attached: 1887.jpg (2880x1920, 418K)

So easily manipulated.

Attached: Mass shootings vs lightning.jpg (660x731, 209K)