Is complimenting women you don't know ever a good idea?

Is complimenting women you don't know ever a good idea?

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Sure, but be nonchalant about it.

Like total strangers? Not now

Also there are girls who are so centered in their feelings of men, they'll take it a certain way by default. You have to be prepared to drop it if a girl takes it that way, it's not worth it

Also if you're going to be sexual don't be the first one to do so as a man. It's best to be patient and open minded, they only make such a move after they've received a nonverbal cue. If you don't get a signal or you get an explicitly bad signal, move on

What I'm saying is, it can work. You need to be socially intelligent enough to move from hyper-small talk, to small-talk before you even have a chance though

Depends, but if you arent vulgar about it
>wow, great tits whore *slaps her ass*
>good morning sunshine *smiles at her*
it cant really hurt your social reputation.

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I've never seen a girl be openly sexual towards a guy (without being drunk) like ever. Girls are really good at hiding their attraction.

Female sexuality manifests very differently than male sexuality. You see it responsiveness to micro-expressions, playful invasions of personal space (sadly only acceptable if the woman does this first) , self play (playing with hair, adjusting their clothing or accessories)

It resembles male sexuality when they're drunk because of the lack of attention to detail alcohol creates

No it's not a good idea.

It stopped being a good idea like maybe 40 years ago, maybe like 70+ years ago during the 40s it was expected and accepted, but so was beating your wife and kids.

>good morning sunshine
Don't go around calling girls you don't know "sunshine"

It can happen. it did to me like one of the first girls I dated/hooked up with just flat out told me over msn "I'm going to give you a blowjob tomorrow" and me being the turbovirgin autist at the time I was just like OH BOY! I WONDER WHAT THAT'S LIKE! and really was more scared than excited which is probably why I couldn't even cum but that's a whole other story I guess. Also we were just like 16/17.

People have more variety than you think

It's not a terrible idea, especially if you choose the right words, just don't expect anything to come from it

variety of what

calling girls sunshine doesn't make you sound like a creepy sex pervert but it is weird and off-putting, you may as well be calling them honey and toots and sugar.

honestly this seems like it could be use to construe literally anything as them being flirty.

Girls play with their hair all the time, it doesn't mean they like you.


I do this at work
>you look great today
>i love your "x clothing"
>nice fedora user where did u get it?
Never got yelled at or looked like a creep

This, I also do that all the time, especially when they got new shoes or something done to their hair or make-up or whatever. It was never to hit on them or me trying to flirt or anything. Women just like it when they change something about themselves and men notice it.

How do you do this without coming across like a weird person? At least in my environments (mid twenties) nobody really does this.

Not him, but it's really only something I say when the girl did something different to herself like I said here

I also tend to say "it looks good" when talking about her hair dye or whatever instead of flat-out saying "YOU look good"

yes its a good idea. I've done it many times and they appreciate the compliment. don't over do it or it becomes cheesy.

I tell women baby, beautiful, honey, the works. some girls just reply back or say thank you and smile. you gotta let a woman know you're into her even if it's in subtle ways. then you can say nice things to them but not in excess.

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Literally anything you can do to a girl is a good idea if you're attractive enough. And the opposite is true if you're a fat ugly Senator Armstrong looking motherfucker.


also if you don't have the looks you better have a morbidly obese wallet



A compliment lowers your value and raises hers.

The only time it's a good idea is if you're so far out of her league that she's intimidated by you and needs to feel more comfortable. unless you're Brad Pitt you should generally avoid it.

empty compliments are just that, and vapid

unless youre trying different techniques for the numbers game that is pick-up artistry, no.

This dude knows what’s up. Absolutely compliment women. Make it real.

Also, Good Morning Sunshine is awesome. I know this guy gets laid.

It's fine, but be sure to compliment something other than her looks, voice or any other innate qualities that she hasn't had to work to get. Clothing, hairstyle, some cool aspect of her personality (assuming you have gotten to know her a bit better). Try to be articulate and specific. The goal is to convey sincere appreciation of her individuality so avoid simple phrases like "nice shirt" or "your hair looks nice today". Also as the other anons said be nonchalant and maybe even instantly change the subject to leave the compliment hanging.