Give me a good workout plan ( at home, without weights ). I'm 18m, 167cm tall and 47kg...

Give me a good workout plan ( at home, without weights ). I'm 18m, 167cm tall and 47kg. My back is also bad so if you can also give some exercises for straightening my back I'll be really thankful.

>inb4 Jow Forums
No it's just a circlejerk board, I've tried there, they are not helpful.

Attached: tablet_Erika-Akanishi-exercise-anime-girl.jpg (1024x659, 124K)

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Look up back strengthening exercises. Do exercises that goes girls use for there ass. Ass connected to lower back noice. Go for runs or start a martial arcade two of the best ways honestly


I heard running makes you lose weight too much. And my BMI is already 16.9

Say what

Do a martial art
I started one helped me evolve
I had more self confidence and wahmen noticed
It’s something to keep you focused
makes less scrawny aswell

I was doing aikido for about 2 years, got pretty bored. I'm doubting I'll try something similar again.

Taekwondo is great for fitness
Not great for street fights until you get very good
Try boxing after a year you can clap anybody who is untrained

Guys guys, I was thinking more of like "do 20 pushups every 2nd day" type of thing. Not starting martial arts.


Another self bump

>I was thinking of putting forth a worthless token effort, not actually making a change

Martial arts classes are not cheap and we're already barely making the end meet. Why do you think I insist on doing it at home and not at gym?

>My back is also bad
Think you're getting trolled with martial arts suggestions.

>exercises for straightening my back
> I was thinking more of like "do 20 pushups every 2nd day" type of thing.
Work on core strength with lots of plank variations.
Daily yoga to promote stability, mobility balance. Just youtube routines until you find one that works for you.

Attached: plank-variations[1].jpg (2048x1536, 571K)

I saved your imagine and will be trying all of that. Should I do it every day?

Burpees, pushups, pull-ups, dips, sit ups, leg raises, running/cycling

Aikido is a meme art anyways. You want something more along the lines of boxing, Thai boxing, mma, or even wrestling. Something with sparring deeply rooted in it.
Starting Strength. It is the foundational work on entry-level weightlifting. Better do this than any meme bodyweight routines

I don't want to fight people I just want to look and be more healthy.
Try to do the thing at 3:00, it might not be the problem you have but I also had lower back pain, tried doing that and fixed it.

Learn how to do hyperextensions and planks, with no weights or overexerting your back, and good form of course. This will strengthen your lower back in time which will prevent snapping on other exercises.

Jow Forums seems like a circlejerk board because most people there already know the stuff and are just posting semi off-topic crap.

I not having much pain but the doctor said my back is bad. and I know that it is.

Yeah that's exactly what Jow Forums is

100 squats a day
100 sit ups a day
100 push ups a day

You can space this out like 20/20/20 every hour. Push ups will be the hardest for you, but eventually you'll knock out 20 to 30 like it's nothing, making push ups a lot easier.

I'm not even MEMEING you. If you did this even just 5 days a week you would notice a drastic difference after 30 days. You'd feel stronger, more limber and have more energy. Also, your boners will be more powerful as you are forcing blood to move throughout your body at a rapid pace daily. I do a lot of full body excersizes with weights and wake up every morning with a hard on that could shatter glass.

Will I lose my hair?

>167cm tall
Jesus, I was bigger than you when I was your age, and I'm Asian.

Wow thanks for contributing, I surely didn't know I was small.

this gave me a good chuckle, but remember thats only if you run the 5km everyday to

It's 10km but doesn't matter, I wouldn't run even 1, thanks.

Is this a joke?

Are you a guy or a girl?

Male why?

Oh I get it it's because I'm 47kg

That's featherweight even for a girl. You would literally get knocked over by a gust of wind.

>no weights
you can't, unless you live in a jungle gym or a tenth floor walk up

>at home, without weights

Check out Pavel Tsatsouline he has a bunch of books and videos. Especially his Naked Warrior series which are exactly about body weight exercises. Having a kettlebell or two would help as well.

Just look up some basic calisthenics, you can do most calisthenics at home with a little creativity like using two chairs as a dip stand. As for the back, doing bridges will help, also lying on the ground holding one leg in the air will help.

The spine is naturallt curvy. If you have a crooked spine or too much bend you have bad posture, or more rarely a spine issue which you should talk to a doctor about first.

Contortionist have very straight spines. So the key is to be stretching and strengthening it. I am an expert is training the body for athletics but I am not motivated to help someone who probably won't listen. But you can easily google how to have a healthy spine and good posture. Tip: you need to bend it in 6 directions everyday. Forward, backward, left, right, twist left, twist right.

Short answer do yoga poses and pilates.

Dont do this.
It doesn't make a difference between 50 to 100. And a beginner cannot do this much right away. Better to start at 10 and do them correctly. Plus you should never do intense workouts everyday. You have to take a day off inbetween because recovery time is necessary for.improvement. This workout also misses so many muscles and lacks any flexibi training.

This is what happens when idiots think they know fitness. I doubt this person even does a proper pushup or situp anyway.

SS you dumb fuck

Well, I can guarantee you that I'm surviving it.

Will check them out.

>lying on the ground holding one leg in the air will help
This was always weird to me, how does that help?

It's not a major issue, it's just bent too much I think.

But how do I become One Punch Man then.
I checked yesterday and I can do 35 pushups in one go.

Squats, lunges, crunches, planks, push ups, pull ups
Do sets of 4x20
Every second day
Thats all you need. But you wont gain much because you only weigh 47kg and bodyweight exercises wont do much. Go to a gym

>>lying on the ground holding one leg in the air will help
>This was always weird to me, how does that help?

It is, it's more of a hamstring stretch than a back stretch, since they're connected it helps.

Is deadlifting necessary

Unironically this The one punch man workout is basically designed for someone like you. Just skip the running

I believe what you want is a calisthenics routine which in that case their are tons online.