Before you post, check the FAQ.
Try to keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
It helps if you address your question "Guys," "Girls,"

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ and worrying about some complex only ever makes things worse. In fact, worries like complexes are very often the real problem.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. You can't rely on some "magic moment" (or activity) to instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are basically meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

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>Talk to girl on tinder
>talk for like a week and a bit
>gather courage and confidence and ask her out
>she ignores my request to ask her out and continues the conversation

She didn't say yes or no... But she continued talking to me as if nothing happened... I have no idea if that's a good or a bad sign guys. Have I been friendzoned?

Do women genuinely hate each other, or are they oblivious to their nature of negging and catty infighting whilst thinking of themselves as social creatures?

Maybe use pink and blue symbols next time like normal

I have a female friend that I really want to become better friends with because they're awesome and good taste in stuff. Its been sort of difficult to do so so far without seeming like I'm coming onto her. Is asking her for advice on a date I have coming up a good way to do so? I feel like that would show that I respect her opinion a lot without potentially coming off as flirty, but I also fear that it would signal that I'm inept with women overall and make me off putting.

I've been hanging out with a guy from college over the last few weeks. We slept in the same bed together for the first time last night. We didn't have sex but we played around a bit. I grabbed his dick and was kinda surprised. Its really short. Like almost exactly the same length as a toilet roll. This is when his dick was really hard too so it was definitely erect. Am I wrong in saying thats really short?

That's somewhat below average, but it's nothing to write home about.

I realize I'm overthinking how to develop a friendship but it's really hard to express how cool I think she is in a platonic way and I'm very paranoid about accidentally coming off as creepy in my eagerness to be closer to her

Engineer here, you must be a brainlet because none of us have any idea what we're doing.

I just told off a girl that's been my "friend" for a couple years after I had enough of her catty bullshit. She's an alcoholic and fucks our other friends' boyfriends then goes and hugs the girls like "Hiiiii." Punched me once "on accident" and only apologized when she saw me get up to leave. The final straw was her throwing me under the bus to her new "cool" boss and some dumb bitches she wants to like her (who she's talked shit about before). But she got me places, and introduced me to a lot of people who like me that didn't before. It's not just women. We all put up with a lot to stay socially "in." You gotta know when to bail the already burning bridge.

Fuck wrong thread. Ignore.

Bail sis.


pls respond

Treat her like a guy friend

This was it, the post that made me kms
20355546 will be etched on my tombstone

Why? Whats wrong? Is yours smaller than that?

The thing is, I'm awkward when I try to force friendships with guys too. It works out in the end, but there's also no weird implication I want to fuck them. I fear that will come up here which is why asking her for help on a date is a good move.
However, randomly asking for help on a date as a 24 year old will scream "I AM AWFUL WITH WOMEN" (this is true) which might work in reverse and make her less inclined to be good friends with me. Or am I wrong and thinking about this in a stupid way?

My therapist basically prescribed getting an fwb, but I'm a traumatized sperg, so I don't know how to do that. Could someone offer a little guidance? I'm genuinely good looking, which probably helps

Close enough to worry if this chick is already thinking of bailing

I'm not going to bail. I was just wondering if that is considered really small. I like his personality. Not everyone is sex obsessed.

My therapist told me to get laid, too. Weird shit.

You are wrong yes.

90% of men are between 4 and 6 inches.

Judging by the TP I have, that's around 5.5". Which is around average, maybe slightly above I think.

Well thats not the size I meant. I measured the toilet roll I have and its exactly 4 inches so thats the size of his penis.

Bang your therapist.

He's a dude

I sorta want to see a girl with whom I have been hanging out recently (gone to movie with, shared lunches etc), but I don't know what to say to her. I mean, I have no clue what we would go out to do if I were to ask her out. I can't just tell her that I want to hang out with her, right?

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Tell her shes cute and youd like to take her out. Dont waste your time buddy.

I don't know where to take her.
I have already told her that I enjoy spending time with her.

>Was going to do masters program
>Medical condition requires surgery and lengthy recovery
>Have to turn down offer
>Stuck at home for a while, feeling fairly depressed because of situation
>Talk about it with GF who is very supportive
>Later on she mentions how she hopes she will be accepted into school she applied for
>She says she is worried because she doesn't want to be stuck doing nothing important if she can't enter the program
>Feel like shit since that's essentially me right now

Honestly it stung hearing that, even though I know I have a legitimate medical reason for not being able to take advantage of opportunities. I know I shouldn't take the remark personally and that I'm probably over thinking this since I'm in a bad place at the moment. I just feel like shit knowing I'm in a position of pity and that people I care about don't have a reason to excited for me right now. I want to talk about this with her but I don't want to just be negative since she didn't mean to be. On the other hand I feel I should be honest that right now I'm not feeling to well for various reasons. Thoughts?

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And yet you asked the question

And ur not a fan

Yes, you have. Dump her ass and move on.

How do you cope with the realization that you're not alone because you're short or ugly or something, but simply because of who you are?

How do you deal with unwanted feels? A girl and I are falling for one another but she still has feels for her ex. I don't want to be in this dumb situation. She considers me her best friend and we get along like friends who have known one another for years.

Girls, at what point does a beard become too scruffy?

I dont because i'm ugly (3.5/10).

You must find inner peace, find beauty in life itself, and quit clinging to the ideas of others like a parasite sucking blood or a whelp crying for milk.

Without knowing more by what you mean "still has feels for her ex," it's hard to say. It's not necessarily a dumb situation if she's willing and capable of moving on, but just hasn't yet.

By trying to be a better person.

A friend that I fancy is failing to respond to my inquiry about hanging out tomorrow. What do? She's a gril btw

Is a guy supposed to have friends who are girls? If so, how do I make girls my friends without it seeming like I'm trying to hit on them?

>Is a guy supposed to have friends who are girls?
Not really.

Is it a turn off for girls if you have no friends who are girls?

o-oh really? It's on tinder so I guess I can stop talking all together.

B-before I go, maybe I can get one more opinion?

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Generally if a girl masturbates to a pic of a guy the guy wouldn't care. Some might even consider it a turn on. Other way around though society dictates that women are just grossed out by this.

So I'm actually curious, do you women find this disgusting? Like let's make it a little bit more personal, you find out your guy friend is masturbating to pics of you.

>B-before I go, maybe I can get one more opinion?
Which just is a justification that you yourself don't want to let her go. If you enjoy talking to her, then so be it, just keep talking to her. But you're leading yourself to disaster if you're hoping this goes anywhere beyond a simple chat friend.

Ex knows I want to discuss something with her and seems to have been ignoring me or constantly pushing it off. What does that mean?

>So I'm actually curious, do you women find this disgusting?
I do.
>Like let's make it a little bit more personal, you find out your guy friend is masturbating to pics of you.
Especially that. It's a bit different if we've flirted before, but it's really only completely positive to me if he's already my partner. I hold myself to the same standard.

Girls, I'm not even that perverted and horny anymore, sex once per week would be fine. Isn't that a bonus?

>guy without libido
whats the use?

But don't girls complain about guys wanting too much sex?

It means she doesn't want to discuss it. Duh.

If she broke up with you, don't contact her for any reason. The whole closure thing is bullshit, it will make you feel like shit again later on.

Do girls like guys making noise during sex?

Yes if the guy is white or black
No if the guy is Asian, Hispanic, or Jewish



Because white guys sound normal, and black guys are HILARIOUS when they orgasm.

If you wanted to hear an Asian make sex sounds, you can just watch hentai. Nobody wants to hear "jajajaja" and "la cucaracha" when it's already bad enough that they're fucking a spic, and jews just have that weird, neurotic nasally voice that is a real buzz kill. Like, "oy vey, I could be working on my tax refunds right now."

I've been interested in this girl from college for a while now, and i can't decide if she is sassy or just autistic.

We talk online a lot more than irl because she is really isolated into her group of friends/ one girl she knows from before, and everytime we were in close proximity to each other she would either strike up a small talk or just keep silently nodding.

Said hi to her a couple times also, and i can't decide if it is out of respect or interest when she smiles in the process.

I'm willing to elaborate.

Ask her out on a date if you want to know of she likes you.

>randomly asking for help on a date as a 24 year old will scream "I AM AWFUL WITH WOMEN" (this is true) which might work in reverse and make her less inclined to be good friends with me.

As a dude who has female friends, has done a lot of dating, and actually even talked about dating with my dates, that's seemingly the vast majority of men anyway.

And friends don't really tend to mind giving dating advice to other friends; unless it comes off as some passive aggressive attempt to guilt the friend in to finding some way to get them laid.

>How do you cope with the realization that you're not alone because you're short or ugly or something, but simply because of who you are?
That's entirely fixable. Hard, but definitely possible.

>Generally if a girl masturbates to a pic of a guy the guy wouldn't care. Some might even consider it a turn on.

As a guy, unless she's my girlfriend, this is either an outright turn off or a gigantic red flag that this girl is going to be clingy as all motherfuck. Not really a double standard so much as you think it is. Jow Forums standards aren't really reflective of societal standards, nor are pubescent/desperation born beliefs. The general populace isn't where you seem to think it is.

How does the closure make you feel worse?

>keep going out to events and things for the first time in years
>Barely any girls anywhere
>Those I do find I just awkwardly talk to for a bit then move on
This is impossible. Women are impossible to figure out. How do you all do it.

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Bump for this


Answer for this?

What did she mean by this?

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She is obviously madly in love with you

What are you trying to gain from it? Most of the time they will either tell you half the truth or a lie why they broke up. If you ever want to get together again, go no contact until she contacts you.

Why would you care what some shameless whore thinks? Have some pride, dicklet.

Excuse me I want you to take this seriously

She probably meant she thought of you the other day, although we can't know for sure.

But WHY? I havent spoken to her in like at least a year if not more.

>But WHY? I havent spoken to her in like at least a year if not more.
Well, she likely hasn't thought of you since then.

But why now?

I'm 21 and my tits already look exactly like this. (Not me in the photo.) Do I need to start saving for a breast lift?

They're technically DDD cups, but that's only because my rib cage is so small (rounds up to 28 inch band size, and then a 34 inch bust). I personally don't think they're impressive but maybe there's enough size to counteract the point deduction for sag. You tell me.

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Ask her.
In her parlance:
>"lmao great [emoji] what made u thnk of me?"

Which emoji should I use?

Nothing wrong with getting a lift. Have you looked into how much it costs? Can you afford it?

It's over $5k and it will take me years to save for since I'm also catching up on retirement savings, buying some shit for an expensive hobby I have, and I want to do some traveling while I'm still young. People interpret that as party and fuck, but I mean cycling tours, road trips with friends, and traveling with my mom.

Breast lifts affect breastfeeding too. I've heard mixed things about whether you can or not or if you can, you can't do it exclusively. I want to have a baby... in about 8-12 years... and I'm insistent on breast feeding. Kind of scared what they'll look like by then.

You can take the shortcut and find a sugar daddy who will pay for it.

Just write XD and you'll be fine. ;P if you're feelin cheeky.

As long as they're real and I get to play with them I don't care.

They're fine. I don't know what a breast lift is but you don't need it.

would it be weird if i ask an online friend whom i never met if she wants to go to a xmas party with me?

Personality issues are way easier to fix than being short, and usually easier to fix than being ugly.

Depends on her libido. I never considered myself to have a high libido until I met my (first) boyfriend, and now I'm pretty much up for it any time.

I think you watch too many 90s sitcoms. Times are changing too, with the help of the internet a lot of women actually know how to get themselves off now, instead of just lying back and thinking of England. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of girls who'd suit a low-libido guy.

I'm going out to bars tonight by myself. I've done it on numerous occasions before but I'd like a refresher on flirting. I'm pretty good at being friendly with people because im a smart, likable person but I'm not that good at portraying sexual interest. I'm not a bad looking guy, in my opinion. I've had a one night stand before but she did all the work. My confidence and self-esteem is fleeting at best.

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I forgot to add the 2nd part of my post lol

"How do I approach a girl with sexual intentions? Flirting is essentially telling someone that you want to fuck them without explicitly saying that. How do I do that?"

I'd wait until you're in a long term relationship, then ask your partner what they think. You don't want to risk fixing what aint broke when you can't undo it. Personally, I don't see a problem. And if you plan on ever having kids it's probably best to hold off until those little monsters are through with you.
But you might as well start saving for it if it's going to take a few years, because if you decide not to go through with it, boom, 5k in your pocket.

What do girls/guys think about

Size queens, why do like big dicks? Like can you actually fit an 8 inche dick in your vagina, or is it more of a psychological thing?

What should a healthy pussy smell like? My gf's kind of smells like sweet chlorine.

Is there any reason why a girl wouldn't admit her feelings for you despite already telling her you have feelings for her?

Because underneath our humanity, our souls long to be touched as our days are filled with mindless distraction from our inner void. It's psychological as well as physical. That's literally how sex works for women. If you can figure out how to speak to a woman's mental void, you can get her wet immediately instead of having to "warm her up."

I don't quite see how that relates to pp size...

A question for both.
If you see a 5'6" guy with a 5'10" girl what do you think?