Do you ever think there will be a leader to put an end to all this?

I have been looking throughout history and in times of hardship, moral decay, and disarray someone always comes forth out of no where and either gains or seizes control. Do you think its even possible with such a control on speech?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Leaderless mobs are what the elite are truly afraid of

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Most every (((leader))) is owned by (((someone)))

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Putting those Monsters to good use I see

They arrested a yellow vest recently because he tried to cook by the book like that.
They monitor everything you purchase.

oh no! somebody stop this guy!

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maybe in france they do, but if you ever saw the movie Four Lions, it’s basically a parody about Islamic terrorism is Britain, anyway there’s a scene where one of the characters (a complete fucking idiot) goes and buys a bunch of bomb related chemicals from a local pharmacy (yea, he only went to one), and some of the smarter characters call him out on it.

Anyway, yea. Most western countries, the US included (especially after the 1995 OKC bombing), are privy to when a single individual goes shopping for explosive related ingredients. Before you know it, you’ll have the ATFE and FBI up your ass and you’ll be looking at conspiracy to commit terrorism charges (if the hypothetical terrorist in this situation is retarded enough to leave the plans for their attack next to the blueprint for the bomb) and you can count on spending the rest of your life in a federal prison.

Unfortunately, one of the holes in the system is that there’s no way of noticing if someone has multiple individuals out doing the shopping piecemeal.

That’s why the biggest nightmare of governments in the West isn’t lone wolves (although those are a huge concern, see the Las Vegas massacre) but a disciplined, organized, intelligent and well funded cell carrying out a long term plan. That’s the shit that’s damn near impossible to stop, and when they hit, its utterly devastating (see 9/11 or the Paris Massacres).

Thankfully, those kinds of attacks are rare because 1. most terrorists (at least islamic ones) will take the short and easy path to their goal, and most times, won’t take more than a few dozen victims with them tops when they go and 2. cells like that are hard to organize, ironically because of the success other similar cells have had in the past.

After the 95 OKC bombing, the US government began closely monitoring the purchasing of chemical fertilizer, and after 9/11, everyone knows how airport security changed.

So yea, post limit, but that’s the gist

the reincarnation of Hitler\Jesus\Krishna\Buddha


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Dude that was a good post but you are blue pilled as fuck.

thanks, why do you say that


yeah, Rothschilds


Almost if not all terrorists are created and funded by the USA/ZOG. There are very convincing conspiracy theories for most of the incidents you mentioned.

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they rely on anecdotal evidence and basically implore you to accept casually collected information and then draw the conclusion the person who created it wants you to draw (a classic case of the begging the question fallacy).

I don’t deny the US government has done some shady fucking shit over the last several decades, but it’s a hard sell to convince me that the US/CIA/Israel trained and paid people like Mohammad Atta or Timothy McVeigh to give up their lives for something that there is zero evidence they have an affinity towards (you said ZOG, so in this case Zionism) especially since both were avowed anti Zionists.

It’s just as credible, if not more so, that they simply possessed allegiance towards Sunni Ultraconservatism or White Nationalism, respectively.

Those just two of the most well known terrorists in the history of the US, and I don’t care to go into detail about more, but if you can show me irrefutable, verifiable evidence that there is a US government conspiracy to kill its own people in massive terrorist attacks, then go ahead and try.

As for me, I don’t know what could possibly justify the blowback that would occur if a scheme like that ever came to light, it would be the end of the US government. So why?

>As for me, I don’t know what could possibly justify the blowback that would occur if a scheme like that ever came to light, it would be the end of the US government. So why?

You realize that we have documentation on 359 separate times in history that Jews have been expelled from their host countries or exterminated within them because they did something that couldn't possibly justify the blowback, and then it came to light?

It doesn't make sense to you because they have fundamentally different neurological wiring. You are falling victim to the fallacy that there is some sort of meritocratic logic that governs the decision making of these people and that people with more power than you are going to tend to be smarter and capable of making better decisions.


I'm not much of a red pill machine so I might not be of any service to you on these topics. But I've seen my fair share of ((coincidences)) presented by "casual" investigators so I have a possibly wider perspective on the why, and the how.

Maybe start off listening to Ted Gunderson(former FBI head) talking about government cospiracies revolving around kidnappings(mostly children) and convenient and suspicious "suicides". Then listen to Albert Stubblebine(Army major general) talk about 9/11. Those are very credible who took the red pill.

"Why" you ask? Because they can. There are billions of people on Earth who are still blue pilled and in the dark and even if you present quite conclusive evidence, for example Hillary Clinton deserves the rope after her e-mails were leaked(especially the pizzagate stuff) it will be ignored. If you're someone who on paper should be able to do something about it, like say an FBI agent or a police officer, you will end up dead or without a job if you dug too deep.

Also while I'm at it I should say that the two 90s bombings on US soil were intended to get some bill to pass that would give the government a lot more power over its people, it's what lead to all the security checks and to the NSA compling every piece of digital data it can. 9/11 was planned to get the US into a big war and to further increase the security, and if you really like eating pills there is all that occult shit that coincidentally makes sense as well.

No sources though, I only bookmark history stuff.

ive yet to see the yellow vests arm up. Are they waiting for something or is this the tactic to gain french support.

when they arm up it will be with Berettas screencap this post

So you’re saying Jews, as a widely dispersed and ethnically heterogenous group, have a self destructive ‘neural wiring’ that compels them to turn on whatever nation they’re inhabiting and that this has been officially documented and proven, 359 times, over what I’m assuming is the last couple millennia?

Feel free to provide links to some of those credible, peer reviewed sources you must be keeping to yourself.

As for saying I’m falling victim to some sort of fallacy, I don’t understand which specific one you are referring to, there are upwards of a couple dozen common ones, and they have names.

I don’t believe those in power are by rule smarter than me, or capable of making better decisions just because they are in power. Many I’m sure are smarter, and with decades of experience, are capable of making more informed decisions, but are they superior to me at a base level? No. I’m not deluded. Our government is not a just a democracy or a republic, it’s a meritocracy and an oligarchy and a dozen other things, and not all of them are pretty. But it’s real, and that’s the world we live in. One with a hundred shades of gray. When you look at it through those lens, you begin to understand your place in it, and why others do what they do. Nicollo Machiavelli figured that out in 16th century Italy, and even though society has changed since then, people haven’t. At a core behavioral level, we’re almost no different than the hunter gatherers who roamed the Earth at the end of the last ice age. We just adapt to changing circumstances.

First there needs to be a large demand for leadership. That happens after there has been some ideological framework established, which is the phase we're in now.

What bill though?

>hunter gatherers

Jews never evolved into hunter-gatherers and also never developed agrarian societies, they were and still are scavengers and this is the fundamental neurological wiring I’m talking about. They’re the most advanced scavenger species on the planet.

Show me hunter-gatherer Jews or agrarian Jews and we can talk about (((peer reviewed journals))) later.
Some light reading for you, image related.

I think that Ted guy mentions it, can't remember. Something to do with Clinton or one of the Bushes trying to pass something but not having support, then all of a sudden random terror attacks which incentivised voting.

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Just because someone held a post in the government or military, doesn’t mean what they’re saying is necessarily credible based solely on who’s saying it, that’s a kind of appeal to authority.

I’ll grant you that there have been some very mysterious cirmcunstances behind the deaths of people who have perhaps been in possession of information that could damage the reputation of various governments or people, but I haven’t seen any hard evidence that backs it up, and until I do, I remain skeptical.

But reference , people will is some crazy, fucked up shit to preserve their own interests, that’s something I’ll readily accept, because that has been shown time and time and time again over our entire existence as a species.

Not that guy, it's written in their holy book and it's part of their culture, they admit they want to keep gentiles as slaves, they're ruthless to anyone that isn't them, if you start to pay attention you might notice it
God you're so fucking cocky, like you broke one man's argument so you must be right
We've all been in your fucking shoes before newfag, lurk moar

I’ll look into it. It’s 3 AM where I’m at and I’ve got work in the morning, but good conversation. You’re a skeptic, like me, I can at least see that. I’m not gonna knock you for being that way. But there’s a lot to be said for the scientific model, because it doesn’t matter if you’re the ZOG or a seasonal gardener, you follow the steps, and you get the truth, it’s universal and impartial.

Good luck on your journey, leaf.

>he can't name one group of jewish hunter-gatherers or one jewish agrarian society that has existed in history

this is the moment u get redpilled to jews being a different species. screencap this thread as a good example of how that happens.

Yeah thanks, I hope I helped. Other user is right though, you do need to lurk more. Like I said earlier you are blue pilled as fuck!

Just saw this in another thread. Brand new and already censored

Those vampire neanderthal theories are hilarious and since I've eaten the "there were giants in those times" pill I can easily hop aboard.

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I’ll leave you with this article (yes it’s Slate, but I read it, it gives as good an explanation to your questions as a cursory google search could provide).

Jews were never hunter gatherers because Judaism as a distinct ethnic-religion didn’t emerge until well after agriculture has been established and hunter-gathering had been displaced in the fertile crescent and Nile river basin where Judaism has its roots. Secondly there are religious reasons as to why the Jews didn’t practice wide scale agriculture for nearly as long as other cultures, having to do with religious obligations, etc. Though notably you only have to read certain passages in the Old Testament to know they practiced animal husbandry to some extent.

That’s all. I’m not here to prove any of you wrong, just like seeing how other people view the world.

>what i've just revealed to you is such a worldview changing fact that Jews literally can't argue against it, they just create and produce propaganda to convince you it doesn't matter

they aren't human lol bottom text

he is the leader we all need

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langan is more explicit about what he means in other places

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What? And what happened in Charlottesville?

Kill globalists
Kill pedo globalists
kill kike pedo globalists

and kill their fucking lapdogs

so glad that 1500 police got fucking injured over the last 3 months in france alone
hope a lot of them are paralyzed / injured for life.
Fucking scum, robocop thugs, fucking trash

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Should just walk up to police and fucking murder them on the spot

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complete and total media blackout on whats happening in France

these in particular are great webms but its hard to share webms outside of imageboads. do you have youtube links for these clips?

interesting, wonder what he chats about

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It's always darkest before the dawn.
I don't know who Napoleon 4th will be, but god i hope he comes soon.

> paid people like Mohammad Atta or Timothy McVeigh to give up their lives for something that there is zero evidence they have an affinity towards (you said ZOG, so in this case Zionism)

M8. what kind of kindergarten tier logic is this? If there was a conspiracy dont you think they might have thought about the possibility of maybe either lying to the perpetrators to get them to do it or to covertly fund the ones who do what they need to give excuse to exercise their geopolitical goals. In the case of 9/11 hijackers to cause reason to invade the middle east for israels benefit.

As it will be here, your time will come, Frog. You Charles Magnus shall rise again. Give it time, and keep the faith, things are changing.

I'm really enjoying the artwork and extreme Frenchness of it all

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No this most stay a hydra operation

gonna have to agree with this user, pol is too quick to label everything a zionist plot its so hard to understand (from their perspective) if anything is actually real.

they'll talk endlessly about the people of europe rising up but at the hint of it happening they are the first to call it controlled opposition. An endless cycle of: call for change, something happens that might help, call the happening controlled opposition.

adding to this, how actually would you deafetist fucks even see the world changing. and don't say muh day of rope.

What even is the yellow vest protestors for?

Is it a true nationalist movement, or is it another Soros campaign for globohomo?

You're tackling a very large body of perspectives trying to say we're all paranoid when in fact Jow Forums is usually right about these things -because- of that paranoia and more importantly because of the fact we're anonymous and can say whatever we want, which often translates to the cold hard truth. And if it's not the truth someone will post the truth to counter the bullshit, and he'll call you a faggot too.

Jow Forums might talk about people rising up but it never happens because that's just not the nature of man, especially comfortable whiteys. And controlled opposition is very real, we saw it most visibly just reccently over in France unless you really want to believe those were mere random acts lol. I feel bad for the French because even if they did want to fight they have no weapons.

Since I'm kind of black pilled, I don't think a real act of rising up will happen. Even if it did happen the media would cover it up. There would have to be a very well orchastrated take over to "rise up" in a real sense, else the world will just keep getting worse and worse.

"Expel the Jew" in a meaningful way. They control the media, the power, the food, and basically everything else. In other words they are poisoning our bodies and our minds and we're paying for it. Their agenda is to ruin western civillization and without drastic measures it will steadily progress as it has been for the past 150 years.

Hegelian dialectic I think it was called comes to mind. The elites create a problem(fuel tax in a country where people already can't afford to live), later they will offer some solution. This is a really depressing video on it
The frogs should overthrow but that probably won't happen. The government would start killing people.

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So it's about fuel?

I know of the hegelian dialectic, and I guess it could apply here.

Shame though, would have been great to have France start a nationalist revolution. There will always be deaths, but death for prosperity and posterity is not a wasted life.

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trust me you dnt wanna save this shit guys youre gonna have to destroy your shit

For my sake just dont fuckingsave this stuff youl be followed relentlessly and bothered sligtly and if you ever think of usuing ityoull be kiolled or atlesast arrested they knowwhat you know and they know your motives Just lay vidya and wait for niggers to stir up a war.You can always enlist.

>Just play vidya and wait for niggers to stir up a war.

Maybe in Canada.

Most of this shit you can find at a military surplus store.

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Initially about that but now they're just saying everything is wrong(which it is). I think they're relatively awake but it's not enough it seems.

Only if said leader removes all non-whites, international Jews, and corrupt politicians.

Otherwise- LMAO - History repeats moshi

Just be peaceful and you wont have tabs kept on you. If a "revolution" happens its gonna hapen anyways you dont need to help it along by terrorizing people. THey want you to do iit so they can point you out andsay "this guy is not bueno"
not recipes for ricin chloroform ziip gats dece chlorine gas C1 or white ice
f you see an ingfo graph and you REALLYREALLY wanna keep the info (go ahead its your life) take a poloroid orwrite it down in a note book. Way easier to burn a book than itis to grinddown a HDD disc

I don't know if a leader is good then. If it's general unrest, then I would hope that barebones nationalism breaks out of the cosmopolitan faggotry that seems to plague these movements. No need to risk putting a face on the movement.

The biggest issues is the control of the money supply. Attack all Central Banks and bankers in the world, but first educate yourself on why the central control of money is so effective. (This is the part where most people give in to temptation and join the central banking collective. It's a major moral hazard so watch out.) Without the knowledge of how a central bank functions and why a central bank provides so much power to the hands of so few, you will not be able to predict the actions of the current Elite Class. You will not beat them if you don't know how they think and act.

The big problem for whites right now is that they have no elite support. No other race is slandered and demonized so relentlessly by their own elite class. Learn the ways of the central banks to understand how to beat them. Be careful that you don't turn into one of them.

this video explains it pretty well

It will be the one to fire the first bullet into a politician/cop

Anons, this is a war of information more than a war of physical force. Remember that at all times. Ask the people you live around some very basic questions, the next time they complain about some political party or the government in general:

-Why should our government get so much control over private transactions between citizens?

-Why should we citizens have to pay taxes on every trade we make?

-Why does the government get to look over our shoulder but we don't get to look over theirs?

You have to get the average man to question his slavery before you can convince him to fight. Your governments fear questions like these far more than they fear even nuclear weapons. Armed with the knowledge of money control, the Plebs are able to out maneuver the Elite and bring the Elite down to the bargaining table.

P.S. Don't forget to seize the means of communication. That is the other critical thing the Elite knows how to do that the Plebs largely don't.

He shall return through me.

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>someone will post the truth to counter the bullshit, and he'll call you a faggot too
This is what I love about Jow Forums

>a leader
you're retarded

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More truth:

At some point, YOU will have to choose between physical action that slays human life and staying a slave to your (((Masters.))) (This is the part where the vast majority of people say "fuck it." Let's try to fit in with the system and find ourselves a little more comfort. I don't want to die or make my family suffer for my aggression. That's why some of the tougher folks talk about being 3%ers. Pro Tip: Most people who TALK about being tough are the first people to try to join up with the government and or biggest posse that comes to take control over an area.)

The trouble with using violence is not simply the risk to your own life and the lives of those you care about. You absolutely must pick valuable targets when you go on the attack. The two most valuable targets you can select are found among the Jewish Masters and rich White Good Goyim. These two groups are masterminding the flood of cheap darkie laborers to every white country in the world. They truly believe that they will be on top forever and that they can create a mixed race underclass to do their bidding for the rest of time. When you risk everything for your cause, pick your targets from these two groups or don't bother to fight at all. There are more cheap darkie laborers than you have ammunition to deal with. There are very few Jew Masters and rich White Good Goys. The Elite losing one of their own is like losing 1,000 cheap darkie laborers (because there are millions of people who have one million dollars or more and billions of cheap darkie laborers; one million times one thousand is one billion, so you are multiplying the effectiveness of your attack by one thousand if you take out Jew Masters and rich White Good Goyim.)

>someone always comes forth out of no where
Also known as The Gray Champion.
I thought Trump was. But pretty sure he is not The Gray Champion.
>The Fourth Turning.

>if you can show me irrefutable, verifiable evidence that there is a US government conspiracy to kill its own people in massive terrorist attacks
No, not really.
But false flags are a fact, and we have committed them, well our elected leaders have allowed them to happen.
Ero, I guess it could be said we are all guilty.


any (((leader))) is just a way to label a group so you can target it

Have you ladies seen the videos that weren't from live streams of the last act?

There's numerous on twitter as well just search the tabs, #paris alone will get you the main posts.

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hashtags not tabs

Here's the thanks for acting pacific:

France needs a leader this man is Boris Le Lay. He fights for freedom, he fights for France. Vote for Boris Le Lay, en avant les nègres.

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>with such a control on speech?

what? its the time of free spread of information and all the EU censorship is not even close to what's been in the past when only press would let you know about any event and controlling bunch media outlets is infinitely easier than trying to censor the internet

worst part is that most people are still asleep and willfully blind

Fiat currency and usury are arts of Satan. The entire global financial system is rooted in pure evil.

Money = Claim on Labor = Claim on Life Energy

The system is rigged to create perpetual winners and perpetual losers, regardless of merit.

holy fuck yes
money was only created as a way to simplify exchange in a time where that was the best option
it's now pointless and only serves the rich and the jews.
the rich can be forgiven for sin is just a human fault.
the jews can not, for they know full well what they are doing

An interesting note about modern communications is how difficult it will be for the (((Elite))) to ban Peer to Peer communications. This is for two reasons. One, P2P is not inherently evil. Two, it develops its own language within a language. (Now you know why Urban Dictionary was created. To help the (((Elite))) figure out what the Plebs are talking about on obscure Extreme Mental Adventure Discussion Forums.)

E.G. "Hand over the Ginsburg's and everybody gets a (You)." What the fuck is this sentence even trying to convey!? Is it just a joke or is there a deeper meaning intended?

>Why should our government get so much control over private transactions between citizens?
>-Why should we citizens have to pay taxes on every trade we make?
>-Why does the government get to look over our shoulder but we don't get to look over theirs?
What would the Founders think.