What signals do you femanons give to guys you like?

What signals do you femanons give to guys you like?

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I'm a relentless flirt. If I like you, you know it. To the point where guys can find me annoying if the interest isn't returned. I sit on guys' laps, hug them from behind, whistle at them, kiss them on the forehead or cheek, and so on.

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What a stupid question. Do you like a girl? Ask her out.

>If you like a girl, subject yourself to ridicule and embarrassment because she clearly didn't like you.
Wow, great advice.

woah, that seems pretty direct
but this is not about you liking a girl, it's about a girl liking you

That's how society works. Every other man except for your incel brothers accept it, some even enjoy it.

Is that how you sheltered you are? You think the girl is gonna go
>HAHA, wow user! I didn't know you liked me! You always struck me as a loner, haha. There's no way I could ever go out with you. You're, like, too quiet n' stuff, y'know!
They'll say no and then you move on, retard.
>but this is not about you liking a girl, it's about a girl liking you
Don't concern yourself with things that don't matter. What matters is if you like her, and if she says yes when you ask to hang out.

I get that that, but I'd rather be a (vol)cel than play that game. Especially when I don't even know if I really want the prize.

I concern myself with whatever I want lol

My sister fleeced a guy in love with her out of his money for years and got a sadistic thrill out of every moment. Just throwing that out there.

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You're underage, to boot? Wew, lad. I'll say it again, because it's the best advice you're gonna get:
>Don't concern yourself with things that don't matter. What matters is if you like her, and if she says yes when you ask to hang out.
Abra cadabra, holmes. Sage.

fuck off

I know you're trying to be over the top, but this literally happened to me:
>Hey user, wanna go to prom with me?
>OMG you didn't think I was serious did you? Hahaha you're hilarious.

If I'm comfortable being touched by you, and initiate physical contact. if I make sexual jokes or innuendo in a conversation with you. If I try to include you in things that I do more often that with others. I also try to be explicit when I like somebody, because I feel it's silly to expect people to decipher signals.

>comfortable being touched by you
>initiate physical contact.
>sexual jokes or innuendo in a conversation
>include you in things
I like these threads because they remind me that no one has ever found me attractive.

post the other threads
what kind of sexual jokes would you make for example?

I dunno man, it's a pretty common type of thread. It comes up every now and then but I don't exactly keep track.

check your history and post the link lol

I wish more girls were like this with me. I'm pretty emotionally autistic and can't tell what a girl wants or if she likes me. There's been a couple times i've lost out on a possible "thing" happening cus I'm too dumb to realize "o wait she wants me"

Bruh go on 4plebs and search it yourself. I'm not sifting through months of my history for this shit.

Not exactly tied to gender but if she texts you first or initiates any sort of message. It's different than running into each other in person as you're kind of obliged to say hello in that scenario. If she contacts you first then it means she has gone out of her way to talk to you, unless of course she's just using you.

I try not to sexualize myself in general as a matter of personal preference, so for me it's any kind of sexual joke or innuendo. Anything that changes the context from platonic to sexual.

I do have a (female) friend who does make a lot of sexual jokes all the time, so that's no way to judge her metric.

Generally, see how she interacts with you vs. other people. If she's paying more attention to you, making more innuendo to/around you, or talking to you more than other people, that's generally a good sign.

Also, I would say that a girl who is attracted to you would make more of an effort to get you two alone together.

I feel like this isn’t a good metric because texting is way too impersonal.

It's not limited to texting: Facebook, discord, calling, writing a letter, etc. - they're all included. It shows that you crossed their mind in their downtime.

I make physical contact/call them cute whenever the chance arises if I'm doing that to you there's a 100% that if you asked me out I'd say yes

I'm socially retarded so I'll probably be around a lot and compliment you.
Also I'll write you long emails.

are there signals coming from females indicating that its okay to try to flirt as a male? Since it seems apparent most women don't make the first move but there's gotta be some code for "you can come over here and try" sorta thing

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This is what I hate about snap is you never fucking know if they want to talk to just you or sent something to 100 other people

I stare at their crotch bulge while running my tongue slowly over my lips. Usually they get the message.

OK here is your answer user. These things are pretty hard to notice if the girl is doing them on you. Have a friend with you and he will easily tell if she is interested or no.

Yeah, those are all good but there are plenty of women who just fuck around like that without actually escalating it anywhere.

No. You are just easy.

Honestly? Yeah. A message is nothing compared to actually seeing how someone reacts to you irl. Someone going out of their way to wave or call your name is WAAAAAAY different to how a simple text message.

There friend will seem more interested in you and may try to scope you out
Also if you are younger there friend will ask what you think of them

I gotta say. This is the most annoying thing ever and girls need to stop this. It kills a huge chunk of attraction for most not desperate dudes.

I kind of just stare at them..I’m too shy to do anything else :[

I wave and greet guys I know, doesn't mean I'm attracted to them.
i'd go out of my way to text someone I like first.

Nice cope, but you are not a volcel, you are still an incel kek.

Would you give your crush the cold shoulder irl, then? What I’m referring to is someone saying “Hello, how are you?” And smiling more brightly, becoming more animated.

>I wave and greet guys I know, doesn't mean I'm attracted to them.

Especially if it's a work or education setting, a girl cheerfully saying hi means less than nothing.


>They'll say no and then you move on, retard.
wew lad, who's really the sheltered one here? Many women get a kick out of humiliating or using a guy, or at best have no problem doing so.

Sounds like someone that needs to feel the sting of a perfectly crafted steel blade.

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what do you bros do when your getting clear and going out of her way to talk to you signs from a new coworker that is heavily flirty in nature, and when you ask OTHER women coworkers they are like 'yep i see flirting too' then you ask her out and she goes 'ehh i dunno'?

i mean what the fuck bros, i basically blow her off at this point after that shit but thats such a ridiculous way to treat people, i got mad bros how do you handle this sort of bizarre rejection

is she just a attention whore

For me it's the physical contact, I use to touch the legs of the men I'm interested in a casual way, like when we are sitting next to each other, also I talk to them a lot, trying to get friends first and if I like how he is as a friend I just say him that he is attractive

I've realized girls like me when they give me this cute little look in their eyes, when I'm painfully deep inside them.

Just ask the girl out, user.

this is a boy that wants to be a girl, the interest isn't returned because the guys aren't gay dumbass

I will bake them something and give them a real card for a birthday. Not too forward but I don't do this for other guys.

only time I can touch a guys leg of talk to them without my voice cracking is if I'm drunk and then it doesn't matter if I like them or not. Any guy will do.

As a girl can you interpret this to me then?
>co-worker of mine
>turns out to be very close neighbors
>offer to pick me up from home to work and vice versa
>first time I ride with her she says that she doesn't allow anyone to choose the music playing, but with me she's making an exception
>after 99th ride notice that the songs are all love songs
Was she implying something?