Is 31 too old for college?

is 31 too old for college?

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There is no too old
Anyone who tells you otherwise is coping hard


This is the correct answer, OP

I see people wayyyy older than that at my college

I'm going back and I'm 32. I'll see you around user.

30 is not too old, but 40 definitely is. Know myself people from both sorts.

No! Do it!

No. I'm in my second year of college and i have a classmate who is 30 y/o. He seems to be very happy with his decision to go back to college instead of working a shitty low paying job.

Do it dude. It's better to be late than to work a shitty ass job for the rest of your life. And still, you might be old compared to the average college student but you still have a good 30-40 years before your retirement so there is plenty of time to build up a career after you graduate say 4 years from now.

I’m older than you and I’m about to start down thr path to a phd.

>There is no too old

go and learn mate

I'm 33 and I'm going to enroll next year if not the year after that, so no.

Sure there's those clickbait stories of like 86 YEAR OLD GREAT-GRANDMOTHER WITH AUTISM FINALLY FINISHES HER DEGREE AFTER LIVING THROUGH WWII AND BOTH ATOMIC BOMBINGS OF JAPAN AND THE COLLAPSE OF THE SOVIET UNION AND ALSO THE CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM ATE LUNCH WITH HER ONCE and that's not really all that common, but it is really common to find old millenials like ourselves or even gen-x people in their 40s/50s that woke up one day and realized that their life was bullshit and they just go for it and get whatever degree they're after.

What are your other alternatives? Cluttering adv with pepe memes and low effort baits forever?

Grow up already, please.

Attached: lost-in-life-people-who-took-indirect-path-to-success-infographic.png (1280x1285, 290K)

I started 2 months ago at 25 after 7 years of being a shut-in and a living-breathing Jow Forums stereotype.
All the 18-19 year olds make me very jealous, but other than that it was a very good decision.

I enlisted in the Navy in my early 30s. College is way easier.


Are you me? I'm going back to school in January so I don't lose my mind after being a NEET for basically 6-7 years. I hope we can get through this and become better, man.

Is 21 too old to be living in a dorm if you're going to university for the first time?

I'm 26 and pretty much starting over at college. I'm like OP and wondering if employers would rather hire someone who completed their degree right after highschool? Or would they rather hire the older and wiser graduate?

It's not too old, it's only true if you think it is true. Your mind is the only barrier.

I started uni at age 26, just finished first year this year. I have certainly noticed the age gap being a barrier to me making friends, since 90% of the people in my classes are almost a decade younger than me although they don't realize it (most people are shocked when I tell them I'm 27) Their sense of humor, their problems, their conversations are just too different to mine. I always feel awkward in that sense. But as far as the learning goes, it is my opinion that older students are better off because they have some life experience, they know why they're there and they know how to work hard (usually) I've been told by numerous people that mature age students usually do better.

Embrace it OP, you're fine.


Make sure you sleep with as many 18 year olds as you can though

yeah gramps wtf

Fpbp people can be too old for frat life and the "college experience" but no one is ever too old to advance their education.

>is 31 too old for X