How to make a video game with no coding knowledge nor any interest in learning it

Basically, I have no skills besides art and that is still not professional grade. I have been working on this game for over 6 months, I have character design, the story writing, etc all finished. I just need music (I’m willing to learn) and the game itself (no interest in learning coding) to be done. What are my options? I’m not willing to pay for help as I’m doing this as a passion project but I understand no one would want to do that tedium for free.

Attached: ECAD039B-E99B-4D4A-9970-C32AF2B9DEF6.jpg (512x512, 34K)

Well that's a tough one, You could try making that concept in game maker studio like undertale. And if you can't pay people you must learn to do it yourself.

Your only option is to convince someone to code it for you which probably won't hapen for free.

You're like every other hack out there. This is why CS is a dropout rate of 60%.

Why don't you want to learn to code?

>shoehorn it into a standard genre and buy a template from UE4 marketplace.
>steal assets from other games.

> want to make a game
> like making art
> don't want to learn to code

That's like saying you want to make a painting but don't want to learn to paint. It's the medium you make the stuff in, or that you want to do 3D modelling but don't want to learn Blender or Maya.

That said, as a developer myself (blockchain, compiler infrastructure, and low-level stuff) I can definitely see that there's a ton in the space that you have to learn to make something of quality, most of which probably doesn't interest you much (linear algebra, physics, algorithms, etc.).

It's probably worth learning some of it to understand the craft, but I absolutely believe there needs to be more tooling available that let you do that kind of stuff without having to know all the intricate details to get stuff done.

Maybe look into some game engines? I think Unity and a few similar ones let you do a lot of stuff with minimal coding.

Just pay people to make your game bro. I'm sure there are coders that would be interested in it. Or find other projects that need artists.

This is one of the dumbest things ive read. Making a game involves months of coding

>I’m not willing to pay for help as I’m doing this as a passion project but I understand no one would want to do that tedium for free.
Then why are you even asking?

OP are you retarded? If you can draw already why don't you look for a programmer online and do a game jam???

Depending on the complexity. Tic Tac Toe can be done in a couple of hours

>I want to make a video game
>but I don't actually want to make the game itself
>and I don't other people to make it either
>I just want a finished video to appear in my lap
Do people really think like this

You either have to suck it up or pay a dude to program for you, sweetie.

I have to think that a lot of people think like this, much more often than you might realize. Press F to pay our respects

I have no interest in it and it is boring to me.
Yes I know, and it would take me longer having to learn it from scratch and even longer to be doing it efficiently. This is the biggest hurdle in finishing this and if worse comes to worst I would rather pay someone than learn. The time I have put into learning have resulted in little progress and it is ruining my morale to continue. I respect those that can do this shit and stay calm when you do one thing incorrect and the entire system collapses.

Write a book or make it into a tabletop system

There are lots of game engine options that are specifically for people who don't want to code, even something scripting based like gamemaker studio doesn't really require any programming knowledge to figure out. I recommend looking into the construct engine since it's good and provides a brain dead simple visual game logic interface.
Just remember to have fun and don't give up on your dream user!

>If worst comes to worst, I'd rather rely on others pandering out to me.
If you want it done right, you do it yourself.

Also everyone in this thread saying you need programming for games or making a videogame without knowing programing is like making a painting without learning to paint are dumb.
Making videogames is about design, not programming or any other cs concept. Understanding the potential and limitations of the hardware and software you're working with can help you but it's far from the most important part of the game making process.
Programming is just a tool, like a paintbrush or a canvas, games are made in the language of design, not code.

Good luck to any person making a game with 0 programming knowledge. You absolutely need to know how to program in order to know how to make a game.

I know plenty of people who have made better games with 0 programming knowledge then experienced programmers
Modern game engines provide tools that make game making completely accessable
Literal small children can do it

you have to find someone smart and use them your vidya game maker puppet

I don't know the genre for your game, but you could buy RPG Maker MV and go from there. It's pretty simple. You don't have to learn how to "code" from scratch, but you'll pick up enough naturally as you go.