Haitians burn U.S flag, demand Russian intervention


Well that's something new... haven't seen that before.

>“Down with Americans, long live Putin!” chanted around 200 demonstrators in the capital Port-au-Prince on Friday, some holding up printouts with the face of the Russian president.

>“We are asking Russia, Venezuela and China to take a look at the misery we live in here,” implored Bronson.

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you’re lucky you don’t have to live with these niggers

Russia and China will never intervene in Haiti. Sure they'd love to poke the US in the eye, but they don't want any actual responsibility for those niggers. Russian and Chinese societies are shockingly redpilled.

>Room temperature IQ nignogs destroy their own country after colonialists gave them «liberté,égalité,fraternité» and they're still chimping to this day.

breaking news : water is wet.

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Don't they know that Putin controls drumpf?

What are you honestly expecting if Russia did interfere?

Gibs. As usual.

My Dominican friend, in the United States we had this concept called "manifest destiny." You don't really have to live with them unless you really want to.

I have about 5 years ago

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I live in south Florida and we have Haitians instead of American blacks. They’re the most obnoxious and dumbest people around. They refuse to identify as Americans even if they’re born here. They’re literally a gib culture. They don’t want to do anything.

Does anyone even care about Haiti after the billions raised after the earthquake was wasted?

funny everything they do in haiti the us fucks up and tells them not to do it. democracy farming you name it




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Russia is going to save the world from america.
I believe.

built them facilities to remove their resources and sweat shops
. $500 million in aid from the rest of the world built 6 homes

I'm sorry man, I'm from Puerto Plata (european parents). Lived around these fucks for a dozen years. I can't wait till it's legal to shoot them on sight.

Clearly they're misinformed.

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>Niggers doing nigger things

Who cares

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>these people wont give gibs anymore, someone else step in and give gibs

Same here. They are bar none retarded but I worked with plenty. Good people.

Old whites aka boomers however are rude fuckers. Anywhere I went.

I just don’t get how they end up creating shithole neighborhoods while whites make clean neighborhoods desu.

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>‘Damn Russia’s enemies!’: Video shows WITCHES meet in Moscow to cast spells... in support of Putin
Published time: 6 Feb, 2019 17:20




Enemies of Russia, beware. A group of Russian witches have gathered to hold a “Circle of Power” in support of President Vladimir Putin, casting spells they believe will increase Russia’s power and damn its foes.

The coven, which calls itself ‘The Empire of the Strongest Witches’ held the special ceremony in a Moscow mansion on Tuesday, after determining that Putin was in need of a little extra support against evil forces.

Wearing black cloaks and reading from spell books, the witches used their magic powers to instill new strength in Russia and help Putin cope with international problems.

The head witch and founder of the Empire, Alyona Polyn, told Russian media that the ceremony, which lasted about 20 minutes, was held in support of the state and the president, since he is the face of Russia.

Not only did the witches cast positive strength-enhancing spells for Russia and Putin, they also set curses on his foes: “Who comes to us with evil, who leaves us with evil, who hurts us or speaks evil – forever, eternally and endlessly – damned enemies, enemies damned!”

Asked exactly who Putin needed support and protection against, the witches did not provide specifics. One explained that the curses were against “all who attack him” and said that "spiteful critics" must be silenced.

Polyn said that everything about the ceremony, from the day, to the time and place it was held, were calculated carefully so that the “energy passed correctly” to Putin.

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How the fuck do I get 'geopolitical crisis management' as my job title. This is making me want to do officer school then private sector after I finish my degree

Cuba is annexing it and implementing communism so they can produce and export more world class doctors around the world.



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>dominicans arent white but they think they are cuz their neighbors are super giganiggers
hell likely stay in the dominican its the only place on earth where dominicans are treated like theyre white

>World class
>Pick one
how the hell do you think they are going to turn Haitians into world class anything?

>by brutally suppressing the most brutal and uncultured of niggers
a couple five year communist plans and some gulags might actually improve the country believe it or not

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>Group of uppity niggers yell about how America won’t give them more gibs
>Ask other nations to take over so they can has gibs

Are they mad Americans didn't give them any gibs? I hope Russia takes them all in and they all get smashed in the head with vodka bottles walking around at night.

People used to say the same shit about cubans, chinese, etc.

they will still be niggers

use to?

Death to Ameriga ofc

What the fuck

Haiti is the voodoo capital of the world

>haitians waving Russian flags
Also, if they’re hoping for aid from Venezuela....

That doesn't mean they're racist. And they're not the same when it comes to blacks.


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Good for them? What they need most is a bioweapon released in their country though.

Retard. Poor people benefited a lot from Bolivarianism. What Haiti needs are strong state owned companies, exactly what the US has prevented them from having.

When private companies owned "international bankers" start exploring, controlling and turning your country into a banana republic, the poor still get fucked whilst the resources are gone.

In Venezuela Chavez experienced the same thing Haiti is experiencing today; lack of public services and state sponsored infrastructure projects to generate employment and welfare, what USanians laughably call gibs thinking they are shaming us.

Fuck neoliberalism. It's failed and socialism, dictatorship or not, is way better to improve a country like Haiti today.

You should get deported back to Africa.

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>leaf doesn't know manifest destiny
I'm speaking of the better half of Hispaniola driving the dirty half into the ocean.

>they actually think Russia is helping Venezuela and Assad out of the good of their heart
lmao I hope these Haitian niggers realize no oil = no help.

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The joke is that "world class doctors" = intelligence operatives to siphon money out of your country and into Cuba.

The niggers of Haiti do live in misery but thats just the way niggers live when they are not taken care of by whites.

Russia won't help one bit, there's no natural resources to pillage, so Haiti will continue to burn and fall into complete chaos as nature intended anywhere niggers rejected their white superior masters.

the US had been the main buyer of Venezuelan oil (while it was state owned) before Chavez took power (and also AFTER Chavez took power, it was still the largest buyer of Venezuelan oil, until like, 2017)

>Poor people benefited a lot from Bolivarianism.
yeah because they spent all their money on welfare and weren't able to competitively sell oil, create a sovereign wealth fund, etc.

>and weren't able to competitively sell oil a decade or two later

Are we really at that point in Civ V where we just compete by buying City-State allegiances in order to get more votes at the UN?

unironically being this retarded of an Amazonian chimp..

kys commie nigger

I wouldn't wish entanglement with Haiti on my worst enemy. Steer clear, 'skis.

Oh, shit.