At first it was just annoying, but the incels have made this board unusable

One of the only boards on Jow Forums with a level head is now the heaven for the rejected underage reddit incels. I hope you faggots know you've driven this board to the ground and everyone hates you.

I hope nobody here actually takes the advice they're given. Don't listen to the Intel trash. These fags will stop at nothing to impose their self-important, avoidant agenda.

Where are the jannies for this board even? Why aren't they cleaning up?

>inb4 this thread is not Jow Forums
Unlike the shitty Jow Forums reject threads, this thread is within the guidelines because it is a meta thread about the board itself. Every board is allowed a meta thread.

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wut u on bout

Jow Forums kinda went downhill a while back man. The wizards and old anons who needed help are kinda dead or have left this place.

OP I agree completely
I still try and give some if the poor bastards good advice to combat all the incel talk, but it's pointless now

meta threads go on /qa/ but you can really just go back to Jow Forums phoneposter.

This. Fuck out of here, OP

Every board is also allowed one meta thread
Suck dick

completely agree, absolute moralist autism cancer has killed this board

bunch of virgin neets, feminazi femanons and experienceless moralists who post advice here

>Q: how can I not get caught cheating?
>A: omg you filthy pig I hope you rot in hell for your sins

that is NOT advice, that is an opinion no one asked you about

That response has been normal on Jow Forums since the board was created though?
You sound like an underage or like you're trying to make bait. It's not really bait, sorry dude.

Jow Forums has been shit for a long time. It's been the board of >tfw no gf for a long time and even back then they didn't accept that their constant negativity was what killed their social graces.

not gonna tell you what you sound like, but you prove my point further while having no point yourself. Just buzzwords like "underage" and "bait". Get over yourself, that concerns everyone on this board

I'm an incel and my mission is to tell cucks to stop being cucks. Also, I have a gf, but I identify as incel because I absolutely hate roasties and I believe they are ruining our society.

>accuses others of using buzzwords while simultaneously calling others virgin neets, feminazi femanons and experienceless moralists
o i am laffin

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You're the reason Jow Forums sucks you edgy toolbelt

The double standards are killing me.
We have found the NPC.

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Ok OP what do you concider Incel?

because if Im making a thread about how to get a gf (those have popped up a lot recently) Im technically using this board how it's meant to be used. Im asking for advice, and people are responding. That's what this board was made for.

and since a majority of this board is posting anonymously, what proof or evidence do you have that ANYBODY here are incels. I know odds are there are some here, but to say that they have dominated the entire board?

I'm not talking about the actual definition of incel, i'm talking about the redditspawn incel that cries and circle jerks on Jow Forums

You're using the board for its intended purpose, good for you

OP is just a bit fresher than most
You people have been shitting up this board forever. Just because it's for advice, doesn't mean we need sixty threads about getting a girlfriend. They just about all have the same answer anyway: your godawful personality sends EVERYONE running, not just women. And then they say 'no u' and cue 40 posts of vitriol and bullshit.

Jow Forums has been this way since inception, though. I have no idea how you mongs see the same thread countless times and think, "Surely mine will be different." And that's literally been how Jow Forums was from the start. We're even getting rate me threads back because janitors and mods are too lazy to moderate Jow Forums because there's such a low population of quality content to begin with. We purge the shit, and there'll be no Jow Forums left.

Incels has really come to mean "adult children who can't accept that they cause [some of] their own problems."

>you're an incel because of your shit personality
We have found the SJW.

> there's such a low population of quality content to begin with
You don't even know that Jow Forums is a containment board so that people would stop writing blogs on other boards. faggot.

Found the incel

Nobody likes you and you shit up every thread
Not even an sjw, you're just pathetic and ruin everything you touch

And Jow Forums is a containment for "redpilled/incel" trash

Moot brought the board back because that crowd is cancerous and hated, he'd rather have that shitty board than have them ruin a whole site

;) ;) ;) I said I'm an incel above
And lots of people love me, namely, my incel and NEET comrades, which includes 95% of the population of a Japanese imageboard

it's incomprehensibly hard to find a good, beautiful woman that hasn't fucked 7+ men in her life. Roasties are everywhere and they're destroying masculinity.

Jow Forums was a reply to /b/ being a page of wojaks
/soc/ was a reply to Jow Forums being a page of faces

What is your fucking relevance here you teenaged piece of dirt

Write me a blog about it

They really aren't
Incels are ignorant and uneducated. You spout the same statistics and reddit tier info charts with no sources cited or legitimate websites to back it up.
You talk about how women use to not fuck before marriage when it's simply not true. They were more discreet and lied more about it, but your grandma was fucking and fucking below the school bleachers in her cute poodle skirt in her day. She got married and got along just fine.
The only difference now is some women are openly disgusting and sjw, some are just more honest about their body count.
The only thing ruining masculinity is porn addiction.

>Q: how can I not get caught cheating?
>A: oh, my fellow roastie, you should wait for your hubby to leave work and date guys outside of your social circle. that way he'll never know ;) ;) ;)
that's what you want
but normies and roasties would never post on an imageboard, why the fuck would they

His grandma was maybe a roastie but then it means she had no stable relationship, STDs, and low happiness

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>I'm shitting up Jow Forums and nobody can stop me!
We know

Nice reddit chart, faggot

STDs were almost exclusive to colored communities back then. This chart is for the modern person and still is properly cited. There's a .com source on there which is credited for most of the chat, completely nullifying its legitimacy

wall jiggas toastin in a hate bed

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I noticed it was going down hill around the summer into the fall. Most of the threads here are self pity threds and it's annoying how r9k colonies are here now. I'm close to using another chan entirely.

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What did the nigga just say about women lying more about body count in the past, because it wasn't socially as acceptable?

Almost like we have to eventually accept that statistics are just what people wanted to be seen/heard.