I don't know if this is the right board to be talking about this, but I have recently started dating a girl that has an eating disorder (anorexia I think but not sure since she doesn't like to talk about it) and I'm pretty worried about her. I was wondering what are some things that I need to know about it, if there's anything I can do to help, and what's the best way to deal with it.
I don't know if this is the right board to be talking about this...
There is nothing you can do, it is up to her, just do not enable her.
The fact she does not like to talk about suggests she does not want to change yet.
Take it to the vet... I mean shrink.
Start feeding her really fatty foods. Mix Olive oil into her drinks. Or just don't be shit and sit down and communicate with your lover
Don't try to fix other people's mental health issues.
Offer support. Be there for them. Support them when they decide to take steps to recover. Express any concerns you have.
But don't think you can personally fix someone else. They need to do that, you'll do more harm than good playing hero.
She'll probably have a lot of shame around food, so don't be surprised if she's evasive when you ask what she wants to eat, touchy around portions sizes, etc.
Best bet is to talk to her and find out what she'd like you to do, but those sort of behaviours are common.
Get the FUCK out. NOW.
Fucking kek, well played sir.
Not sure how helpful those guys are gonna be, but you could also try asking
Drop hints that she is fat all the time.
Don't pound her too hard, she either has or will get brittle bones.
go to Jow Forums you stupid cunt
It will be more or less the same, Jow Forums/channel is probably the worst place possible for such a question.
doot doot
hello roastie. blaming all of womens problems on men again I see
Why the fuck would Jow Forums know anything about this. If anything, ask /fa/; I’m pretty sure they idolize anorexia though.
Dunno, they might have some arguments for getting those gainz.
Nothing about OP or that user’s post specify men, control your insecurity
Is there a problem if she's anorexic? At least it's not the wasteful bulemia.
>tfw no thin anorexic qt
i’m anorexic and suffered with binge eating disorder and bullimia
leave her the fuck alone. i can already tell you harass her about it just by you saying she doesn’t like to talk about it. everyone grows out of it given enough time. if it bothers you, leave her. if you genuinely care about her, shut the fuck up. it just makes her brood on the disorder even more and makes it more extreme
i’m male btw
ITT fatties and their enablers
there is literally nothing wrong with being thin
>worried about her
Why would you start dating a girl with a disorder anyway? Get out user. You don't need that shit.
>i'm male btw
ass, why couldn't you let us think a femanon with behavorial issues was posting itt ;_;
Does she not swallow your nut? Maybe its not an eating disorder...maybe OP just needs to eat more pineapple.
Good point. Sperm has calories and protein. OP should finish in her mouth, you know to help her.
I would say A. leave the topic alone unless she brings it up. B. help her find a hobby that makes her feel good about herself physically, like weightlifting, rock climbing, running, or whatever. Soon she will care about what her body can do and not what it looks like
Pro-ana cultists should be euthanized.