Whats wrong with not wanting children Jow Forums? Im only 21 but made the decision about 5 years ago to never have children. They are annoying, a MASSIVE burden, expensive and offer virtually no return on investment. Besides its cruel and selfish to procreate and force sentience onto a non consenting individual. What are your thoughts Jow Forums
I don't care if libs don't reproduce
Conservatives dont reproduce much anymore either budd.
How sad.
How so?
>at 16 I realized
>kids are annoying
>kids are a massive burden
>kids are expensive
>kids offer no return on your investment
Dad called you out on being a useless piece of shit, and you're mad af huh?
It’s responsible white people who make the choice between having all of their money to themselves and freedom to do whatever they want or have children.
More white people are choosing the former.
Meanwhile niggers, towel heads, Jews and the endless stream of spics crossing the border don’t view it as an either/ or. They pump out kids, out of wedlock, and let the white tax payer fund their hospital bills, medical coverage, food stamps, welfare, education, subsidized housing, free college education just for being a minority. Niggers have babies and continue to do whatever they want, let their kids raise themselves, let the state pay for them and white liberals happily fund this.
That’s why we’re becoming a minority majority country
>I made a life decision at 16
When liberals are anti-natal, it's because they want more money to spend on booze/weed/plastic shit from Amazon. When conservatives don't have children, it's because they can't find a woman or man worth starting a family with.
That life decision has stuck for 5 years now.