My GF dumped me because i'm a not responsible enough

I'm 26, she's 24. And apparently I have "no direction in life". I'm just aimlessly wandering without a path to guide me. She told me it's unattractive and off-putting that i'm in my mid twenties and I've never had a job.

I don't pay my car tickets and I don't pay my bills on time. My credit is in the shitter and I'm relying on my "Investments" to gain financial security. She thinks it's bullshit what I do and has no respect for it. She'd rather see me be a fucking starbucks barista than an investor.

She thinks it's silly and irresponsible and risky.
She basically told me she doesn't want to date someone who doesn't take care of themselves like an adult.

Keep in mind, she's actually uglier than me and works at a fucking coffee shop and does "therapy" for kids with autism part time.

I don't want to be a wage slave so I avoided it for the longest time. I have well off parents that can support me while I try to finish my degree.
I'll admit i'm a little lazy and unmotivated. But it's because I'm scared to be a normie with a shit end 9 to 5.

What do I do?? I'm all in chainlink crypto btw. 210k tokens.

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You are a fucking joke. Your gf might work a normie job, but at least she pits effort into it (normal job + part time therapist).
You are a lazy fuck. She is right. And the fact that she might be uglier than you is unimportnat, because she actually is a working individual, unlike you.

I'm not a total bum that's the thing. I work out a lot, have a good body. Am very atheletic. I could just be a gym trainer but I'm too unmotivated to do that.

I barely finish school and the rest of the time i'm working out, possibly reading something of interest or writing poetry. Or, working on learning HTML and Java. I haven't worked on it for a while.

But I just don't know what to do. I know computer programing is hard and they work you like dogs. I'm scared to put my focus onto one thing because I don't just want to fall into a shitty job and work for peanuts.

But she literally was like yeah idk. You're too controlling and don't give me the liberty to go out and have friends even if I socialize with other guys.

I told her it's fine as long as you don't give them your number. She agreed to that. But I just get uneasy when she's out with her co-workers doing fun stuff. Makes me upset that she doesn't want to do that shit with me. Instead she just distance herself with me and it's ridiculous. i'm getting older so I realize it's not as easy to wow a girl anymore. I guess women find sexiness in someone whose going to work everyday to do something. WHich I find retarded. I can have talent and skill in other areas that I like in my life

Get a job you deadbeat.

Tell her to go fuck herself. Entitled little cunt serves coffee for a living and thinks she's all that. Women bring NOTHING to the table but expect you to be Elon fucking Musk.

You won't get much joy from folks on Jow Forums, I'm afraid. The vast majority are wageslaves and/or obsessed with college and career progression etc. There is more to life, OP. Trust me, I'm older that you. Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life or make you conform, especially not some ugly little cunt with no prospects of her own. Let her find a dependable little bugman to pay her way in life. You do what you gotta do.




>She basically told me she doesn't want to date someone who doesn't take care of themselves like an adult.
They've mindbroken her
There's no going back from there
RIP op's gf

Honestly OP, everything you've said about yourself so far makes me think you are self obsessed, materialistic and shallow.

>She's uglier than me
>I have well off parents that support me
>I work out a lot, I have a good body
>I'm too un-motivated to be a gym trainer
>I write poetry
>Women find sexiness in someone whos going to work hard, it's retarded

I feel your narcissism is a product of the current self absorbed technology driven generation, which is not necessarily your fault. It is in your interests however to change your mind set and get used to the thought of working hard to achieve something you desire. Working in a coffee shop for example, while it may not be a final career decision, it is a stepping stone in a path to self sufficiency and a successful life. You need to work 9 to 5 for at least some period in your life to develop your own work ethic and appreciation for what you have. The fact you're "scared to be a normie with a shit end 9 to 5" implies that you think you're better than everyone else, which I sincerely guarantee is not the case.

Wise up boy, you need street smarts and work ethic to make it in this world. And you're sure as hell not going to get it sponging off your parents and lambasting your girl friend because she's trying to improve your life.

tl;dr - Her concern is justified, work on your personality.

>i'm in my mid twenties and I've never had a job.
>I don't pay my car tickets and I don't pay my bills on time
That is pathetic, how did you manage to land a gf..?

>she does "therapy" for kids with autism part time.
Oh, I guess she thought she will be able to help you



Okay I'm glad this thread is still up. Op I used to be exactly the same way and think the same way. I blamed everyone else and would refuse to keep a job more than a few months. Then I turned 23 and something in me changed, close to losing my house and going into debt changed my Outlook and since then made me want to go back to college. I understand that waging sucks but eventually you'll have to someday or you will literally starve.

Yeah, you are lying about being an investor. If you were an actual investor, you would have something resembling an office, you would have various accounting and other documents that periodically your gf would catch you working on, and you would be getting monthly returns, some of which you would take out to have some standard of living.

It is clear that none of this applies to you. You are probably some hodler that got scammed long ago but does not want to admit it.

>I guess women find sexiness in someone whose going to work everyday to do something
I don't think sexiness is the issue as much as virtue. You basically don't think anything is worth your time unless it benefits you. She goes out and helps people, and you do not. She seems like someone who enjoys doing good, and at some point being your gf (and enabling your narcissistic worldview) didn't fit that.

Lol, holy shit, yeah. He is a bit Bateman-ey now you mention it...

Deadbeat faggot. Crypto is not an investment.

Good for her. You sound like a grade A douchebag. Would you ever date a woman who was like you?

You need to self reflect and never date her again she deserves better

I've never read a story about a breakup story where the person telling the story's side of the story makes him look like a piece of shit and the other person 100% in the right.
>and I'm a gym rat who could, uhhh you know like do personal trainer stuff

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>>she does "therapy" for kids with autism part time.
>Oh, I guess she thought she will be able to help you
This, unironically. OP imagines himself an "investor" and she thought this can be cured.

>wants luxuries like groceries, not growing his own food and supplying his own water
>thinks 'normie, wage slave' jobs are beneath him despite soaking up the benefits of that system
>thinks he's above the law
Generic trash garbage NPC