"This is a notice to Cloudflare that you are serving files consisting of 3D printable firearms in violation of NJ Stat. Ann. § 2C:39-9 3(l)(2). These files are accessible via Cloudflare's New Jersey datacenter. You shall delete all files described within 24 hours or we will be forced to press charges in order to preserve the safety of the citizens of New Jersey."
be a good boy and stop trying to look at printable firearms
Isaac Reed
Quick, archive that shit and move it off of the NJ servers. >post new link when you are finished, kthxpls
Anthony Wilson
also: OY VEY! Dey're looking at 3D MODELS of VIRTUAL gunz! Next the'll be Printing ovens to throw us into! SHUT IT DOWN!
Austin Ross
>take file and others similar to it >drop files into 1000 bulk usb devices ordered from wish >distribute in public places with note for others to upload online
What could they possibly do?
Jacob Cruz
Id tap dat!
Jaxon Miller
Oh no, plz don't upload those blueprints onto tor, put a link into the Bitcoin block chain and post the address here.
@1.3GB, wouldn't it just be possible to imbed the zip IN the damn blockchain at this point? >keping in mind that the last revision was 15 days ago, correcting typos and such.