I'm fucking terrified of my digital footprint how I do I clear it

I'm fucking terrified of my digital footprint how I do I clear it
I used to join fetish discord servers a while back and talk in them and message people in them and my main worry is if someone finds out about it or it exists forever and my kids find it after I die or something
I've deleted my account so now everything comes up under [delted user] but it's still pretty easy to find out who I am
Should I be worried? I have OCD so maybe I'm over thinking but I don't want to be remembered as a freak

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Sorry for the bump

Who exactly are you worried about finding you?
And why would it still be easy to find out who you are even if you deleted the acc?

I don't know I just don't want like my parents or people to know or anyone to know about my fetish
I don't want stuff to exist forever I don't know why it just scares me that someone could find it
Also there is a bot in the server that says whenever someone joins and the messages are still there saying I've joined like '[username] has joined the server:
My discord handle is my first name so if someone did enough digging they might be able to find out
Should I be genuinely worried or is this just my OCD being autistic?

Does no one else in the world share your name?
Deny and blame them

But if you put together the pieces from private messages and other servers you might be able to find out it was me

So in your head, someone is going to go on this weird site (what is it btw) search your name, and read every single post?
Tell you what, Google your own name and try to find it. If you can't you are in the clear

That's true actually, I tried it and it doesn't come up, thanks man
The site is discord, it's a chat program where people can make their own servers, and I joined a weird fetish with about 100 members and talked in it for a bit about porn and did all this weird shit

Is there a way to text search all of discord? If no, you're in the clear.

no there isnt
also i just realised if you clicked my discord profile, it shows my spotify account which had my full name on it
it's all gone now but i really hope someone or a bot or something didnt save it im starting to worry

and what fetish is that?

Time kills most things. I wanted to delete my digital footprint in 2014. It was a large footprint and I made a thread on /b/ offering $1 to $5 in bitcoin for any information people could find about me. I ended up spending about $150 but you wouldn't believe the things they found. I just deleted all I could, but of course some things you can't. So I just waited. After enough years, websites will go offline, caches will rotate, forum posts will get archived. So time is your friend here.

femdom chastity

thats not really that bad,
its not like you're gay , a pedo or a furry.

Or you could just be a massive sperg and ruin your life forever with one retarded stunt in your teenage years that makes it to the headlines of the major internet communities and become a literal walking meme after they dig up everything you've ever said online.

i still wouldnt want anyone to know about it, family, friends, employer, etc

You're fine bro. Drink some water

I didn't want my parents to know I was into hentai,
but it wasn't the end of the world when they found out

Guys it used to say my full name on my account if you clicked it because of my Spotify, this makes things worse

>I have OCD so maybe I'm over thinking but I don't want to be remembered as a freak
I know how you feel because bad things have been posted in groups I’ve been in

Remember the towelheads who shot like 20 people in San Bernardino back in 2015? They had been plainly posting jihadist propaganda openly on their facebook profiles for months before and nobody thought to investigate them. When they were found out, it was shocking how little the FBI knew about them at the time.

The point is that Big Brother is nowhere near as omnipotent or even competent as you might imagine. Even if your weird fetish shit *were* easy to trace back to you, nobody would bother with it because nobody would care.

tl;dr nobody will find out and if they did nobody gives a single shit so relax

No one cares that much to look through all that shit or investigate your past and crap. Trust me.