I kissed a coworker at the office Christmas party, not sure if/how to tell my GF of 7 years

> Been with GF 7 years now
> Had our rough patches but you don't go out for 7 years without a bit
> GF currently in another country visiting family for Christmas, has been there since before Thanksgiving, won't be back till after new year
> She's been cheated on before, and so is already a bit untrusting of men, I've never cheated before though
> Not really had any real meaningful conversation or cam in that time due to timezone differences and work schedules only giving us a couple of hours a night

Scene set? OK:

> My office Christmas party yesterday
> Woman I work with getting frisky
> Started innocent, just talking about music and shit
> Starts telling me what makes her horny
> Went to next bar, some shit teenager club with clubland music
> Me and coworker dancing like teenage sluts
> End up slipping each other the tongue a few times
> Spent the rest of night talking about things we find hot
> Taxi home, turns out she lives about 5 seconds away from me
> Was 100% on for going to her house and giving her the D
> Stomach felt like it was going to shit the bed
> Dived out at my house and gave her cash to go the rest of the way, didn't give an excuse but kissed her goodnight

I don't have this coworker on any social networks (Mostly because I don't really use them, I'm not a Jow Forums-lord just not into it), next time I speak to her will be Monday at work. I don't know if any other coworkers saw us actually kissing but they definitely saw us dirty dancing, so I could feasibly get away with hushing it up. I don't think coworker is crazy, but I've no idea if she'll continue to pursue me. Going home she told me she knows I'm spoken for, so she at least might think I got cold feet about doing the dirty because of that, but the simple fact is that, in the moment, if I didn't feel like I'd have painted her toilet and/or bed in shit I would've done it.

Pic related, that's what GF will look like if I tell her

What do?

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Two good options
1. If you KNOW you'll never do it again and you learned your lesson, don't tell her. Start taking time to talk to her while she's away even if it's inconvenient for you. Tell the coworker you're flattered but love your partner too much.

2. Leave your girlfriend if you think you're going to try it again

Deny everything. Easy.

If somebody will talk about it, say you dont remember anything and attack their witness skills because they were drunk at the time.


Sounds like solid advice on both counts to me. I don't think I'll be trying again but in case you haven't noticed I'm a bit weak-willed right now. So I guess as long as I don't get drunk around her again I probably won't give into temptation. I don't think coworker would try anything at work so no worries there.

As far as I know, no one at work knows the GF, so the only way she'd find out is if someone posts it to Facebook and tags me in it, but none of my co-workers are that shitty so probably wouldn't happen. Plus I can't imagine there are any photos of the kissing, only of the dancing, which I could probably brush off.

Thanks Anons, you've given me something to stew on

Take this to your grave, user. Screw doing the 'right thing.' Don't risk destroying yourself or your life over a moment of drunken weakness.

Yeah this is the first time anything like this has happened to me, I'm not a sex machine or a particularly outgoing guy so usually I can go out drinking and not have girls throwing themselves at me. So all of this is new to me.

Don't forget that you're a shit person for cheating.

why do people on this board all have the reasoning skills and verbal capacity and pathetic, slavish submission to their sex drives of 13yos yet somehow are old enough for multi year relationships and their own homes?

>7 years
>no ring
>planned on fucking somebody else
you are keeping this woman in chains, why dies a piece if shit like you get to keep her from somebody like me who finds adultery unthinkable?

>why dies a piece if shit like you get to keep her from somebody like me who finds adultery unthinkable?
It was her choice to whore herself out for 7 years--they aren't even married, so it's """just""" cheating, not adultery (while she is fornicating). OP is a piece of shit, but she's also at best a whore.

Just curious--would you have kissed that girl if your girlfriend was your wife?

No idea to be honest. I wouldn't usually have thought I'd do it even if she's 'just' a GF.

These are the only options. Millions have been in your situation.

I also agree with this, once you're able to let go of that full guilt then you should be okay

Yeah even I'm in that situation, I ended up doing the first option and now I'm back to feeling happy and in love

Thanks user, how did you get over the guilt? And did your behavior towards your actual GF change? Do you think you'll ever tell her?

>7 years dating
>no ring
Just dump her, you obviously don't give a fuck. Hope she finds someone that will treat her right.

I absolutely do give a fuck. Our life situation just isn't conductive to marriage, we've had the conversion more than once.

Your post did make me think though. Not telling her is far more disrespectful. Maybe the right thing to do is tell her and let her decide if she's going to keep me or chuck me out on the curb. Fair enough if she does, but I'd really rather she didn't.

>somebody like me
Sorry to break this to you user, he's a piece of shit but at least he's not such a wretchedly self-entitled piece of shit.

Don't be a tard and kneejerk react because some dude's badmouthing you on a Laotian carpet-weaving forum. Life's more complicated than this good guy-bad guy shit.

If you're not going to tell her then at least give up getting drunk or even drinking all together, it makes you a whore.

A single incident and you'd give up drinking? Don't think so!

Dude you lost control of yourself because you walked into a situation you couldn't control. You took back the wheel and done out. Good work. Don't tell her, and learn.

In faithful AF to my wife, inly reason is I cheated in a past relationship and am well aware now I'm human and imperfect and react to my environment, like anyone else... So you have to watch your environment. You learned. Move on.

No one breaks just half the rules. Just break up with her, she deserves better.

Also wtf is up with adv tonight . cheater enablers the lot of ya

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After telling two cucks in other threads to treat their cheating gfs like shit, it's only fair your gf know and treat you like shit

OP here, yeah I'm quite surprised at the amount of people telling me to just carry on. I wonder how many have been in this situation.

I wouldn't exactly say I was out of control. I wasn't drunk enough to be taken advantage of, just enough to quit caring. I couldn't have stopped the kiss happening because it was so sudden, but I definitely could've done more to cut it short, and then not spent the rest of the night all over her.

Like the other said, go full denial mode.
She doesn’t know and your co workers will move on to fresh drama soon enough. Just stay on the down low for a while.

Funny because on another thread a girl did what you did and was called an irredeemable whore. At least that girl admitted to it though. If you keep this from her you're just completely selfish, you're robbing her of her choice. Once again putting your feelings above hers. How about if you didn't want her to find out then maybe not do it at all? Just a thought

You seem genuinely regretful, and it mostly sounded pretty innocent.

You do know that we live in XXI century and marriage is no longer necessary to be together, right?

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Explain. Why am I a Jew for not seeing a reason in marriage? Lots of young people live without marriage and it's not like their children are treated worse. There are no noble titles to be passed on and you don't need marriage to leave your assets to your descendants or to pass on your name. The only benefit of marriage is that your family gets an occasion to celebrate.

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Hornyness is a very short term feeling.
Most of the time we are partly horny and partly out for some confirmation of our value as men.

I let my relation of 7 years go to shit. After being single for almost a year i found out that im not really aroused by sluts gargling on my dick. I realize all the promiscuity and nightlife is just a poot substitute for intimacy, love, building a family etc.
Its like my body wants me to shoot my load in a good mother and partner instead of some daddy issued mental wreck i met at the pub.

Just asking because I was surprised at how different being married feels. It's a whole other level of commitment. I'm not saying what happened is okay because you're not married but I wonder if that had something to do with it.

Yeah, as I said earlier though I'm not really into marriage so don't think I'd feel any worse if we were. The only commitment we've not yet got is a house together and kids. If either of those two happened then yeah it'd make the situation immeasurably worse and I wouldn't have even chanced it.

Shit you're right, just saw that thread. Girl's got more balls than me. Telling her is obviously the right move, just got to grow a pair and get it done.

...So she's been gone for about a month, you get to talk for a couple of hours every night, and that's your idea of such crippling distance that you stick your tongue down someone's throat?
Sounds more to me like you had an opportunity and you took it.

>not into marriage
>barely any commitment after 7 years
>cheats on gf
>is 50-50 on even fessing up
What a catch. Just tell her, user. Report back

don't forget that him shitting his pants is the only thing that actually kept them from fucking

She deserves to decide whether she wants to waste her time on a cheater or not. You're continuing this relationship under false pretences if you don't tell her. She'll be a hell of a lot more mad when she finds out you're not only a cheater, but a liar and a selfish time waster.

he was about to fuck her

>The only commitment we've not yet got is a house together and kids.

...You have a fucking weird way of looking at things. You think a month is a long time to be away, you think a few hours of contact a night is barely anything, and you think literally no commitment at all is just shy of 100% 10/10 lifelong commitment.

Cheers, I never considered myself a great catch to begin with and current GF is the only proper relationship I've ever been in, and even then I stumbled into it by sheer dumb luck as opposed to any prowess on my part.

Yeah at the time I was ready for it. As soon as I got home I called GF, gave her a drunken 'I love you so much' and curled up in a pit of regret. I was really surprised at how quickly my mind turned.

100% agreed. I've got to tell her, fuck all these guys telling me to just bury it. Even if I'm shit for going after another girl, I still owe her that, and if she ditches me I got what I deserve and I know what not to do next time.

Godspeed but honestly don't tell her you WANTED to fuck the other girl because you really did end up not doing it at least (even though it might've been for a shitty reason) and it'd probably destroy her beyond repair. You can at least spare her that. Don't put any emphasis on "baww i was drunk :(" either though. Simple put, tell her what actually happened.

Nah the 'but I was drunk!' excuse is the worst one going. But you tell me to stick to the facts yet tell me to leave out the part where we were DTF. I see why, especially as the kiss was as far as it went, but I don't want to deny anything that isn't true.

Because you didn't fuck. Why should you tell her you wanted to fuck her so bad but needed to shit? That sounds like some fucked up masochistic cuck fantasy shit. You tell her you dirty danced, kissed, she went to your place but you ended up giving her money for a cab and parted ways before actually banging.

To add, she'll probably think you're lying anyway given her background. If she asks why you stopped then you tell her you honestly woild've gone through with it but you were about to shit yourself.

It's not like he's gonna dirty talk all the details to her, there's no reason to gloss over that if he's gonna tell everything else

I think OP is actually saying the same thing, being upfront about how that's kind of all it took.

You don't have to be drunk to not be in control my dude. That's the point. Libidos strong. This is why most people cheat. Everyone thinks they're the good guy, they're not s shit bag. And everyone knows cheating is a terrible.shir bag thing to do.
So they walk into fucking danger zones with women where there is mutual attraction heroically thinking they're fine and then nature does it's thing. They're ways shocked SHOCKED I say.
The only people who don't know this are virgins, or people too unnattractive to casually attract women in a way that can create a weird situation.

Wow op you're such a slut.

A seven years relationship should be treated with more respect.... If you flake with just 1/10 of the time apart, then by conclusion you're a whore in my book.

My advice is, try to come clean out of it and learn to live by your actions, you're supposed to man up not chicken out.

> The only people who don't know this are virgins, or people too unnattractive to casually attract women in a way that can create a weird situation.

This is me. This is honestly the first time anyone's ever been so sexually forward towards me, and to be honest I didn't really know how to react at first, so I just blundered on without thinking of saying No. Current GF is very reserved about initiating, so I don't even really get this sort of attention from her either (Not that I ever craved it or expected it). Never had a casual fling or a one-nighter either, so everything about this whole situation is brand new to me. I'm not enjoying it though.

I'm coming around to that advice slowly. Just scared of the outcome, but it's got to be done.

do it and dont fucking tell her you retard what sort of cuck are you?

Doesn't matter if it's female or male cheaters - you're all scum and should be put down

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Do it? What, you think I should just fuck my coworker and get it over with? I mean, props for being the one to row against the tide the hardest at least. I think I'll pass though, I'm not interested in digging myself further into this rabbit hole.

No person can own another person’s body for any length of time. Marriage and long-term relationships are for the incurious, the lazy, and the conformist. “Marriage” is a racket. (The only legal document necessary is a pregnancy prenup)

Personally, I think did nothing morally wrong.

Glad you're gonna tell her OP, hope you can sort it out. Godspeed

You disppoint me.