What does it mean when your girlfriend has bumble on their phone?
We were hanging out at my place, laying around in bed together while she was scrolling through her phone when she got a bumble notification. I got kind of shocked and took a second to ask her about it, and when I did she kind of jumped a bit. Anyway, she said it was nothing and that she doesn't even know why she has it on her phone still. Later I asked her since when did she get a bumble account, and she said it's her friend's account, as her friend did not want it on her phone due to some reasons having to do with parents or something. She then deleted the app off her phone.
Should I be concerned? Things have been amazing today in our relationship, so I think it's nothing. Today was actually the first day we've had sex in two months, so i don't know.
people who keep dating apps on their phones while in a relationship are usually fall into one of three categories: 1) Polygamous 2) Psychopaths / Sociopaths / Cluster B Personality Disorder 3) Both Seeing as you're not polygamous, I got some bad news for ya. your GF might be a nutter. either way, it's a big red flag.
Liam Brooks
Or she could be cheating, or she could be using the convos with the guys for a confidence boost. You really can never know
Oliver Brooks
the first one falls into category 3, the second one falls into category 2
Eli Clark
oh ok my bad
Evan Morgan
she's cheating, you can bumble from your computer now and do it discreetly. >t.cheater
Joshua Murphy
I think you guys are missing the point. Even if she isn't cheating, something is wrong with her. Plus, every chick on Bumble is a fucking normalfag. Like, they only like wine, dogs, and sarcasm. No other interests. Fucking sheeple, man.
Isaac Cox
>degenerates you're tripfagging on Jow Forums. i don't think you have the right to call people that.
Carter Bennett
Dump her. Her explanation is retarded as fuck and if it's true she would have shown you the profile as proof. I calls massive bs right there. If she's just using it as a confidence booster (which might be true) that's also a red flag because 1) she blatantly lied to you and 2) needs men's approval to feel good about herself. Just imagine you having ago away for a month or so. Not worth the risk
Samuel Cooper
>Today was actually the first day we've had sex in two months Dude... I got bad news
Alexander Peterson
>t. Tripfag giving advice I'm sorry for your loss
Leo Taylor
if your girlfriend has a dating app on their phone it means 1 thing: you are not emotionally satisfying them. Either they are cheating on you or emotionally cheating on you by chatting up dudes just to get the attention you "aren't giving her".
Wyatt Nguyen
She's taking rides on Jamal's Big Dick Express. Get out now, before you get herpes (or worse)
Levi Nelson
>was getting notifications from a dating app >hadn’t had sex with OP in two months Really makes me think
Luis Nguyen
Your relationship ended a long long time ago OP. Start looking for a new girl.
Connor Brooks
Bumble does have a bff mode where you can use it just to meet friends. My gf has it. But your gf's explanation is really weird
Jacob Gutierrez
Kek, sounds like your gf is riding a cock that isn't yours.
Two cucks in one thread? What are the chances?
Grayson Ross
This. Most of the time it's because she has unrealistic expectations and sucks at communicating like most women - but instead of having integrity she is being a piece of shit.
Joshua Brooks
Sure thing kid
Jacob Perez
They should just rename this board to /bait/ desu, surely noone could be this stupid
Ayden Cox
>Later I asked her since when did she get a bumble account, and she said it's her friend's account, as her friend did not want it on her phone due to some reasons having to do with parents or something.
This has to be a troll thread, no one could be this stupid.
Justin Thompson
>as her friend did not want it on her phone due to some reasons having to do with parents or something. She then deleted the app off her phone.
haha. do not be this guillible.
>Today was actually the first day we've had sex in two months oof
Blake King
The thing about her friend is complete bullshit, the kind of ridiculous lie only children and women would try to spin. Even if she isn't looking to swing to a new branch, she definitely lied to you. You should reconsider how seriously you take this relationship, dude.
Levi Carter
Don't forget travel. All of them have selfies in front of The Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, The Coliseum, and/or the Leaning Tower of Pisa
David Powell
Make a fake facebook account to make a fake bumble account and catch her in the act.
Lincoln Martinez
If I were in your shoes (and I have been) I wouldn’t dump her if you’re still having sex regularly. I wouldn’t treat her as a girlfriend anymore though, more like a fwb, and I’d also start dating other girls. Let her be a whore, whores are fun. They’re just not relationship material
Josiah Robinson
This Maybe just say it's time to move on.
Joseph Jones
>Later I asked her since when did she get a bumble account, and she said it's her friend's account, as her friend did not want it on her phone due to some reasons having to do with parents or something Minors are not allowed to use Jow Forums