Do I take acid?

Here's the deal. I got a house to myself for the weekend. I have a friend who can get me acid and is more than willing to trip sit.

I'm at a weird point in my life. Here're some facts about me that I think are relevant:
>I'm turning 20 very soon
>I'm on a science degree but I dream about being a musician
>My grades were amazing at secondary school, just keep getting worse and worse as I get further into education
>I recently began to believe in the 'spirit'
>I experience feelings of depression and isolation
>I abuse alcohol and cannabis

So basically, I'm a mess on a metaphysical level. I don't know who I am, what the point of my life is, how to grow from being a boy to being a man, etc. etc.
I feel like taking a look 'under the hood' of my brain could offer me some relief. Maybe I'd see past the lies I must be feeding myself to be trapped like I am. On the other hand, I don't know if I'm ready to face my demons in such a head-on fashion, and I'm worried an acid trip is only going to lead me further down the rabbit hole.

I also have my parent's wedding in a week, and I'd hate to ruin their day by having a mental breakdown now.

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It's the only way I've managed to have sex lmao

I would be wary, especially in the mental state that you described. Plus it sounds like your using a bunch of drugs to cope with issues in your life that you’re not directly facing.
Ultimately if you do decide to do acid, focus on happy thoughts while tripping. Nobody has ever died of a bad trip (except from jumping out of a window, but that won’t happen with your sitter). GL.

20 is questionably young. But a lot of the other stuff you posted were things I struggled with, and clarified during my first trip, as you're hoping to do.
You sound like it would quite possibly do that for you, so long as you take the right dose, in the right setting.
>I also have my parent's wedding in a week
is bad timing. You may come to some very big realizations, and desire to make some very large changes in your life, in short order. I strongly suggest you wait until after the wedding.

>The right dose
What would you recommend? I was thinking no more than 100ug.

>Bad timing
I get that this is the case, but at the same time I don't know when I'll get another chance for a setting like this. I live with 5 people, 4 of which don't do drugs, which would make me uncomfortable. It'll just be me, my friend and my music.

Oh shit I missed your post somehow. Thanks man. I was hoping the trip would help get me out of my substance abuse honestly.

>I was thinking no more than 100ug.
Sounds about right. An acid trip is an all day affair, so feel free to take half your dose, then redose in an hour or two if necessary.

>hoping the trip would help get me out of my substance abuse
Sure can. If that's one of your goals, don't drink or smoke while tripping, even if tempted. And communicate that plan to your sitter. In my experience, mixing in drink or smoke can be a fun addition, but also tend to reduce lucidity/clarity and may move the trip in unanticipated or overwhelming directions.
One at a time, until you know what you're doing.

stop abusing drugs. this included acid.

>then redose in an hour or two if necessary.
Don't do this, it's bad idea because your tolerance to LSD very rapidly builds and it's unwise to try and prolong your trip.

The first two hours you'll trip, then next 8 you'll comedown. Taking a so-called "booster" doesn't prolong the trip, it just wastes 100's of ug of LSD to give you the bonus effect of what is about 10ug (because of your resistance). You should take it all in one go.

Also you're not going to experience much at 100. I suggest 400-600 for a proper trip into the cosmos.

>bad timing
There is no bad timing to taking LSD. If your trip turns bad, just guide your thoughts. LSD will untangle mental disorders.

Read about LSD yourself on websites. Be careful who you take advice from. There's two types of people who take LSD: pleasure-seekers and spiritual-explorers. Unfortunately the former is most common, they'll give bad advice like "take booster doses after 2 hours" "listen to music" "drink a glass of wine on comedown" it's all bad. Listening to music will distract your mind and disallow you to explore spiritually. Drinking alcohol will dumb your brain while it's hyperpowered. And all for what? Pleasure?

So when you get advice from people, honestly ask yourself "If this person helping me achieve pleasure, or achieve spiritual discovery?"

Very important. Please do that.

Anyway I've taken LSD over 20 times in my life. Ama I guess.


Dont be scared, dont smoke weed or drink
We have a lot in common and I was a bit scared too. But you have the right mindset.
Have a pen and paper ready.
Or making music can be nice, too.
Maybe eat some fruit.
Hope you'll enjoy

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Solid Advice except for the music part.
Music is the best thing on earth

taking 400-600 is a fucking terrible idea for a first trip

I wholeheartedly agree. The pleasure is incredible. I'm advising against it for the first trip so his mind is undisturbed and all brainpower can be used for what he's trying to find.

But yeah on LSD music is like nothing else on earth.

Your first time on LSD knocks you out of your stable mind into the psychedelic mind. After that, you'll never have the chance to escape your stable mind again. It's a hit or miss, but for the first time you want to make it one that counts.

Like doing 100 the first time lets you think weirdly and get ideas and stuff. But then on your second trip, taking 600 will be like a dream within a dream. It's not the same when contrasted with reality.

Feeling the effects of 400-600ug will have the most effect the first time. It'll be the most intense and dramatic.

I've taken high doses of LSD many times, and with each proceeding time I learn less and less because I've explored this area of my mind so much. No trip was fruitless, but nothing compared to the first few.

Plus he said he has a guide. So no risk.

This guy gets it.

start with a small dose and just try to get really good control of your emotions before you start doing it. if you make yourself become one of those people that is like "im depressed. time to stop being depressed. cool now im not depressed." taking acid in your situation might be counter productive and you might get into an incredibly big panic that could scar you. but the smaller dose will help you a little bit. i took acid a day before i had a quiz and was so bothered that i couldnt study that i kind of ruined my whole day i think

I first did acid when I was 14 and I was much too young. I went through a mental breakdown after over unresolved issues. I did it again when I was 19 and again, had a mental breakdown at an important time in my life. Cannabis has no effects like that on me but acid did. I would suggest staying away from it. Some people do fine but it's taking a big risk. If you do decide to do some do a very very small amount.

>Be careful who you take advice from
Funny you should say that.
>The first two hours you'll trip, then next 8 you'll comedown.
Wrong. See pic related. Check Erowid for experiences at particular doses, OP. Don't just trust us here.


>After that, you'll never have the chance to escape your stable mind again.
Absolutely not true.
>No trip was fruitless, but nothing compared to the first few.
Spoken like a responsible drug user. Hue hue.
>So when you get advice from people, honestly ask yourself "If this person helping me achieve pleasure, or achieve spiritual discovery?"
OP, ask yourself "does this person seem to have my best interest in mind, or their best ideas in mouth?"
If you wonder which Peanut Butter is, go read some of his posts in other threads.

For the days and weeks following a trip, you may not care about many things you used to. You may decide to completely change your life, and the way you interact with people. Is that the state you want to be in at a wedding? Be wise. You have the rest of your life to explore the universe of your mind. A wedding is hopefully a once event, often recorded and reviewed for a lifetime or more.

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Atop doing drugs.
You aren't5 cool for using them.
You are an idiot.
Quit drugs and eat healthy and exercise.
In your free time start working on music.
You won't be a musician one day, you'll aways put it off.

Everything you said is wrong. Literally nothing you said is true.

>you may not care about many things you used to
But this was perhaps the biggest of all. LSD does the opposite.

Either you're a liar or took fake acid.

Contemplating this, i don't think I'm very good place mentally but I've never had a gf and I'm coasting by in life at 20. Maybe it will tell me what I already know or help me figure something out I don't know. I don't think I'm depressed or anything just looking for a new outlook at the same time don't want to fuck myself up mentally so that's keeping me away from it.

Dubs of truth. I'm throwing out my weed shit today. Not because of your post, lmao, but you're right.

OP here, I agree with some of your post, but from my research 400-600ug is outright dangerous for a first timer who's not in a good place mentally. I'm not looking to get PTSD or psychosis, and I need to carry on believing in God right now. It'll be around 150ug when it happens.

You're definitely right. For somebody who wants to grow, it would be incredibly selfish of me to jeopardise my parents' wedding. My mum doesn't have a good relationship with her father, so I'm actually giving her away to my dad. Now isn't the time, I don't think.

I mean, you're mostly not wrong, but I genuinely don't consider my drug usage 'cool'. In fact, it's mostly marked by a sense of shame. Although, here I am defending myself on the matter anonymously, lol.

General consensus: I'm going to throw out my weed, grinder and papers, I'm gonna take a break from drinking, and I'm not going to take acid. I will at some point in my life, but it's not time right now.

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As long as you don't do a major fuck up you'll be more than alright for your parent's wedding.
The main place where you could fuck up is in choosing your friendo. If he is not the right person, if he is not a good, honest guy with some experience on the matter then things can go wrong. I mean, if he is a jack ass, or a prankster, or some shit like that, forget it. If instead he is just a good dude with some experience you'll be fine.

It's way, way, better to fall short on the dosage than to overdo. So 100mg should be more than enough. Also keep in mind that unless your friend has some outstanding contacts, it's almost impossible to know how many mg you are taking for real. So again, better to fall short.

I think acid will give you a chance to figure out some shit. Or at least to more or less realize what we humans are, or are not, and what reality is, or isn't. And with that information and perspective you can make some choices on your life priorities and take some determinations.

Just keep in mind that:
Once it's on, IT'S ON, and there is absolutely no way to turn it off. So don't try to turn it off, don't try to sleep it over, etc. Just ride it and enjoy the ride. Keep in mind that it will go away after about 8 hours, no matter how impossible it seems.

Also don't make any plans for the day after and try to get a good rest the day after.

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20 is arguably too early, but if you keep the dose under 200μg you should be fine, especially with a sitter.

By far most sensible post ITT

What he says


what is bampu?