Commies BTFO'd

Commies BTFO'd

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Destroy it


Should just throw acid on it

the hypcrisy of this is amazing as this is practically akin to a hitler statue The world idolization of marx is disgusting. Should have poured thermite on it. vandalizing it with paint was too good

Why TF does London have a memorial to Karl Marx?

Yeah wtf? Can anyone explain what a Marx memorial is doing in the home of capitalism??

there aren't any hitler statues faggot

That was exactly his point, retard-sama.

it's okay to kill communists
how do you know it's okay to kill communists
how do you know it's safe to kill communists
>communists aren't human beings
obviously this is wrong, communism is very complex and it isn't something penguins or chimpanzees can understand
so clearly communists are humans
either that or they aren't humans but they can nevertheless understand complex human concepts
this means you should treat them as humans
it isn't okay to kill communists

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read too fast i guess

Who ever did it had to pay a fee to visit in the monument.

Modern UK would rather destroy monument to Horation Nelson than to this idiot.

The God Emperor will end comunism.

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>Confederate monuments vandalized. Reddit cheers!
>Karl Marx monument vandalized. Reddit weeps!
>Turnabout's fair play, brats.

R*ddit can be right once in a while

why dont they just bust his head with a hammer?

gay kike

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Commies are murderous bastards, and it is time they were seen the same as Nazis are. Commies killed more innocent people. Much more!

I feel like we'll have a civil war in all western/European the next 10-20 years
It'll be the leftists vs the right. Leftist have gone too far with book burning, with censorship, with
antifa and antifa defending, with culture destorying, hating men, hating being healthy.
This is only going to end one way.

why the fuck would i read reddit comment cancer

I'm laughing to my ass while you guys celebrating this as victory. You can destroy many monuments as you like, but that doesn't preventing the kikes fucking your society. Meanwhile we communists are spending day and night, thinking about how to rebuild our society.
See you in 2050s, when Western society in ruin, meanwhile in the East, we will have strong socialistic society with strong men and women, and more importantly, no degeneration.

>praising literally a kike created meme "ideology"

they should apoxy dog dildos to it

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>muh 90 gorillion murdered by markz!

Why are right wingers so insufferable?

>they werent kikes so they dont count only jewish life matters

Why do they even have a memorial for that filthy kike

i guess this is a british hate thread now

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Communism and all its derivatives are tools of the kike, you fucking retard. Your entire ideology was made as a vehicle for destabilizing the west and collapsing their societies. And when your yid masters are done you will join us in the grave of history, trampled underfoot like so much trash by the mongrel mutt gentile slave race they will create from the ashes of civilization.

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>communists understanding human conceptd

Great people should be memorized, even if their sources of greatness was evil
Not for the sake of idolatry, but for the sake of remembrence
The left would destroy history by destroy whatever reminds them of history, lets not be so stupid ourselves

probably the same reason this is in Seattle

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It's just a big grave no need to sperg out over it

Rich coming from a nation who empire killed over 150 million innocent people, cause the middle east problem n started ww1 which in turn started ww2.... Churchill killed over 5 million indians alone

Communism existed before Marx, this isn't even disputable.



if there was a way to buy a dildo and send it to them to attach to the memorial i would
only problem is knowing the number of faggots that lurk around here i'd be scared i'd just give some queer a new toy

Yes but communism has only exist under the guidance of Marx writings which suck a lot of cock

laugh while you can, parasite. your wretched cult will be purged from this world soon.

Here is the redpill, read it or not, I don't care:
But remember my word, capitalism is the ultimate kikery. There is no capitalism without kikery, there is no kike's domination without capitalism. Bye then, see you in future.

Grammar Nazi at it finest, but thanks anyway

The only place the history should reserve to Marx is : a deluded jew, who didn't want to work and wanted others to gibbe everything for free. He doesn't deserve to have any memorials or statues, as the perpetrator of the worst ideology on this fucking planet
Pic related

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Nah, destroying it is no better than sjw faggots tearing down Confederate statues.
Like it or not it still has historical significance and shouldn't be destroyed.

hahaha pick one. meanwhile, kikes. you guys are such dicks it's a good thing you're larping

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That albino in the background should be killed with fire.

>defacing a statue of some guy who died over 100 years ago
>accusing him of something that happened decades after he had died
>muh 66 gorillion
wow yeah so much btfo amirite guise

why don't these fags take a sledgehammer to this shit instead of painting it like a bunch of pussies.

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Get the London look.

this. let it be a reminder of the worst ideology ever invented.

Just take down the bloody thing.

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because nazis are soft, cant wait for "rope day" me and my ar-15 are collecting scalps

Where's Bart Simpson when we need him to pull a Jebediah on this monstrosity?


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Everyone has the right to use it, don't they? Or do commies not practice what they preach?

Masonic Temple, taco place, (((deli))), and a statue of Lenin.

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Got eem

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CIA working overtime I see. Reminder that the holodomor never happened but if I was Stalin I would personally killed every single traitor genocidal greedy kulak myself.

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Of course the american talks mad shit about communism


Oh fuck my bad didn't read it until the end before i wrote the comment

Come here you little shit

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>is a capitalist pig
>pays to visit marx statue
>top kek

Based, us MAGApedes have sided with the communists, nazis will have no place here

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More of this and much more intense. Body bags type of intense.

If they didn't want it vandalized, then the proletariat should have risen up to guard it from those rascally bourgeoisie.

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Dios mio..

I guess tearing down statues of confederate generals makes it ok to tear this one down.

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based lobsterbacks

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ironic how they’re still up compared to antifa faggots who take a flashball in the stomach and start crying on the ground

You want to go to the reeducation camp or what?

>Should have poured thermite on it.
I'm just glad nobody used a drone to smash a glass tube of concentrated sulphuric acid on its face, because that would be a criminal offence.

>Hitler doesn't have a grave because Nazis will visit it
>Marx has a grave because communists won't visit it...?
Normally I'd agree with you, but I hate hypocrites and I hate communists. So fuck it if I was living in that area I'd go a bit further than splashing a little paint on it. A sledgehammer isn't that much money. Marx doesn't deserve mourning or respect.

>British do something good for once
>guess this is a british hate thread now

Fuck off DnC kike.

Fuck that, battlefield morality time. They destroy ours, we destroy theirs.

That eye sore should be ripped down Why the fuck is there a commie statue on the soil at all?

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But commies only killed goyim, goy.


pic related

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Because he's buried there.

Reminder that Harry's nigger bird just came out and said we should ((((((((((((decolonise)))))))))) education and put more non-whites in higher positions. i.e. tighten the noose around our necks.

Its his grave

she's stupid as fuck and doesn;t know that she has 0 political power. Dumb bitch

>its on the wrong arm
cute staged attack jussie

If you made it gay by sticking dildos all over it and pro homo slogans, no one would be allowed to say anything h about it or face life in prison

No reply, because no moron likes to read, comrade.
Getting pol to think is a useless venture. Theyll just get their bullshit from youtube liars like Paul Joseph Watson and Sargon.

That's not grammar; it's a lexical mistake.

How have the Masons behind it not raided/burned it?

She's there to persuade/divide the goyim.

The (((elite))) are always up to this:

>look a Romanian or Pole taking your job!

>never mind that Paki taking a young girl by force.

>Look white men are over-represented in power!

>forget that niggers are over-represented in crime goy.

Lol, Mr. 1/4 Mongoloid. You're the country who followed Marx philosophy for over 70 years. And spread his philosophy around the world. And still have a formed KGB agent running your country.

It's a false flag because these marxist fags can't afford restauration

Marx, for some strange reason, is buried at Highpoint Cemetary in London. Presumably that's where this statute was.

Anyway, I think the statute is intended as a historical marker rather than anything praising Marx. I don't mind the statute.

Stupid kike thinks Basedgoy or Saul Judas Cuckstein are anything but closet leftists

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